↞ Chapter Seventeen ↠

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Season Five, Episode Sixteen

There was a story Frank told me at one of the first monthly dinners we did. It was about Joe, back when Frank was just a Detective, and Joe was a Rookie police officer, a few years after he had stayed with me in London.

Joe had a gun to his head, one of those wrong place, wrong time situations. Frank was a part of the responding team, he had been in the area and hear the 10-85 officer in distress order and came quickly. Upon reaching the sight and seeing what was going on Frank was the one to take charge. He attempted to talk the man down, and once he realized that the guy wasn't going to go quietly, Frank made one last plea.

"Please don't hurt my family."

At the dinner that we were at, he explained that his dad, Henry, had ingrained in him since the age of ten that if Henry were to every say that, Frank should hit the ground. He passed it onto his kids, and so when he said it to Joe, he hit the ground and Frank shot the man. Frank told me he wasn't just telling me this story to seem like a hero (though in my eyes he was), he was telling me the story because I was now a part of the family.

And because I was a part of the family, I should know to do this too.

As soon as Drake hung up, I turned to face my Commanding Officer and the other Officers in the room.

"Keep your Officers on the room, worst comes to worst, you use Plan B."

More than anything I wanted to avoid Plan B, for the risk of Danny ending up in the way, but also because I didn't think Drake deserved to die.

I removed Danny's gun from my holster, but made a point of leaving the holster on my waist. I knew Drake was smarter than I gave him credit for, so I borrowed a night stick from the officer next to me, sticking it up my sweatshirt sleeve, glad for the fact that Jameson had spent so long teaching me different ways to flip and use it.

I was confident in what I was doing as I slowly made my way towards the box, pausing briefly to kneel beside Danny's desk and grab the bottle of whiskey I had placed there. Drake had a hold on Danny, his hand under his arm and the gun pointed at his head.

"Lift your shirt!"  Drake shouted, his voice loud enough for me to hear through the glass. I nodded, doing as he asked and spinning slowly.

I could see Danny mutter something to Drake, but he just readjusted his grip, looking anxious as he shouted another command to me. "Show me your ankles!"

I nodded, lifting each leg to rest on the edge of the counter and lifting my jeans slightly to show the man that I had no weapon on me.

Even though I was fully aware of my back up, I was still cautious in approaching the box. My right hand on the bottle of whiskey that I had tucked into the crook of my arm, and the other slowly moving the night stick to rest in the palm of my left hand. I took a deep breath, before opening the door of the box.

"Put the whiskey on the table." Drake's voice was commanding, the gun he had on Danny's head had moved to point at my chest.

I took a deep shuddering breath, blinking slowly as I nodded. I moved into the interrogation room, watching closely as Drake didn't move away from the corner of the room closest to the door, and I made no move to leave.

"Anthony," I called him by his first name to appear personal. "You're the one in control right now, you've got the power, but I just have one request, one ask and that's it."

Drake seemed to considered it, before motioning with the hand that the gun was in for me to continue.

"Please don't hurt my family."

Danny caught on immediately, becoming dead weight in Drake's arms before I pulled the nightstick from my sweatshirt sleeve.

The world seemed to move in slow motion as Drake looked down at Danny as he fell, before looking back up at me. I had already spun the nightstick twice around my hand, gained a better grip and was in the process of reaching to wack him with it by the time he realized the hit was coming.

A sickening crunch sounded when the night stick made contact with his hand, Drake screamed in pain, dropping the gun to the floor and grabbing his right hand with his left to cradle it to his chest. I made a move to grab the gun, but Danny got there first, nodding to me as I winced in sympathy with Drake.

The roomed filled in moments, at least half a dozens officer dressed the the nines in Kevlar material, their guns immediately pointing at Drake and making a move to arrest him. I bent down, offering a hand to Danny and pulling him to his feet.

He looked rather stunned as he slapped my shoulder in an appreciative way, not making any sort of move to leave the box he leaned up against the table, smiling at me as he shook his head.

"Jamie teach you that trick?" Danny said, laughing as he did.

"The nightstick?" I asked, before nodding, "Yeah he did."

"Remind me to thank him later."

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