↞ Chapter Twelve ↠

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Season Five, Episode Five

It was a disappointing moment when Jameson couldn't I.D. Russel Price, though the disappointment wasn't directed at him, just the situation around the I.D. Not that I was any more sure that I could have done it, though I wasn't given the chance to, given the fact that Danny brought the guy in without a heads up to me. Which made me a corrupt witness, as I saw the perp already in handcuffs and not in the lineup.

Danny left Jameson and I in the hallway after the failed attempt at an I.D., Officer Janko followed him away, giving us a private moment.

"We'll get him another way Jameson." I muttered, he reached for my hands and pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around my middle. It was odd for him to be so affectionate in public, but I didn't mind.

"I just wish there was something I could do." Jameson's voice was muffled as he spoke into my shirt, he sounded disheartened, and I understood why. He would be stuck up in the flat for at least another day or two, but I knew he could handle it.

"Just go home, stay home." I smiled into his hair, ducking down to press a kiss to his cheek. "I need you to stay safe love."

I backed away, keeping my hand in his as I waved over Officer Janko.

Movement from over my shoulder caught my attention, and the little man running the lineup was leading Russell Price right towards Jameson and I.

"Bloody hell! What the hell are you doing?" I shouted, dropping Jameson's hand as I stepped in between him and Price. Price kept a firm look on Jameson, despite his inability to see him from where he stood. "You're suppose to take them the other way!"

My shouting drew the attention of Danny and Janko, both of whom crossed the bullpen in a matter of seconds. The little man leading the charge shouted back apologies, but I wasn't focusing on him. My eyes were on Price, who finally looked away from Jameson to look at me. 

"Get them back in the lineup until whatever blocked the exit clears!" I shouted, taking a few steps closer to Price.

Jameson was right about the height, and the dark hair, but most of those in the lineup had dark hair. Price was a decent three or four inches taller than me, which was quite the feat considering how tall I already was. For the first time I felt small. I shoved him backwards, making the action look like I was just trying to get him to listen.

"That's him." Jameson spoke from just beside me, before making an attempt to rush forward and speak to Price. I missed on grabbing him as he passed me, but was able to catch him just as he started to turn the corner. "Let go of me Jett! That's him- he just I.D'd himself!"

"I know love, I know." I tried to calm him down, "But you missed the I.D. in the lineup."

"We'll get him another way kid." Danny said, and Jameson just nodded. He stopped trying to push past me, instead melting into my arms and pressing his face into my chest. I wrapped my arms around him tightly, wishing more than anything that this was over.

"I'll get him." I muttered in a promising tone. I motioned for Janko to come closer, and spoke down to Jameson. "Alright love, you're going to ride with Janko. We'll keep you updated on the case."

Jameson nodded, taking a step back and letting his hands trail down my arm to my hands. "I love you Jett."

"I love you too Jameson," I smiled despite the situation. "I'll see you at the flat later."

He made a face, "The house. It's Sunday."

I nearly face palmed, but nodded as I corrected myself. I watched him walk out the back door of the precinct, feeling comforted by the fact that we had Price in custody, before making my way to my desk. My desk phone started to ring, and I snatched it up, hoping for some amount of good news.

"Detective Inspector Howards?" I responded, pressing the phone inbetween my ear and shoulder as I flicked through papers on my desk.

"This is about the glass shards you asked the forensic team to investigate." I hummed in a way of telling them to continue. "We were able to pull a partial finger print from one of the shards of glass which is an exact match to a Russell Price."

"Brilliant." I replied excitedly, snapping to catch Danny's attention. "Fax those files over to me? You're a bloody genius."

I hung up the phone before they could reply, sharing the news about the glass with Danny. I left him at the desk, giving him the chance to call the ADA and at the same time getting to make myself another  cup of coffee and grabbed the papers from the fax machine by the printer.

I felt more awake then I have been in a long time, which I fully account to the four cups of coffee that I have had in the span of three hours.

This was my third extended tour since the case started, and I knew for a fact that if I didn't take at least a few hours off Gormley was gonna put up a fight for me sticking around the precinct for any amount of time longer. And as Jameson reminded me: it was Sunday, which meant family dinner, and for the first time I was actually dreading it, if only reason that I was reluctant to leave this case to simmer for any amount of time.

As well as the fact that Erin asked me to do dessert, and I haven't been back to the flat since answering the original call at the hospital two days ago, which meant I hadn't the chance to make anything.

"Does the family like apple pie?" I asked Danny as I walked back to the desk, papers in hand, and burning my mouth as I drank to big sips from the cup of coffee.

"Yeah why?" He thanked me for the papers, but didn't look up from his desk.

I bent at the knee to grab my gun from the bottom drawer of my desk. "I'm in charge of dessert this week, and I'm just gonna get a pie from the place a few blocks from here." I rolled my shoulders as I pulled on my coat. "I'll see you at the house alright? You've got an hour until dinner."

Danny cursed himself, and just like me he had gotten so wrapped up in the case that he didn't recognize what day it was. Nevertheless, he promised that he wouldn't be late, and that he'd see me there. I nodded, turning and heading to the back of the precinct and out the door as I pulled my gloves from my pockets.

It was cold again, not like I expected the weather to be any different, winter in New York and all that. I sighed as I turned up my collar to the wind before trudging down the street.

I considered the facts of the case as I went, unsure in where all this would go, but knowing that I had to figure all of this out.

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