↞ Chapter Ten ↠

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Season Six, Episode Two

I didn't wake up for a long time, that much I was aware of, though that seemed to be all I was aware of.

And when I did, wake up that is, it was not in a pleasant way.

I woke up to pain, there was something lodged in my throat and throbbing pain radiated through my entire body.

Disembodied voices spoke to me, muttering about relaxing and that they'll get the tube out in a moment. The voices warned me not to move, but it was so much harder than just that. I gagged when the thing lodged in my throat started to move, and when it came free I sat up and coughed the pain almost immediate as I flexed my stomach.

A familiar hand touched mine, an arm wrapping around my shoulders. For just a moment I panicked, thinking it was familiar in such a way that was threatening but when I looked over, the fluorescent lights scarring my vision ever so slightly, it was Jameson.

"Jameson." My voice scratched through my throat, and almost instantly I was offered a glass of water with a straw. I hate straws, but drank it anyways, my eyes unable to leave Jameson's as his eyes misted over. "Jameson."

He leaned forward, pressing his forehead against mine. "Oh my God, you're okay, you're okay." Jameson spoke my name, muttering how much he loved me over and over again. I tried to lift my hand to press it to his, but my arm seemed so much heavier.

I moved my head away from his, frowning when I saw the familiar shape of a plaster cast covering my arm. "What happened?" Jameson sighed, sitting on the side of the bed and carefully taking my hand into his.

"You left the apartment, and when I realized I called Danny." I could remember that, but I let him continue. "He said that he found the man with a chain around your throat, he was trying to kill you."

I didn't remember that specifically, but I could remember the words that he spoke to me. "Please tell me Danny got him."

Jameson took his time answering, and I knew almost immediately that he had not. "He took a boat, Danny notified Harbor Patrol and the Coast Guard, we'll get Wilder."

I flinched away, and Jameson's grip on my hand tightened. "He wants me dead." I spoke the words without meaning to, before looking up at Jameson. "I love you." I wanted to change the subject, concentrate on him and not on my injuries. "I love you."

Jameson smiled, his eyes filling with tears at my words, I lifted my uninjured hand, pushing through the pain, to place it on his cheek. He leaned into the touch. "Kiss me." I wanted to forget the villain in this moment, I wanted everything about me to be Jameson's.

He does, without second guessing my request.

Jameson leans forward, his hand reaching to grip the back of my head ever so delicately. When his lips press again mine, I let my eyes fall shut leaning into him as I thought of only him in this moment.

He's a brilliant kisser.

"Uncle Jamie?" The voice speaking obviously felt awkward, and Jameson pulls back, cheeks bright red as he recognized the voice. I didn't, but when Jameson leaned back down to sitting on the bedside, turning and speaking in a higher pitched voice, rather embarrassed about the situation.

I wasn't.

"Hey Nicki." I smiled at Jameson words, attempting to lean around my fiance to see the oldest of his nieces. I bent at an odd angle, a flash of pain passing through my entire body, I hissed loudly, and Jameson turned, offering his hands to me to help me relax. 

Nicki stepped into the room. "Jamie, Danny's on the phone for you." I didn't want Jameson to leave, but I waved him off, watching him go. He spoke something soft to Nicki, and she cautiously stepped all the way into the room. "Can I sit with you Uncle Jett?"

She was terrified, and I smiled, patting the bed beside me and ignoring the pain that passed through me at the movement. Nicki crossed, sitting down as if afraid to take to much space up.

"Are you okay?" It was a question that I was sure to get a half a dozen times throughout the span of the next week.

I smiled ever so softly, "I hurt." It was the truth. "But I'll be alright, I mean, look who I have taking care of me." I motioned to the door that Jameson had walked out of, and Nicki laughed lightly, it was distracted though. "What's on your mind?"

She paused, as if unsure how I knew, I replied kindly, "I'm a D.I., I know things."

Nicki smiled, "I need help with a boy." It was spoken quickly, a rush of words that took me a moment to understand, the moment I did I felt honored.

"Well dearie, I met your Uncle briefly at his graduation from the Academy, and he was the one to ask me out." I smiled, "I might not be the best person to get advice from, but you can still ask."

Nicki faltered, "How did you know you liked him?"

"Right when I met him I thought he was handsome." That was true, and I smiled at the memory of him kneeling to pet Kenai. "We went on a date only a few times before he brought me to family dinner, and I was almost sure that he would be an important figure in my life."

She smiled, "You two are perfect for each other."

It was so encouraging to hear that, especially from the niece that I'd soon inherit. "Are you any good with weddings?" Erin had mentioned to me that Nicki wanted to be a wedding planner, or at least that she was considering it. "Would you like to help Jameson and I plan ours?"

Nicki squealed, carefully throwing her arms around my shoulders and shouting a 'yes.' She leaned back, opening her mouth to ask a question when another knock interrupted her.

"Come in!" I shouted, and then it was chaos.

Just over half a dozen people filled into the room, their arms stacked with to-go bags and boxes. I found myself smiling brightly, a comfortable amount of excitement settled in my stomach. I mentally counted them up; Jameson, Danny, Frank, Erin, the boys, Linda, Henry, and even Janko, or perhaps it's Eddie? She had a combination of 'Happy Birthday' and 'Get Well Soon' balloons, and after everyone made it in the room I found myself with tears in my eyes.

Jameson stepped up to me, pressing a kiss to my cheek, "They thought we could do family dinner in here." It was something I greatly appreciated, each members of the family stepped up to me. Both Linda and Erin kissed my forehead in a way of expressing their happiness, the men pat my shoulder and the two boys hugged me from their spots sitting on either side of my bed.

Eddie stepped up, a small box in her hands as she leaned down to whisper something to me, "I feel like I'm intruding, but here." She passed it to me, and I smiled in thanks. Eddie looked ever so flustered, "I hope you feel better soon D.I. Howards.

She didn't stick around, despite my wishes.

The room was silent for just a moment, before a shit eating grin filled Danny's face, he'd found a spot to say a joke; "Damn, even beaten to a pulp you're still a pretty boy."

It was harmless, a comment he'd make to anyone, but the phrasing of the last two words had my heart rate reacting. My breathing became shallow, and I reached for Jameson. I didn't want to loose it in front of my family, and Jameson seemed to realize. He muttered words in my ear, promising me that I was safe in this moment.

When I was able to concentrate again, Danny looked apologetic, but I waved it off, speaking in a breathless voice;

"What have you got? I'm starving."


Hey! Sorry for so long to update, but you can see why!

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