↞ Chapter Seventeen ↠

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Season Six, Episode Twenty

Jameson and I started off at the family house, and on our third night, we switched to staying at Danny's. That morning, I woke up to an empty bed and Jameson's hushed tones in the corner of the guest room.

"-he's asleep."

"Not anymore." My voice was soft, and I could hear the sigh that came from Jameson.

"I didn't mean to wake you up." Jameson took a few steps closer to me, lowering the phone from his ear and shaking his head. "You can go back to bed, it's too early for this."

I didn't want to take the call, and I didn't want to get out of bed. Everything ached, and my head felt heavy, but I didn't want to ignore whoever it was and leave it for later. I held my hand out, reaching for the phone and pushing myself into a seated position. My forearm ached, and I had a feeling that something was going to go wrong with today.

It was Frank's voice that I heard, "I have a favor to ask."

At this point in both my career and personal life, I was used to Frank asking for favors. Usually, I came through and said yes, but sometimes, depending on my schedule and level of comfortably, I said no, and Frank was always okay with that.

"What is it Frank?" I tried to keep my voice soft, and all emotion out of it. But I could tell that I was unsuccessful with it. Jameson laid beside me, setting his hand on my back and brushing his fingers along my spine.

"There is going to be a statue dedicated to the Irish Cops in New York City, and I wonder if you would be up for attending a few of the meetings?" He paused for just a second, "A few of the officials attending have expressed an interest in meeting you, as the only officer I was able to convince to join my force, you are a bit of a novelty."

I could understand it being meant as a compliment, but it sounded nearly manipulative. I took a deep breath, "I'd be honored to Frank." It was the truth, despite the lingering bad thoughts that I had with the phrasing, I still was honored to be asked.

A grateful sigh came from the other end of the line, "Thank you Jett. I'll have Baker forward the schedule to you."

I hung up without saying anything back, tossing the phone to the end of the bed and turning to Jameson. "I love you." I smiled as I said it, slowly leaning down to him and tucking myself into his side.

He wrapped his arm around me almost instantly, pressing a kiss to the top of my head and dragging his fingers through my hair. "I love you too babe."

I relaxed a bit into his arms. "We should get up-"

"It's just after five?" Jameson said it in a confused tone of voice, and I frowned.

Despite his words, I sat up a bit, looking down at him before speaking again. "I'm going to go on a run." I hadn't done it in a long time, and the micro-expressions on Jameson's face gave away just how long it had been.

He started to sit up, "I'll join you."

"It's alright, I can do this." I said it in a sure tone of voice, despite the smallest amount of anxiety that I felt about going alone.

"Alright babe," Jameson laid back down, his head hitting the pillows rather hard. He continued to speak as I walked around and got dressed. "I'll drive you to the precinct later, and then we can do dinner tonight?"

I struggled to pull on a t-shirt for just a moment, "I might run the entire way, but I'll let you know wherever I end up." It was a flat tone, and I knew that I should answer the rest of his questions without prompting. "We can do dinner tonight if Frank doesn't need me." It still wasn't an emotional enough answer, but Jameson took it in stride.


I kissed him before I left.

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