↞ Chapter Six ↠

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Season Four, Episode Fifteen

"Right, so where are we going? I've never heard of Walker?" I was visibly confused. I barely remember my time in school, as it was upwards of fifteen years ago and I'd done a lot since then. Plus, High School wasn't a high point in my life, so I see no reason trying to remember a time that I don't particularly want to remember.

"It's supposed to be a good school, parents dump a lot of money into it." Danny muttered dejectedly, I glanced over to him as we walked towards the school. He was tense, and unsure as he walked.

"You know the place?" I asked, lifting my hand to catch the yellow police tape and hold it over Danny's head.

He nodded, sighing as he spoke, "Caught a case here a while back. What do we got?" He directed the question to a patrol officer.

"Ten-year-old female, Jenna Wallace. She never made it home from school." The Patrol Officer sighed, and I made a face without meaning to.

I couldn't tell what was going through my head as I walked closer to the school, the idea of having to speak to another family about their missing child is something that I had hoped to never have to do again. But in my line of work, it's only assumed that I would.

"Any witnesses?" I asked, glancing around the clearing of police cars and onlookers. A few were having words with different officers, but none seemed to invested.

The patrol officer motioned to a panicked looking crossing guard. "The crossing guard saw the girl leaving the building, her parents are over there." The parents stood a few feet away from the guard, and by the look of it, the guard was repeatedly saying sorry, despite the obvious fact that it was not her fault.

Danny nodded in a way of saying 'thank you', patting the officers shoulder before turning to me. "I call the crossing guard." He said it as he walked away, leaving me in the dust before I could even protest. I mutter a select few curse words under my breath before turning and putting on a calm face to approach the parents, more than anything I wished that Kenai was here, she always seemed to bring comfort in the best ways.

"Mr. and Mrs. Wallace?" I spoke in a soft tone, a light look on my face, "Detective Inspector Howards, my partner and I are taking your daughters case."

The mother reached for me, and it took everything in me to not dodge her as she did, she took both of my hands in a bony grip and spoke firmly. "You need to find Jenna. You need to bring her back to us."

I nodded, trying to ignore the way she reminded me of Matty's mother. "We are going to try our best. I'd like for the two of you to come down to the squad room so we can ask you some questions?" I smiled lightly, "The more information we can get, the better the chances are that we can get your daughter back."

That seemed to throw the mother into another fit of tears as she drops my hands and falls back onto her husband. "You need to find my baby." It's spoken through sobs and tears, I swallow thickly, trying to force myself not to show emotion as I waved my hand at an officer that was passing by.

"Please take Mr. and Mrs. Wallace to the squad please." I placed a hand on Mrs. Wallace's shoulder, leading her in the direction of the officer.

"Yes sir." The woman nodded, motioning for the Wallace's to follow him. I watched them go, taking deep breaths as they went. I couldn't help but see flashes of Matty and his parents in the family as they walked away.

"You!" I snapped, grabbing the arm of another officer as he walked by. The man looked terrified, as if he had done something wrong. I spoke quickly,  "I want 'information wanted' posters plastered all over this neighborhood. Everyone is on this case, I'll let Gormley know."

The officer nodded, moving quickly to fulfill my request, Danny approached, seeming to catch the emotion's in the air as he came. He attempted to be considerate but I ignored it, speaking over him as he stood next to me.

"We have 72 hours usually to find a kidnapped victim and we've already lost seven, we need to get going." I snapped, feeling more frustrated then ever at the moment. I hurried to the car, reaching for the back door before suddenly feeling lost. I shook my head, reaching for the front door and climbing in.

If Danny had noticed what I had done, he didn't say anything as he started the car. I felt suddenly sad, like all of the frustration that I felt around the case turned into sadness at the lapse I had realizing Kenai wasn't here. I leaned back, running through all of the things that we needed to check as soon as we arrived back at the precinct. 

"Seven years ago, a little girl that went to that school was snatched on her way home." Danny starts, his grip tightening on the wheel. "Allison Scott, her dad called her 'Allie'. Her dad Joseph comes by a couple times a year since, or we'll meet for beers."

Danny glances over at me, "That's my case, the case that keeps me up at night. What's yours?" He looks at me, and I shake my head. "No come on, out with it. There's a case, I know there is."

"I don't want to talk about it Danny." My voice was firm, nearly angry, and Danny seemed to get the message. I rarely spoke in such a way, but the memories were to much. The drive was silent after my small outburst, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get the thought of little Matty Duke.

I'd need to find Jenna, I wouldn't let her parents down the way I did Matty's.

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