↞ Chapter Seventeen ↠

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Season Four, Episode Nineteen

I had been sitting in my car working up the nerve to finally walk inside for the past ten minutes after shift. Danny and I had, quite literally, the quickest confession we've ever had. I showed her a photo of the girl in the affair, and put a rather large stack of the poems on the table, and she confessed.

It was an angry confession, which I'll admit I didn't expect.

We took her to the precinct, got her book, and left it as that. As usual, I'd handle the paperwork, though I don't really mind it, and now I was working up the courage to speak to Eddie Janko about my  boyfriend.

And I finally had it.

I opened my car door, shoving the keys into my pockets as I walked inside. I passed through the halls of the precinct, feeling almost strange as I went, I asked an officer that I passed where I could find Eddie, and smiled as a thank you before walking away.

The closer I got to the locker room, the more anxious I felt, but I didn't back down.

I knocked before opening the door, "You decent?" I shouted, my voice more confident than I felt.

"Yeah who is it?"

I opened the door the rest of the way, and found myself looking at the only girl in the locker room. "You Janko?"

"Depends whose asking." She joked, looking over at me with a cautious smile.

"I'm Detective Inspector Jethro Howards-" I paused, the meager confidence I felt suddenly gone as I looked down at the woman in front of me.

Eddie was at least a head and a half shorter than me, but she radiated strength. I tried to see her as the woman who kissed my boyfriend, but all I could see her as was the partner that my partner liked so much. The friendship, rather than the betrayal.

I caught sight of a tattoo, a small one, on the inside of her arm. A bear print, with a human hand indention in the middle, and all of the anger melted away.

"That's a Brother Bear tattoo." I could only think of Kenai as I stated the fact.

Eddie smiled, nodding as she looked down at it. She took a few steps closer to me, "Yeah, I got it a few years ago."

I smiled, "My dog, Kenai, she was named after the little bear in that movie." My voice was soft as I spoke, memories of Kenai filling my head.

"Jamie talks about her all the time." Eddie smiled at me, and I suddenly realized that she knew who I was. "I'm sorry about what happened."

It took me a moment to realize that the apology was more heartfelt than if she was apologizing about Kenai. No, Eddie was apologizing for kissing my boyfriend, and I squinted at her.

"You know who I am then." I took a step back, finding myself a seat on the bench a few feet away as Eddie continued to put her gear away.

"Yeah, yeah I do." She nodded. "And I'm sorry I did it. It was a spur of the moment, and I swear it'll never happen again."

It was quiet between the two of us for a minute, the only sounds coming from her locker as she put her things away. I found myself no longer angry, and I nodded firmly, patting my hands on my legs as I stood.

"I'll take your word for it Janko." I held a hand out for her to shake and slowly she did.

"That's it?" She asked as I started to turn away.

I pause, looking at Eddie with a faint smile on my face. "What?"

Her holster clicks as she puts her gun away. "I don't know, I was expecting you to yell, or get angry. But then again-" Eddie pauses as she pulls on her jacket. "That's never how he describes you."

I nod, a flutter of happiness passing through me when I realized that Jameson talks about me at all. "I wanted to, I was going to, but when I saw that tattoo-" I motion towards her arm in a general way, "I thought maybe not. Anyone who loves Brother Bear  enough to get a tattoo is alright in my book."

I left it there as I started back to the door of the locker room. I took the handle in hand, starting to pull it closed behind me before pausing and looking at Eddie over my shoulder.

"But if you kiss my boyfriend again, there might be a bit more than a conversation like this."

"Yessir!" She mocked saluted, but I could tell she understood.

The door clicked shut behind me, and I started back down the hallway the way I came in.

I was glad to find that Jameson wasn't waiting for me by the car, and as I leaned up against it I let my eyes train on the door, though my mind was elsewhere.

I needed to get a ring, and work up some sort of proposal, and get Frank's permission. It was old fashioned of me, but I wanted Frank to give his permission before I asked. I smiled to myself, the idea of marrying Jameson made me the happiest man in the world.

"Hey babe." 

Speak of the devil.

I smiled at him, leaning off of the car as he approached though I kept my feet planted firmly on the blacktop. Jameson paused on the curb, the added height of the curbside put his eyes at nearly eye level.

He threw his arms over my shoulders, leaning forward to kiss me, and for the first time he didn't have to stand on his toes to reach my lips.

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