↞ Chapter Fourteen ↠

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Season Four, Episode Nineteen

I was late to dinner, and as I approached the table that Frank Reagan was sitting at I smiled in an apologetic way. "I am so sorry Frank," I work on pulling off my coat as I pull out my chair. "I lost track of time-"

"It's alright Jett, you're only a few minutes late." He smiled up at me a tight lipped smile, and I frowned, knowing that whatever it was was eating at him. "I hope you don't mind, but I ordered your usual, rigatoni with Vodka sauce."

I sat down, "I don't." I pulled my chair in a bit more and grabbed a glass of water from my side of the table. "I'd ask how you were doing, but I think you'd rather get right to the point."

Frank leaned back, sighing as he went, and nodded his head. "You're right." His hand laid flat on the table, "Detective Reagan has extraordinary success in getting results, doesn't he?"

I hummed. "You could say so."

"Why do you think that is?" Frank was testing the waters, and I shrug my shoulders.

"I'm not in the box every time he interviews, but no one comes out looking worse then how they went in." It was the truth.

Frank looked confused, and he paused before speaking. "You're not in the box with him every time?"

I shook my head firmly, "No. Danny gets heated, and he yells, quite a lot. I'm usually outside by the window, reading the room, and gauging the subjects reaction while Danny interrogates." I laughed once, trying to lighten the mood. "Have to put that psychology degree to use somewhere."

"Do you ever think he goes to far?" Frank's words were slow, as if he was thinking what to say as he said it.

"No." I answered quickly. "Frank, if I can be honest?"

He motions for me to go ahead. "Please do."

"Danny Reagan drives me nuts." I laugh, and a bit of a smile forms on Franks face. "He's bloody awful at paperwork, and I'm usually the one who picks up the slack. Half the time he doesn't even file it. His desks a mess, and he never lets me drive the car. But, at the same time, he's the best partner I've ever had."

Frank nods, "I appreciate your candor."

It grows quiet between the two of us, as he considers my words, and I smile in thanks as a waiter drops our food off at the table.

"Can you pull his case files for pick up from my office?" Frank's words surprised me.

"You're looking into his cases." I don't answer his question, and he looks up at me in a 'don't ask me why' sort of way.

But I was too far gone into already wanting to ask about it. "No, not you, someone else. If it were you or your office leading the investigation, you'd approach Gormley, that is Sargent Gormley directly, not your son's partner. Or you'd go as far to ask Lieutenant Friedman." I pause, noticing the way his mustache wiggles as he tries to form an interruption. "No, you're trying to get ahead of something. Which means that it's the DA's office calling the shots. Our mutual friend in  the DA's office must have tipped you off, which is another reason why you approach me and not Danny or Gormley."

Frank sighs, shaking his head as he replies. "That psychology degree is pretty useful." He looks at me. "I cannot confirm nor deny what you've said, but only ask once again if you'll pull his case files."

He uses that a lot when he does press conferences, his way of saying 'yes' without actually forming the words. "I will boss." My eyes fall to my food untouched on the table, "I've seemed to loose my appetite in the last few minutes."

"I'm sorry." Frank lifts his hand, waving down a waiter and asking for our food to be boxed up as well as bring the check to the table.. "I didn't want to bring anyone in, but I can trust you won't tip Danny off more than I can trust that Gormley won't."

"I won't." It was true, I wouldn't say anything to Danny about it, unless he asked. But I wouldn't share that with Frank. "Frank-"

"I'll treat." Frank interrupted, thinking that's where I was going with what I was saying.

"Frank." He looked up at me. "I'll do this for you, but I wish you hadn't brought me in."

He looked confused, he was probably thinking of what I had said on the phone about helping him with anything. It was true, I would help him with anything, but this was almost too far.

"Keeping secrets from Danny puts a riff in the partnership." I wanted to say more than that, but I didn't.

"I know, and I'm sorry." Frank sighed, and I stood, pulling my coat off of the back of the chair as I felt suddenly tired. "If any of this comes to fruition, I'll make sure he knows you were only following orders."

Frank and I continued to the front door together, I had my box of food in my right hand as I dug through my left pocket for my keys.

I could see Frank wave at his security team as we both stepped into the cold night air. "I'm sorry Jett." He said as his team pulled up.

"It's alright Frank," I sighed. "We'll have to bloody well hope Danny never hears about this."

Frank laughed a dry laugh, and I smiled in a way of joining him. I watched as he climbed into the back seat of the car and pull off of the curb, before making my own way to my car.

The rigatoni made its way to the passenger seat of the car, the smell instantly filling the small space of the vehicle. I pulled out of my parking space, frustrated that I had no appetite and frustrated that I had been approached about this favor. It was an annoyance, but I would still help.

I sighed again, leaning back a bit in the drivers seat as I thought about going home. Jameson wouldn't be there, and he probably wouldn't be home for at least a few more hours, but I didn't mind.

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