↞ Chapter Nineteen ↠

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Wedding planning is a bloody mess.

I hadn't realized that when I proposed it meant an actual wedding to plan. Jameson was a god send with basically every step of the way. He seemed to know the right answer to everything, the theme, the colors, even the materials for the suits.

Most nights were filled with wine drinking, and wedding planning, not that I minded. I couldn't see myself marrying into any other family. The entire Reagan clan means so much to me.

And because of that, it is always hard to hear the words 'officer down' over the radio.

No matter how many times I hear it, I can never think past the fact that it could be my family. I mean, that's what I get for marrying into a family full of cops.

But I'd never see my life with anyone else.

But they were all fine, perfectly and wonderfully fine. It was a wife and her husband, a police chief that damn well deserved better than being shot in the street.

The case was closed within thirty-three hours.

As assumed, Frank called me in for a personal favor, asking if I'd request the case so that no one claims bias about it. I did it without second guess, and within a half hour, all of the available files were on my desk, along with an entire room full of boxes that covered every single person that Donald Kent had arrested.

I didn't take nights off, rather taking to sleeping in the crash rooms at the precinct, and having Danny bring in clothing for me, and food when he could.

He offered help, but we both knew that he couldn't have anything to do with this particular case. His relationship with the Kent's was something just within the realm of being to close that anything to do with the case could be potentially skewed from his point of view. I didn't have that.

The name Donald Kent was familiar, but nothing beyond that.

The entirety of the police force was at my disposal but I was cautious with its use. I found a man willing to testify withing seven hours of receiving the case, and the only issue relied on finding the two men who did it.

My witness was shot seven times, and Linda was somehow caught in the crossfire. I wasn't even aware of the situation until almost four hours later, she pulled through alright, and all of the sudden I was less cautious of using the police force.

The officers were on the prowl, faces of our perps flashed on every tv screen, their names practically etched into the sky.

In the end it was a beat cop who made the arrest, suffered a shot to the arm, but otherwise unharmed. I was there for the questioning, Erin by my side. She offered a deal that both jumped on, life in prison, no parole.

In the end, we got a full confession, and left it up to the federal government to decide their official punishment.

Family dinner was a somber affair, everyone dressed in their dress blues, hair comb back, the saddest of smiles. Everyone spoke of the family, and their well wishes for the son that they left behind. More than anything, I wished that I had known the man, been able to see his face besides the mess that it was on the pavement.

Linda was still in pain, the wound to her side urgent enough to keep her in the hospital for a few more days.

It was strange without her here.


Hey I know it's super short, but, it's for a reason.

The next chapter starts season six, and it's going to be very very very long. At least seven or eight chapters. I hope to get it out this weekend, but we'll see.

Let me know what you think so far!

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