↞ Chapter Four ↠

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Season Five, Episode One

I was only asleep for the night, which was rather encouraging, it meant that my body was not as tired as I thought it would be.

I was in a lot of pain, but it was like a dull muscle tired pain. I found a note from Danny on the beside table, as well as a phone from the precinct. The note informed me that he had a lead that he needed to take, and that he would call me on the phone when he found what he was looking for.

I picked the phone up and clicked it on, frowning at the missed call and dialing the number back.

It rang three times before someone picked up.

"J? That you?"  It was Danny's voice, and I smiled despite the pain that I was feeling.

"Yeah, yeah it's me." I didn't mean to sound so tired, but I was. "What have you got?"

"We found the truck, and Martinez, she's been killed."  Danny sighed, and I echoed it. "We've got an idea for how to track down the truck, and we're putting it into play right now. How are you feeling?"

It was a lot to take in, and I felt a sudden pang of sadness at learning of Martinez's death, but I moved on to answer his question. "I ache, but not to awfully. I need to speak to the doctor to figure out when I can leave." I winced as I moved, slowly pushing myself into a seated position. "What's this plan you've got?"

It took Danny a minute to reply, and when he did, his voice was sort of echoing, which led me to believe he had stepped into the box to continue our conversation. "There's a mole in the DEA, Detective Baez's brother was able to give us a name. Anyways, we're making a call to the mole to track who she calls after."

I hummed as a reply, I could just barely remember the face of Detective Baez. She was around my age, and usually fills in whenever Danny and I are off work. Though, usually she fills in for me, rather the other way around.

"I'll let you know how it all turns out, if you promise to let me know how everything turns out with the Doctor." I nodded, though he couldn't see me. "The entire family has been calling me to get information on you, and I've given them the best updates I can."

"Thank you Danny." I smiled, though I didn't feel any form of happiness. A knock sounded on my door, and I spoke to Danny quickly. "I've got to go Danny."

I hung up before he could reply, shouting for whoever was knocking to come in. A smiling woman came in, and she looked rather happy that I was sitting up on my own.

"Detective Inspector, I'm glad you're up." She held her hand out to me, and I reach forward to shake it. "Doctor Alyssa Cline, how are you feeling?"

I gave her the same reply as I did Danny; "I ache, but not to awfully."

"That's reassuring." Dr. Cline grabbed my folder from the edge of my bed, though she didn't open it. "One of our plastic's surgeons pulled nine pieces of glass from your side, twenty-three stitches total. And you've got bruising, but nothing internal. You're lucky Detective Inspector."

"I don't feel it." I joked, though I had felt worse before this.

She smiled, "Well, I want to let you out of the hospital. There's no reason to keep you, do you have someone that can come and get you?"

I considered it, my first thought going to Jameson, before I had the sudden realization that I don't have his number in my phone, at least in the phone that Danny had given me. My second thought went to Danny, but he was much to busy.

"This is rather awkward," I muttered, looking in the doctor's eyes. "But could you get me the number for the Police Commissioner's office?"

Doctor Cline did a double take, before nodding and saying that she would send a nurse in with the number. I thanked her as she went. I only felt awkward asking because I didn't already have the number in my head. I should have memorized Jameson's number by now, but the convenience of having the number in my phone stopped me from ever really trying to memorize it.

The Doctor did as promised, and minutes later a nurse returned with a sticky note and I dialed the number marked on it.

"Office of the Police Commissioner this is Detective Baker speaking, how can I help you?" 

I smiled at the sound of Abigail's voice. "Hullo Abigail, it's Jett-" I started to continue, but she interrupted.

"Oh! It is so good to hear from you, we were all so worried." She spoke quickly, and I could hear her lean back in the chair. "What can I help you with?"

I smiled at her excitement to help me, "Well, here's the thing. My phone is currently being used on the case that Detective Reagan and I were handling before my injury, and I needed to ask Frank-" I paused, "That is, Commissioner Reagan, for a favor."

"Of course, I'll put you through." The receiver clicked, and I waited for a moment before Frank spoke.

"Jett." He sounded happy to hear from me, and I was glad that he wasn't annoyed by my call. Frank spoke again before I could, "How are you feeling?"

"Bloody hell if one more person asks me..." It was said entirely in a joking tone, and Frank's laugh boomed through the speaker on my phone. "I'm alright, but embarrassed to ask a favor."

"Don't be."

I smiled, "Right, I'm being discharged from the hospital, but only into someone else's care. Danny's working our case, and Jameson's still on shift-"

"I can be there in twenty?"  The interruption was welcomed, and I smiled brightly.

"That would be brilliant, thank you Frank."

He was the one to end the call after our goodbye's, and I smiled, happy that he had taken the call in the first place as well as the fact that he was so happy to come and get me from the hospital.

I was blessed in my extended family.

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