↞ Chapter Thirteen ↠

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Season Five, Episode Five

There are times were everything just hits the fan, when every little thing that could go wrong did, and you become rather unsure in what even brought it this far into the wrong.

Family dinner was actually alright, except for the part where Danny stormed out earlier thank usual because of Jameson's constant teasing, and then almost immediately called me on my phone to see if I was coming back to the precinct.

I was, and I did.

Our work last night turned out nothing, though I did get to sleep in for a few hours with Jameson this morning. We both left the house at the same time, he headed to his precinct to work a couple hours of a tour, despite my protests, and I headed to the 5-4.

Erin called me on my way to inform me that Russell Price was being let free, because the judge believed we don't have enough to hold him, which I could definitely understand the ruling. We had just barely enough evidence to arrest him, let alone get a conviction. I said my goodbyes to her as I pulled up to a red light, only a half a dozen blocks from the precinct.

My phone started to ring again, and I pulled it out, "Hey Reagan."

"Hey J, how far are you?"  Danny asked.

"A couple blocks, why? You need a decent cup of coffee?" I said it in a teasing tone, but from his sigh, the answer was a yes.

"That'd be great J."

I nodded despite the fact that he couldn't see me, flicking my blinker off and pulling into the curbside parking spot next to me. "Lucky for you I'm at the red light next to that place you like." I climbed out of the car, locking it behind me, and muttering about it being 'too bloody cold.'

"You complain about the heat too." Danny retorted, and I could practically see the face he was making.

I started to say something clever back, but got distracted by someone moving over my shoulder. I glanced, sighing a bit as I realized it was just two people very excited to see each other. I turned back around, reaching for the door handle of the coffee shop.

Someone grabbed my wrist, I turned to protest but found myself mute at the face of Russell Price, a wicked grin on his face.

"Russel Price you are under arrest-" I made an attempt to twist my wrist from his hand, but somehow the few inches of height that he had on me gave him the upper hand. He turned me around, my head fitting perfectly into the crook of his elbow as he applied pressure.

"Now who's under arrest." He muttered in a threatening way.

Given any over situation I would have laughed, but I bit it back, trying to pull free and protest. I watched my phone hit the ground as Price pulled me backwards. I dug an elbow into his stomach, hoping for any amount of a loosened grip around my neck, but the action was to no avail. He slammed my front into the hood of the car he had pulled into the alley, and for the first time I knew what a perp felt like whenever Danny did that to them.

"Let me go!" I shouted, making a move to grab for my weapon at my waist, but it was already gone.

The deafening sound of a bullet sliding into the chamber stilled all movement from me, the cold metal of the barrel on the back of my head made my breath hitch in my throat.

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