↞ Chapter Three ↠

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Season Five, Episode One

It was a flurry of activity as soon as I was pulled from the ambulance.

The world went in and out of focus the entire time we were in the hospital, I could vaguely recall telling Danny not  to call Jameson, and his protests.

The loud thumping of the CT did nothing for my growing headache, but it wasn't like I could protest being in the machine. Danny stuck with me as best he could, but I knew that he was trying to handle the case as well as keep an eye on me to make sure I don't keel over and die right in front of him.

I didn't feel as awful as when I had first climbed out of the car, and the pain had dulled in my side. From what I could understand from the doctors, I had glass in my side and there wasn't much concern in removing it.

They did it without telling me, and the shout that I let out terrified the nurse next to me..

"You alright? I can up the dose?" His voice echoed in my ears and I just waved him off.

"I'm-" I let out a airy breath, "I'm alright. What's the damage?" My voice scratched my throat as I spoke, and it was barely above a whisper.

I could see the faces of the doctors above me, the one nearest to my face smiled down at me, her lips turning up and she shook her head.

"Nothing to terrible." And at my prompting she described the injuries. "You've got glass embedded in the skin of your stomach and chest, Dr. Carson is handling that. And then you'll have some nasty bruising on your chest and left side, but the CT didn't give us any cause for concern."

I smile, "How's my face?" It was said in a joking tone, and she shook her head with a laugh. I felt rather dazed, my mind wandering to Jameson and the fact that I had told Danny not to call him. "Is my partner still here?"

The doctor nodded, and I winced as Carson pulled another piece of glass from my side.

"Hey J." Danny's voice was soft, and he looked worried as he looked down at me. "How you feeling?"

I smiled, and moved to shrug but stopped myself as another wave of pain rippled down my body. My voice wasn't very loud as I spoke again, "I want to call Jameson."

He nodded, entirely overeager that I had made the decision to finally call him. Danny disappeared for a moment from my line of sight, and I could hear him dialing a number on his phone.

The phone pressed lightly into my ear, and I smiled in thanks as he held it.

"What do you need Danny?" Jameson's voice was almost annoyed, and I smiled despite the pain.

"It's Jett my love." I muttered, coughing once to get my voice back. "There was an accident, but I'm alright. I promise."

I could hear his sigh, and I frowned, not wanting to worry him though I know I had. "What happened babe?"

'Babe,' I love it when he called me that. I hissed, another rather large piece of glass leaving my side in a hurry. "I'll let Danny tell you, but I just wanted you to know that I'm alright, and that I love you so much.

"I, I love you too Jett." His voice was soft when he replied, and I nodded to Danny, letting him take the phone away.

He disappeared, and I felt hollow.

I had worried Jameson, and that was the last thing I wanted to do.

I let my eyes drift shut, no longer did I force myself to stay awake in an attempt to seem brave. My eyes closed and my mind was gone.

I dreamt of Jameson.

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