↞ Chapter Seven ↠

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Season Four, Episode Fifteen

"Right, I've checked the sex offender registry, and I'm not seeing anyone-" Danny trailed off, noticing that I wasn't looking at him but rather just past him. A man was walking rather confidently towards Danny and I's desks with a large box in his hands.

Danny turned, smiling as he stood and holding his hands out to take the box from his hands before shaking his hand firmly.

"Hello Detective," the man nods to Danny as he shakes his hand, he looked nervous and unsure, but that didn't stop him from reaching across the space between us to catch my hand.

"Mr. Scott, it's good to see you again," Danny motions to me and I stand, accepting Mr. Scott's hand as Danny continued, "This is my partner Detective Inspector Jethro Howards."

"It's good to meet you." I smiled as I spoke, but I felt strange saying it was good to meet someone under the circumstances of why. Scott looked sound, confident in why he was here and why he was meeting someone new.

"So you heard, it's happened again." Danny said it with a sigh, and I took that as my chance to take a seat and continue with what I was doing. They continued to talk, and I continued to look at my computer screen. Disappointingly there was no one in the area listed in the sex registry, though at the same time that was a good thing.

I grabbed my notes, Danny and I had spoken to the parents as soon as we arrived back at the precinct, and I made as many notes as I could about Jenna's life. The parents gave us a recent photo, as well as a very long list of every single adult she knows well enough to pick her up. Danny was so patient with these parents, and I knew why.

It's because he's a dad, he's got those two boys at home that rely on him, and he's probably had the 'missing kid' scare. I'm quite easily, not a father, but I tried to be kind, and as soon as I left the room I checked everyone on the list for their location at the time of Jenna's kidnapping. All of them have alibis, and we were mostly back to square one.

I glanced up, noticing how flushed Mr. Scott was getting while talking to Danny, and my heart goes out to him.

And once again, I couldn't help but think of Matty.

Danny pats his desk in a way of catching my attention, startling my train of thought. I looked up at him. He frowned as he spoke. "Stacy and her parents are here."

I nodded, and as I stood I readjusted my coat on my shoulders. Danny led the way to the interrogation room, and though it felt strange talking to a little girl and her parents in the same room that murderers and convicted criminals had been in before, it was the only place with a camera so that we can look back at the tapes when necessary.

"I'm Detective Reagan, this is Detective Inspector Howards, we were assigned to Jenna's case." Danny introduced him and I as soon as we walked in, and I smiled in a way of providing comfort.

Stacy was surprisingly the first to speak, "Is Jenna gonna be okay?" her voice sounded panicked  and though her mother tried to speak up to comfort her, I spoke first.

"We're trying really hard to find her Stacy." I smiled softly, taking a seat in the chair on my side of the table. "So you two walk home every single day?"

Stacy nodded with a smile, "We live in the same building."

"So what happened today?" Danny asked, standing just over my shoulder. "Why didn't you walk home together today?"

"We left school at the same time, but she left her art project in the school." Stacy shrugged, "I couldn't wait because I had a violin lesson."

"Okay," I nodded with a comforting smile, wishing that Kenai was here to comfort the girl in this moment, Stacy looked about to cry. I pat the table in a way of saying that we were done here. Stacy's mum reached over, putting her arms around her daughters shoulders to help her.

"I should have waited." Stacy started to cry, and I looked away as I stood. The mother was quick to soothe her daughter, and I could see Danny shake his head before speaking;

"No it's not your fault."

"I told her to leave the art project, but she didn't want to." Stacey said it through broken sobs.

I paused as I reached for the doorknob, "Why didn't she want too?" I looked back at her, noticing her shrug and the shake of her head.

"She said her stepdad would be mad." 

I glanced over to Danny, we both made the same face of sudden realization, before he asked; "Mr. Wallace is her stepfather?"

Stacy nodded, looking a bit confused. "Yeah but they don't really get along. He gets mad a lot, and he's always yelling and punishing her for no reason."

We both nodded, before I finally opened the door and thanked her mother for bringing her in. "If we need anything else, we'll be in touch, okay?" I smiled as I waved the little girl and her mother goodbye.

Danny spoke out of the side of his mouth, "I'm running a triple-I on Mark Wallace."

"Check for any domestic incidents or complaints from their address, all right?" I placed my hands on my hips as I walked towards my desk. "There are plenty of bad people out there."

Danny nodded, walking past me to his desk. I watched him go, reaching to rub the back of my neck as I wasn't exactly sure what I should do next. My eyes caught the box that Joseph Scott had brought in and I smiled despite myself. The man had hope, and that was something that not a lot of people would have with how long he's waited.

I walked over to Danny's desk, grabbing the box to pull it around to my side. I started to collect my things, muttering under my breath to make sure I did. "I'm gonna go Danny. Not that I'll be able to sleep, but I'm bloody hungry and it's Jameson's turn to do dinner."

Danny responded in a distracted way as he continued to look at his computer screen. "Alright J, I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'm taking this with me," I pat the box's lid, and he glanced up, snorting at me but nodding.

"Have fun."

I smiled, pulling my overcoat on and placing my gun in my holster. I balanced the box on my hip as I turned away. "You know I will." I called over my shoulder, swinging my car keys in my hand as I went.

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