↞ Chapter Twenty-Two ↠

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Season Six, Episode Twenty

It was not an easy night. Jameson did his best to help, comforting me with a soft hand that I wish I could say helped. But it did not. I felt as though someone was watching me, and while it wasn't true it did not help the feeling.

Danny had received a call from Wilder, and while he tried to not inform me, I knew the moment he looked at me in a startled way. I watched as he attempted to form a trace, and saw the disappointment in his face when it was not successful.

Parker and him were trying to distance me from the case, and while I could understand their reasons why, I fully disagree with the fact that they were doing it. Wilder was a thorn in my side, and in my experience it's best to just rip it out, rather than let it fester.

"Every time that he calls, he puts himself at a greater risk of being caught." I spoke up, ignoring the way that the pair tried to dismiss me like the night before. "He wants to please you Danny."

My phone started to ring, and I felt a feeling of panic pass over me. I glanced at the I.D., and nodded to the man on the other side of the glass. 

It rang again, and Danny spoke, "If he wants to please me, then what does he want with you." The officer on the other side started the trace, and I hesitated, looking to Danny to speak;

"Control." I answered the phone, looking to Parker for my queues.

"Hullo Wilder." My voice was calm, and Parker scribbled notes on a page for me, offering it to me with a nod to the words.

"What happened to Tommy, pretty boy?" I ignored the man's attempt at familiarity, and glanced at the notes that Parker had made.

"What is it that you want," The notes said to establish a familiarity, I added the name without any emotion behind it, "Tommy."

He laughs, a loud laugh that seems almost maniacal as it misses all emotion necessary to make it a playful laugh. "I just wanted you to know that-"

"Your mother used to abuse you." I interrupted him, attempting to take control of the conversation. I felt like I was disassociating, like my mind was not in my body. I did not let this have an affect on what I was saying. "She made you feel worthless-"

Wilder scoffed, "I know what you're doing pretty boy, using my mother to get to me." He laughed another dry laugh, "That's a very bad thing to do. That's messing with my family."

"She humiliated you." I looked to Parker, and then to the man on the other side of the glass, who was motioning for me to continue speaking. "I-"

"You have a beautiful fiance." Wilder took a turn at interrupting me, and I frowned at his words, feeling a sense of true panic at what he was insinuating. "And some handsome nephews."

I felt as though something was caught in my throat as I swallowed, looking to Danny and telling him to call Linda and the boys. He did without question, and I looked to Parker as I continued speaking, "Now that your mum's gone, who are you going to kill these women for?"

Wilder continued as if I hadn't said anything, his voice sort of faint yet still emotionless, "But you messed with my family, this means that I get to mess with yours."

The call ended, but I couldn't seem to process the actual end of the call. I could only concentrate on his words, and when Parker touched my arm to catch my attention I felt my breathing pick up its pace.

"He's made his move." I turned sharply, attempting (and failing) at catching my breath as I hurried from the room. I could hear the pair following, "He's going after our family. Danny go to Linda and the boys, I'll go to Erin."

Danny did not protest, and I did not know how to feel as I swung my leg over my motorcycle. I had not ridden in a long time, as Jameson took to driving me, and for the time it had remained behind the precinct, and was in use by a number of foot patrols.

I nearly spun out as I left the parking lot, forgoing my helmet and instead taking to the streets as fast as I was allowed. I did not care for my own safety in this moment, and I as I went, a thought passed through my mind.

"Erin is not his type." I muttered it at a red light, straight ahead was the court house, and to the left was the campus that Nicki had found a home on. "It would be Nicki more than her."

And I turned without a second thought, speeding across pedestrian crosswalks and taking the liberty to ride on the sidewalk for a section of my trip. I was surprised to not be pulled over, and still continued on.

I'd visited Nicki twice in the time that she had been at college, and both times I'd parked in the garage and made my way in through the elevator inside, and so without a second thought I did this. Forgoing paying for parking and hurried around each of the bends. I stopped suddenly, recognizing the face behind the steering wheel.

I did not climb off my motorcycle, but rather turned it sideways and pulled my gun from my holster, "Thomas Wilder!" I shouted loudly, "Step out of the vehicle with your hands up!"

Wilder paused, lifted his hand ever so slightly, and kept his eyes trained on me.

The moment that the thought of how easy this was passed through my mind Thomas Wilder hit  the gas.

He hit me.

I hit the ground.

And then I remember darkness, and darkness only.

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