↞ Chapter Twenty-One ↠

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Season Six, Episode Twenty

"We're looking at a final count of Fourteen victims." Parker spoke to me as soon I stepped up to the desk cluster. He sat at mine, bent over an open manila folder that he was making notes in. He glanced up at me, "Ten male, four female. The oldest is a woman, at least four years, the freshest is a male, maybe two or three months."

I resisted the urge to cringe, and instead nodded in understanding. "They're older, which means he's either changed locations or gone silent."

"My moneys on the former." Danny spoke up, and I nodded despite my wishes.

"Last sighting of the man?" I asked, my question directed at whoever had the answer.

Parker began shuffling the papers in front of him, "Uh, last sighting was Penn station two weeks ago." He handed me a photo of Wilder with a ball cap on, his face was away from the camera, but it was easy to see that it was him.

"Which will make him easier to find." Danny spoke up despite the fact that he had nothing important to add.

The agent sat back in reply, looking Danny up and down as Danny stood. Parker formed what he was trying to say before speaking. "You're a type A personality. Obsessive compulsive, extrovert, intuitive, jud-"

"You had me at type A." Danny interrupted, and I frowned, reaching over and smacking his shoulder.

"Did you call me here for a reason?" I did not care about Parker's analysis of my partner, or Danny's obvious dislike of the man. If they did not need me, then I wanted to go home, and go to bed, or maybe even to the dinner that I had accidentally skipped out on. "Because if not, I was to have dinner with the Chief from London, and Frank and Erin, and I'd much rather be there, then be here."

It was almost depressing being here, from what I could tell, information was scarce, and while I love a good paper trail, there did not appear to be one.

"He's in an escalation period." Parker did not answer my question, and from the way that Danny rolled his eyes, the man tends to do this. "Not only has he killed more men and women, but his cooling off period has shortened, and he's seems to be focusing on more men then women."

It was disheartening to hear. But I just hummed in reply, wanting the man to continue.

"I think he is up to something bigger." Parker hesitated, "He wants a bigger stage. The M.E. was able to idea the bone fragments from the boat explosion-"

"Explosion?" I interrupted despite my usual dislike of it, and looked between both Danny and Parker. "When was there an explosion?"

Danny made a face, and I realized that it was something he was trying to keep secret from me. "We, Baez and I, contacted Wilder's mother a few weeks ago. Our interactions with her stopped when Thomas Wilder blew her up in a boat explosion." I hesitated, watching as Danny seemed to shrink in on himself at the thought of keeping it a secret from me.

I ignored the fact that he was expecting a reaction from me, and rather looked back to Parker and asked him to continue what he was saying previously.

"The bone fragments did belong to Anne Marie Wilder." Parker just nodded, his eyes flitting between looking at me and looking at Danny.

I paused, considering the information provided and looking around the precinct, as if my location could give me insight to were my next question would come from. "What about the call, the tip, for finding the body sight? It had to be him, he prefers to have control over the situation, and would not leave it up to chance." Parker nodded, opening his mouth to interrupt me but I did  not let him, instead I continued to speak, the words seeming to tumble out of my mouth as I voice thoughts that I had not truly considered before.

"He wants control, he's obsessed with it. That is why he fluctuates between male and female, to show to us that he has complete control over his victims." I barely took a breath, "It is why he chooses to stay in New York, rather than venture elsewhere. He believes that he can continue to torment us here with no fear of being caught-"

"Howards-" It was Parker's voice, I ignored him.

"Wilder is an egomaniac, completely obsessed with his present situation. I believe he will not rest until he has some final hurrah, a stage for all the world to see and to know his name-"

"Jett-" That time it was Danny, I continued.

My hands were shaking, I felt sick as I spoke, "He will not rest until he's had his last bows-"

"Jett!" Danny shouted my name that time, and when I looked at him, he was much closer than I remember him being. He set a hand on my shoulder as whatever words I was about to say fell silent on my lips. Danny spoke softly, "Maybe you should head home."

It was a good suggestion, that I followed without prompting.

I do not remember hailing a cab, or speaking Danny's address, or even unlocking the front door and greeting Linda on my way in. All I remember is falling into the bed, Jameson there in an instant, his hands in mine and soft words on his lips.

I remember falling asleep.

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