↞ Chapter Twelve ↠

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Season Four, Episode Nineteen

"Right," I muttered, glancing over my shoulders as I surveyed the area. It was my first time arriving before Danny on scene in a very long time, and it felt almost strange. Usually we rode in together, or he was here just before me. I looked over to the young woman walking beside me as I spoke. "You see anyone running away from the vehicle when you found the body?

"No." She seemed to reconsider, before adding, "sir."

I smiled despite myself, I pat the young woman on the arm, before waving an officer over to me. "This is Officer Callahan, he'll take you to the squad, and my partner and I will be around soon to collect your statement."

The woman nodded, starting to walk off with the officer, she looked over her shoulder, smiling at me. "I thought this was one of the safest big cities." She sounded disappointed, and I sighed with a shrug of my shoulders.

'So did I' I wanted to say, but I just smiled and nodded. "But it's still a big city."

She walked away, and I frowned for a moment, before turning away and starting towards the car with the victim in it. A Medical Examiner passed me a file as I approached, and I glanced at it as I stood beside the car.

Benjamin Daniels. English professor at Hudson University based on the parking sticker that I could see on the front window. A stack of now blood splattered papers sat on the seat next to him, and I squinted as I focused on the small object sitting between him and the arm rest. I nearly missed it at first glance.

"We find a phone?" I asked the Medical Examiner kneeling a few feet away from me.

He mumbled a reply of 'yea' in his Southern drawl and passed an evidence bag over to me. I accepted it with a thank you, barely glancing at the make and model before putting the evidence bag in my pocket.

I reached into my inside coat pocket, pulling a pair of latex gloves out and on, before ducking my head and reaching into the car. It was a bit of a strain, maneuvering myself to not touch the broken glass of the window while also avoiding the actual body of the man. In the end after some awkward contortion, I was able to snag the little black box in between the man and the armrest and remove myself from the car window.

To my only vague surprise, it was another phone. Blackberry, which meant-

"This guy must have been talking out of both sides of his mouth." Danny finished my train of thought as he suddenly appeared by my side, glancing over my shoulder at the phone in my hands.

"Bloody hell!" I muttered, flinching and nearly dropping the Blackberry from my hands. "I swear Daniel Reagan-"

"Sorry." I could tell that Danny wasn't really apologetic, but I just nodded.

I turned, offering him the file and then the two phones. He took them in hand, before looking at me expectantly. I sighed. "Benjamin Daniels, English Professor at Hudson University, two phones, no one at the scene. Our friends with the Medical Examiners put his death at 2300 hours."

An ME tried to push passed the pair of us, and I prompted Danny to take a few steps back as he thought through what I had said.

"We should go visit the wife?" I offered, noticing how distracted he was. Danny wasn't really thinking about the case, something else had him bothered.

He nodded, clearing his throat twice before speaking. "Yeah, yeah. That sounds good."

I hummed as I turned on my heel, starting back towards the car I had driven in. It was Danny and I's usual car, and as I walked along side it to climb in I realized that Danny had taken his time to follow me. His eyes stuck firmly to his phone in his hands, as he slowly climbed his way into the passenger side of the car.

I rolled my eyes before opening my car door and sliding into the driver seat. I glanced in the rear view mirror without thinking about it, my eyes trying to find the form of Kenai as though she would be there. I shook my head, starting the car and putting it in drive in one fluid motion.

The drive was silent, not even the sound of the radio seemed to break through the muteness that Danny was radiating.

"I'm doing bloody fantastic Danny." I muttered in a grouchy way, "Linda asked me to make dinner for Sunday, I said yes."

I continued to talk, though Danny did not reply to anything I said. He barely even moved, and it felt to strange to continue to speak if he was not replying. He didn't even tell me to shut up.

We were nearly there, I was pulling round the last corner before the University when I decided to pull out the big guns to try and get a rise out of Danny.

"I want to propose to your brother." I said it in an offhanded way, though it still made me smile in excitement at the idea. I glanced over to Danny, noticing the way he seemed to freeze while looking at his phone before slowly moving his eyes up and over to me.

"What?" He sounded shocked, and I smiled, glad for the fact that there was still some secrets amidst the fact that I am dating his brother.

I smiled, "Finally, I thought you were dead to the world." I replied sarcastically, not answering his question.

I pulled to a much-to-aggressive stop in a curbside parking spot, and hoped out of the car without giving him the chance to ask anything else. I put a few dollars into the meter, and continued onward.

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