↞ Chapter Twenty ↠

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Season Six, Episode Twenty

The satisfaction of entering a room and having everyone stand was something that I very quickly found that I enjoyed. Though, I was not the reason why they stood, and I could recognize that it didn't change the fact that it made me smile.

Frank entered first, and I followed behind, he was the reason why they stood.

"Please, be seated." Frank smiled, and motioned for everyone to take their seats. "I'd like to introduce Detective Inspector Jethro Howards, I believe he use to work with you, Chief Farrelly."

I did recognize the man, though it had been almost six years since I'd last seen him. I would assume that because of my location in the ranks that he remembered me only by name. "Hullo Chief Farrelly." I smiled, nodding to him and the rest of the table. Frank motioned for me to take the seat beside him, and the meeting began.

I was only here to speak on occasion, and only when questions were directed to me. Thirty minutes into it, I was nearly bored out of my mind, but I didn't let it show.

Chief Farrelly spoke, directing his statement to the table. "The history of Irish cops in New York goes back 150 years. The statue we're dedicating commemorates the Irish-America immigration history as told through 150 years of Irish and English men and women serving across the ranks of the NYPD." He nodded to me, and then to Frank. "And up the ranks."

I was only half Irish, my mother was born in Ireland but grew up in west Wales. She moved to American in her early twenties, married my dad a few years later, and then I was born. I was an British Citizen through her, and moved to London when I was 19, after Thomas Wilder.

I felt a sense of pride pass over me at the mention of my heritage, it being acknowledged felt good.

Chief Farrelly continued, "And because that history is also tied to the D.A.'s office, uh, we'd welcome your representatives at the ceremony itself."

A voice spoke up from the other end of the table, and I frowned a bit, recognizing the women's voice as Erin's. "While the district attorney could not attend today's meeting, he's assured me that he will be attending the ceremony."

I leaned forward slightly as Frank pushed a piece of paper towards me, and I smiled. He was offering me an in into the conversation, "For clearance purposes, we will need a rundown of the attendees from your side who will be at the unveiling."

Farrelly nodded, "I can give tha' to you at the end of this meeting."

 I nodded in a way of extending my thanks.

"Well, President Sullivan, Chief Farrelly, it's a lovely gesture." Frank nodded in a sure way, patting the table and standing. "It's going to be a great day."

I stood with Frank, casting a curious glance towards Frank and then to Erin. I followed Frank through to his office, noticing how the Chief and Erin followed to, the rest of those at the meeting filed out through the second door, directly into the hallway.

Frank smiled his usual smile, grabbing his coat on the rack. "I believed that I promised you dinner Chief Farrelly, Erin." He spoke to the pair and watched as the Chief nodded. "Jett, would you like to join?"

I didn't want to. Instead, I wanted to go back to the precinct and work the case, but the updates from Danny had been sparse, all pointing towards the fact that I should not return until later. "If you're buying, then yes."

The reply earned a laugh from the Chief, who extended his hand to me. "It's good to see you again Detective Inspector." It was obvious that the Chief remembered me a lot more than I had expected.

"And you Chief."

Farrelly nodded, following Frank to the door as he continued to speak to me. "I still cannot believe that our friend the Commissioner here was able to convince you to leave our home."

The use of 'our' was appreciated, and I smiled before speaking, "I believe that he sees me as a tool, and I owed him a favor from years ago."

It was different speaking to him after so long of not seeing anyone from my home over there in such a long time. He smiled and laughed, "And you Miss Reagan, do you see our friend here as a tool in the Commissioner's tool belt?"

Erin blinked twice before replying, "I believe that that is the best way to phrase things." It was said in a flat tone, but anyone could tell that she was teasing.

"My future sister in law is teasing." It was a subtle way of bringing up the fact that the Chief was now among a family of cops, rather than a group of people at different levels of rank in the NYPD. "Frank see's me as an asset."

Farrelly nods as we step off the elevator, I held back slightly, glancing at my phone as it buzzed. Danny had texted me, they had caught a break, I was not sure if I wanted to be there for the outcome of it, but Frank noticed my pause.

"There's been a break?" His question was not appreciated, and I nodded in reply. "Go then, we'll be fine without you, and that is a lot more important than this."

I appreciated it, "Extend my apologies to the Chief, and to Erin." I started to turn to leave, "I'll see you at the family dinner tomorrow."

I left without hearing his goodbye, the only sound the blood rushing through my ears.

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