↞ Chapter Fifteen ↠

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Season Six, Episode Eight

I didn't wake up for a long time, and when I did, it was to an empty bed.

More than anything I wanted to curl back into the pillow and fall back asleep, but it felt strange without Jameson in bed. I've woken up nearly every morning with Jameson in bed with me, and if he wasn't there, there was some semblance of him around the room.

I pushed myself from the bed, lifting my hands above my head and stretching. My vision faded for just a second, and my head felt as though someone was beating it with a mallet. In a way someone was.

The hard wood floor was cold, and just as I went to check the closet for some clothes I found one of Jameson's sweatshirt's sitting at the bottom of the bed, along with some sweatpants that looked much to long for him.

I changed quickly, noticing how both the sweatshirt and pants hung of my frame. I hadn't been eating as much, and the loss of sleep over the past month had an affect on it as well. I stood firm crossing the bedroom and going down the stairs with light step.

Nearly all of the family was gathered in the living room, and I smiled brightly at the sight of all of them there. The boys came to me almost instantly, throwing their arms around my middle and insisting on piggy back rides. I said that I might later, and passed them off to Danny.

Erin was next, a sad smile on her face as she hugged me tightly. "How are you feeling Jett?" She leaned back, her hands lingering on my forearms.

"I'm alright." It was a half truth, I felt okay in this moment, but lingering thoughts sat in my mind about the flat last night. Erin didn't look convinced, and I smiled in a way that I hoped was reassuring, patting her on the arm. "I promise."

Linda came and pressed a kiss to my cheek, "Give me a hand in the kitchen?" It was a request that I was glad to say 'yes' to. I followed with a smile, wiggling my fingers at the boys who shouted goodbye.

"Hello Nicki dear." I smiled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as I stepped up beside her. "What are we making?"

Nicki nudged me off, muttering about distracting her, "More like finishing, you've been sleeping forever." It was dramatic, but it made me laugh.

It was pleasant helping the pair in the kitchen, they didn't expect anything more than light conversations, and had questions about what it was like back at work. I answered all the questions, and noticed how they very pointedly avoided the elephant in the room. I had yet to see Jameson, but I didn't worry to much, though I did still worry.

Nearly an hour later dinner was ready, and it was then that I realized how long I had slept.

Frank said hello as I sat down, taking the casserole from me with a mutter of a 'thank you.' Henry pulled my chair out for me, and Nicki offered me a glass of wine.

"I think it's your turn to pray Erin?" It was Danny who spoke, and he said it in a teasing sort of way. I watched the family interact, not feeling particularly obligated to speak up but at the same time I did not feel obligated to speak in general at the present time. 

They took their time arguing, before Nicki settled on praying and bowed her head. I followed suit, though I couldn't really concentrate on the words spoken, all I could hear was the howling wind outside, a storm was coming.

When everyone lifted their heads, there was something ominous in the air, like a very avoided subject, though I knew why.

"Did Jameson take another tour?" I asked, my voice cracking slightly on his name, it was the first time I had spoken in a minute, and my question seemed to bring hesitation to most of them.

Frank shook his head, "No, he went to speak to the officer who handled the break in. He said he'd be back-" Frank cut himself off, "Speak of the devil!" He chuckled after he said it, and I turned with a bright smile.

He came to me first, eyes wide with a bit of shock at being announced as being here. Jameson pressed a kiss to my temple, his hand lingering on my shoulder as he sat down.

I found comfort in his presence, and set my hand on his thigh as we ate.

"So what's the verdict?" It was Danny who asked.

Jameson hesitated, and I could see the glance that he threw in my direction out of the corner of my eye. "Through the back window, broke the glass and stole a photograph of our first anniversary." I already knew as much, which made me curious about his glance. He seemed to look at the two boys sitting across the table before Linda told the boys with a steady voice. 

"Go eat in the living room boys," She smiled, though it was almost definitely forced. Both Sean and Jack whooped as they picked up there plants and hurried from the room.

It took Jameson a second to speak, and when he it was with vague hesitation. "There was a camera, in the kitchen, and in the bedroom, the living room." I felt myself freeze with fear, my hand tightening around Jameson's thigh as I did. He set a hand on mine, "The officer isn't sure how long it's been in there."

"You won't go back there until this mess is solved." Frank commanded, but it wasn't in a way that felt like a command. I could tell it was out of concern more than anything.

I didn't want to protest.

We'd stay at the house, or with Danny for a night, maybe even Erin, but no matter what, I wasn't to be left alone.

And once again, I didn't want to protest.

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