↞ Chapter Fourteen ↠

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Season Six, Episode Eight

 It was perfect, nothing out of place.

The shoes by the door, and the coats on the rack. Even the half drunk cup of tea sat on the table by the couch.

"They won't find anything missing." I muttered, looking around the room. Jameson followed me in, a sigh passing through his lips as he looked between me and the rest of the room. "He wouldn't have taken anything he couldn't have already."

Jameson's hand was soft when he reached for my arm, and I couldn't help but comply, letting him lead me back down the stairs and sit on the third from the bottom. He stood above me, hands in my own and pressing kissing to the backs of them.

It took the time for the police officers to arrive for me to get back into my own head. It was a pair from Jameson's precinct, and they greeted the both of us politely. I kept my head the entire time, speaking frankly, and walking around to make sure that he hadn't taken anything. The back window was open, and I knew that it had been him.

A picture frame from the hallway was gone, and though I couldn't remember what the picture was of, Jameson was quick to remind me that it was from our first anniversary. His arm was thrown around my shoulders and I was kissing his cheek.

It was the only picture like it, Nicki had been into old film camera's for a couple of weeks and had taken it on a camera that the film needed to be developed for.

It was one of my favorites.

"Let's go to Dad's." Jameson's voice was ever so light as he spoke, his lips brushing lightly against my ear. I just nodded absentmindedly, feeling on edge as I stepped back onto the street.

I felt as though we were being watched, but Jameson hurried me into the car with a reassuring smile. I wanted nothing more than for everything to be okay, but I could feel an ache in my arm and in my head that seemed to promise that everything would be very hard for a very long time.

I wish to breathe, deep, cool air that cleanses my spirit and carries me to a safer shore with Jameson.

"I love you." I spoke without prompting, and Jameson reached across the space between us to take my hand in his.

"We are going to be okay." Jameson replied with the words, and more than anything I wanted to disagree, to mutter the name of the man who had tormented me for so many years without my knowledge, but I couldn't speak against Jameson. "I promise."

I willed myself to believe him, and without really considering it deeply, I knew that I did, and that his words were true.

We arrived at the house in a shorter time than normal, the early New York hours gave way and both Henry and Frank were waiting on the front porch when we got there. They smiled the same exact smile, a forced one that most definitely did not meet their eyes.

Henry pulled me into a hug almost immediately, and I felt myself calm.

My heart didn't hammer in my chest as hard, and I felt as though I could breath for the first time. I didn't want to part from Jameson, even when Frank attempted to pull him into the living room alone.

I followed, my hand in Jameson and pressing a kiss to his temple. They spoke in hushed tones that I couldn't find myself able to focus on.

When Frank and Jameson finally finished speaking I was half asleep on his lap, and Frank helped me to stand.

"You can sleep in Jamie's old room." Frank said it with a smile, and I found myself copying his look just a bit.

I'd only ever been up in Jameson's room one or two times, the first was just a few weeks after I had started coming to family dinners, and the second was when Jameson moved in with me.

I felt strange as I stood in the doorway.

At my flat, Jameson joined me, but here, I joined Jameson, and suddenly I was less confident about everything. He smiled at me softly, holding his hand out and pulling me to the edge of the bed.

He sat me down, and I looked up at him as he took care of me. It was a circumstance I was use to. While I was in full control of my body now, my head tended to throb for now when my mind was tired, and my wrist seemed to ache when I pulled it from the sleeve of my shirt.

"I think you're brilliant." I muttered it, catching Jameson's hand and kissing the palm of it.

He carried on, delicately pulling his hand from mine and pulling off my coat.

For the first time in a long time, I slept wrapped in his arms instead of the other way around, and I felt protected.

Jameson held me until I fell asleep, pressing kisses to my cheek and shoulder as he held me tightly.

I wanted nothing more than to forget Thomas Wilder in this moment.

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