↞ Chapter Eight ↠

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Season Four, Episode Fifteen

Jameson and I had finished moving in his stuff two weeks ago, but I still couldn't get past the fact that we shared the same home. It was as if everything was coming together, I had found the man that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and he felt the same.

"I'm home love!" I shouted, hanging my keys up on the rack as I stepped inside, the smell of something fantastic wafted through the apartment. I started towards the kitchen, dropping the box from Joseph Scott by the couch as I continued through the apartment.

I smile as I step up to Jameson, wrapping my arms around his waist and pressing a kiss to his cheek as he continues to work on the stove.

"Oh hello," He mutters, leaning back into me as he continues to pour the food into bowls for us. It was these little things that made me love him even more, the finding comfort in just leaning into me as he did little things. "How was today?"

I sighed, nudging my nose into his shoulder before groaning loudly, and dramatically.

"Gotcha." I could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke, before I stepped away. "Look in the fridge."

I did as he said, making a statement of excitement as I opened it to see a bottle of my favorite wine. "What's the occasion?" I asked as I turned with it in hand, fetching the glasses from the top shelf of the cabinet.

He smiled at me, "Does there have to be an occasion?" Jameson offered me a bowl of sesame chicken and fried rice, at the same time I handed him his glass with a generous amount of wine in it.

I didn't have a table to eat at, which had never been an issue for me before, because I usually ate at my desk or at the counter top, and when Jameson officially moved in he didn't mind the table-less life either. It was one of those things that kind of made you realize how well suited you were for someone.

Jameson lead the way to the couch, propping himself up beside the arm of the chair with his bowl on his lap. "What's your case?"

I winced, knowing that I shouldn't tell him for fear of just dissolving into a pile of mess, but wanting to anyways. "A kidnapping, a little girl from outside of school."

I started to eat from my bowl, hoping to not loose my appetite as Jameson continued to ask about the case. I answered every question as best I could, but I didn't always have a response. It was a different take on everything, talking to Jameson about the case over dinner than to Danny over the space of our desks. 

He gave me more time to think, more of a chance to see what the connection was between different things.

We had gone through the bottle of wine by the time we finished dinner (not that other of us minded), Jameson could take his alcohol, a vague lifetime of keeping up with his family drinking straight whiskey being the reason behind it, and while I had the occasion drink, I still got tipsy on wine.

Just enough to make myself a little giggly and unable to pay attention to things for a long periods of time.

Jameson promised that it was his favorite side of me, though I doubted that.

I stood, taking Jameson's bowl and my own before slowly making my way to the kitchen. My phone was by the sink, and I grabbed it as I put the kettle on, still in the habit of having a cup of tea after dinner. I started to check it, reading through the dozen's of texts from Danny about the step father.

But I had a hard time believing that it was him, even though I had only ever spoken to him maybe two times in total, he had no motive, and even if he had gotten in an argument with his ex-wife about having kids; there was no reason for him to kidnap his own step-kid, what would he do?

We would of course still check him out, and Danny was already in the process of doing it, though I tried to convince him to go home to Linda and the boys. His only reply was to send me the picture of Jenna that he had gotten from the mother and say that he'd do it once he found her.

It was all dramatics, just like Danny to do, he would, of course, go home as soon as he checked Mr. Wallace's alibi, which I hoped got him home early enough enough to see his wife before she went to bed. Otherwise I'd get an earful about him getting home so late at either family dinner or Linda would give me a call tomorrow to discuss it.

I poured the boiling water into my cup, watching the tea steep for a moment, before starting back into the sitting room.

"I've got to look through this," I huffed as I picked the box up in one hand, the contents of it all shifting to one side, "but you can go to bed if you want."

Jameson shrugged, holding his hands out to take the box from me, placing it on the floor in front of the couch and opening it for me. "I'll stay up, at least for a bit. I don't have to be in 'til 9."

"Thank you." I smiled as I sat down, watching as he went ahead and grabbed out a few pages from the box. I leaned down, starting to kiss his cheek lightly in a way of thanks but he turned, and I missed (in a way), I kissed his lips firmly. His hand found it's way to my tie, pulling me down a bit to far, leading to me to loose my balance.

I nearly fell into him, but caught myself on the edge of the couch. "Bloody hell," I muttered against his lips, my free hand reaches to find a place on his check, before I let him pull me the rest of the way onto the couch.

He ends up in my lap as we continue to kiss, the files forgotten as I try to memorize every inch of my boyfriends face as we kiss. This was the only thing I could ever see myself truly doing, spending the rest of my days with Jameson in a flat or a house, living in such unity. I wanted kids, and maybe a fish, but above all I wanted a family with him.

I could taste the red wine on his lips, almost too sweet, something catches my eye.

I pull away, unable to ignore Jameson as he continues to kiss my jaw. I reach for the photo on the top of the box, tapping Jameson's waist in a way of catching his attention.

"Is the same flower," I mutter. He just hums in agreement, though he doesn't know what I mean. Jameson stands, and for a second I thought I had annoyed him, but he holds his hand out and I take it with a smile.

Like almost every time he takes the lead to the bedroom and I smile as we go.

I fall in love with him every single day, and the idea of getting to do it again made me happier than ever.

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