↞ Chapter One ↠

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Season Five, Episode One

I do not do well in heat. It makes me sweat, and my bones feel like they're melting, and I absolutely hate it. Danny made a decision, without me might I add, to be a part of an escort for a rather large shipment of drugs for the DEA, in the sweltering heat.

I protested when he picked me up from the flat where I had been laying on the cool wood floor of my apartment with Jameson. I protested when I got in the car, and I protested as soon as I stepped out of the car and back into the heat.

"I cannot bloody believe you did this to me." I groaned, wishing I could take off my suit jacket or even wear less clothing than now. We were standing by the truck, and I was lucky to be just under the shade of it though it didn't cool the air much.

"Happy dust, pebbles, pills, hash, meth." Danny ignored my protest, "There must be 30 million worth of drugs here."

I glared out of him out of the corner of my eye, but I didn't disagree. I tried to keep a light tone, my shoulders pulled back and my breathing steady, despite the heat. This was overtime, and I could handle that.

Plus Danny brought me an ice mocha.

A man approached the two of us, sticking his hand out as he came. The shiny gold DEA badge flashing in the summer heat. "Rick Siblano, DEA." He shakes both of our hands, before introducing the woman next to him. "Susan Martinez, one of the lab techs."

"Detective Daniel Reagan, Detective Inspector Jethro Howards." Danny introduces both of us, and I smile in a way of greeting, shaking both of the DEA agents hands.

The woman leans towards me, smiling as she does. "Just for the record, he never buys me an ice coffee."

I laugh, it was only a little funny.

Siblano pats Martinez's shoulder, "She'll be driving the truck."

My gaze moves to Martinez's once again, "He lets you drive?" I ask, a joke, returning the tone that she made. Martinez smiles brightly, and looks like she wants to say something else, but Siblano speaks over her.

"The plan is your car and another unmarked car, and the truck." Siblano motions to ours and then the truck we are standing next to. "It keeps everything just a bit more under the radar."

"It's all overtime to us." Danny shrugs, nudging me with his elbow. "Sean needs braces."

It was almost a private joke, I knew who Sean was and the others didn't, though they chuckled nonetheless. I sighed loudly, wanting to lean up against the truck but not wanting to touch the hot metal. The last box rumbled past me, and I watched as Danny helped Siblano close the truck up.

"Let's hit the road Reagan." I pick up the pace as I walk away, trying to reach the car before him as if that would suddenly give me the permission to drive today.

"Oh, whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa," Danny puts his hand on the driver side door, effectively keeping it shut, though I could pull it open if I wanted to try.

For the first time I didn't protest as I walked around the other side of the car and slid into the passenger seat. "Turn on the bloody air con." I mutter dejectedly, though my tone was anything but aggressive.

It was silent for a few minutes as we trailed behind the large DEA truck, I couldn't really understand how all of this made everything under the radar, but I didn't feel like arguing anymore.

"Have you got a ring yet?" Danny finally spoke, his voice nearly startling me out of my concentration.

I smile, he's hit a high point, bringing Jameson into the conversation. He was very aware that my mood would instantly change into a better one if he brought up Jameson. "Not yet, but I've got my eye on one." I wished more than anything I had a picture of it. "It looks a bit like the ring my great grandmum got when my granda' proposed, antique almost."

I looked at him as I spoke, and I could see the smile forming on his face.

"I'm happy for you, for both of you." Danny's voice was genuine, and I nodded in thanks.

"I've just got to work up the nerve to speak to Frank about-"

"Ah, you're going the old fashioned way." Danny interrupted, but I didn't mind it. "He's going to say yes, but you better have the ring ready, he'll want to see it."

Danny laughed a dry laugh, almost as dry as the heat outside. "When Jack as dad if he could propose to Erin, he didn't, and Dad said no." Danny shakes his head, slowly applying the breaks and slowing down our car behind the big truck. "I think some part of him thinks that's why their marriage ended the way it did."

I had already planned on having the ring ready for when I asked Frank, but hearing Danny say it reassured me.

I looked at him, readjusting my position in my seat so my whole torso was facing him. He looked at me, and just as I started to say something his eyes widened in panic.


The ringing in my ears overtake his words, and the world goes out of focus.

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