↞ Chapter Five ↠

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Season Five, Episode One

"You promise you're comfortable?" Jameson's voice was light in my ear, his lips brushing it ever so lightly. He was messing with me and I nudged him a bit, ignoring the ache in my side as I did.

"I'm fine you flirt, come sit with me." I smile as he takes a seat next to me on the couch. I lean back onto him, my head resting just on his collarbone as I look up at him. "I love you."

He kisses my forehead, and mutters that he loves me too.

It was the first time in a long time that I actually got to sit and relax after family dinner, it was pleasant. It was just Jameson and I in the sitting room, the rest of the family was still working on clearing the table, and since Jameson was tasked with the job of helping me to the couch he also got out of helping them.

Not that either of us minded.

I turned into him, my eyes falling shut as I finally let myself rest.

I left the hospital yesterday with Frank in rather a hurry, insisting he take me directly to the precinct though I promised to not do any actual work. I mostly sat around, filling out paperwork while I waited for Danny to finally call me back.

When he did it was with a mixture of good and bad news. The bad was that Baez's brother had been shot and killed, but the good was that we had recovered the shipment of drugs in its entirety. I was rather proud that he had done it, though it was masked with shame of not being there for the final shoot out.

Danny reassured me that it was perfectly alright for me to not have been there, and that they wouldn't have even gotten all the way to finding the truck if not for me. Though I doubted that  much of the case relied on me, but I smiled and pretended to be unbothered either way.

"What are you thinking about?" Jameson's voice made his chest rumble, and I smiled, blearily opening my eyes.

"Nothing and everything." I smile, "How lucky I am to have you."

Jameson started to chuckle, his laugh rocking my head side to side and earning a decent wince of pain from me, and he muttered an apology, his hands coming to rest on my side as he took a deep breath.

"I'm the lucky one." He muttered, I shook my head, but didn't feel rather in the mood to start an argument.

"Well look at you two." The click of a camera shutter made me look away from Jameson, and I smiled and blushed at the sight of Linda and Erin looking at the both of us. Erin had the camera in hand, and just out of the corner of my eyes I could see Jameson stick his tongue out at them.

"Very mature Jamie." Erin teased, before crossing the room and sitting in an armchair.

The second that Linda sat down both of her boys came rushing in. Without really thinking (because he is a child and things slip from his mind very easily) Sean came running at Jameson and I and lept onto us.

I attempted to suppress the groan that came from me, but I tensed up way more than probably necessary before Sean hit me, and when he did his elbow (with my luck) landed directly on the worse of my injuries.

"Sean!" Linda and Erin's voice broke through the radiating pain, and I felt myself try to take a deep breath, but bloody hell it hurt.

"Merde." I shouted without meaning to, and was immediately glad for the fact that I had done it in another language. Linda couldn't scold me in this case.

The words of everyone else came back into focus and I waved off the apologies from Sean, and smiled up at Jameson in a way that probably looked like I was more in pain then anything. I tried to take a deep breath, but the pain was still radiating, and I no longer was as calm as I was before.

Jameson smiled down at me, helping me to sit up.

"I'm sorry Uncle Jett!" Sean looked absolutely terrified that he had actually hurt me, but I smiled at him, reaching over to ruffle his hair.

"I'm alright little buddy, it just hurt a bit, but I'll be alright." It was true, I would be alright, just probably not for a while, he landed a lucky blow.

"Maybe we should go." Jameson was whispering in my ear again, and I just nod, mostly out of it. I let him help me to my feet, though I probably don't need his help as much as he offers it.

Erin and Linda smile as a goodbye, and Sean hugs my waist, much softer than before, and I smiled down at him. 

"Buy little buddy." I wave goodbye to Erin and Linda, and poke my head into the kitchen to say goodbye to the rest of the family.

"You take a few days-" Danny starts.

"Bloody hell no, I'll be in tomorrow." I mutter an apology to Henry for my language before continuing. "Otherwise the paperwork will never get done."

Frank snorts, as if remembering our conversation from a few weeks ago, and Danny just shakes his head.

Henry smiles brightly, "He's right."

"Gramps! I thought you were on my side!" Danny protests, I smile as I walk forward, carefully putting an arm around Henry's shoulders.

"Bullocks no, Henry's always on my side." I glance at Henry, "I get the turkey platter."

The room delves into loud boisterous laughter, and I drop my arm from Henry's shoulder and look over at Jameson. He motions his head to the side, and I nod.

I reach a hand to him, and he takes it, leading me through the house and out the front door to the car.

He had this look about him, and I smiled at the way he looked in the sunlight. His eyes sparkling and his smile bright.

I am so in love.

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