↞ Chapter Nine ↠

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Season Five, Episode Five

"She's says the cars not starting, and she can't get a hold of Gramps." Danny looked flustered, but I just shook my head, hoping to ease his anxiety about the car.

"Go Danny." I nod my head to the car. "I'll take the tube- er- Subway home." I smile, and he pats my shoulder in a way of saying 'thank you.' I watch him go, only after turning towards the nearest Subway station do I start grumbling about the cold.

While I was entirely honest about it being alright for me to just take the Subway, I do wish I had asked to be dropped at the station. But whats done is done, and as I walked down the street I shoved my hands deep into my jacket pockets and fiddled with the little black box in the left pocket.

I knew that I probably shouldn't carry the ring around, there was a risk of loosing it, or it falling out of my pocket while chasing a perp, but I felt odd leaving it at the flat. Knowing Jameson he'd find it without meaning to, and then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore.

I glanced over my shoulder to check for cars, before jogging across the street. It was strange walking through the streets of New York so late at night, but I wasn't nervous or anything. It was just different. My experiences with London at night shape how I think my experiences would be in New York at night, despite the obvious differences between the two.

A whistle sounds behind me, and I heard the sound of car breaks. I turned, probably to quickly, and scanned the dark air for where the sound had come from.

"Can I give you a ride?"

The voice was unmistakably Jameson's, and I smile as he rolls up under the light from the street lamp. He looked impossibly small as I looked at him through the window, he smiled up at me. At first, I was really happy to see him, but when I ducked down to his level to great him with a 'hello' kiss, I noticed the empty passenger seat.

"Where's Janko?" I asked, frowning in annoyance, and stepping back, almost like I was withholding affection from him.

He rubbed the back of his neck, something he does when he feels bad and isn't sure how to phrase it all. "She's got court tomorrow, clocked out early."

I rolled my eyes, sighing heavily as I leaned back on my heels. "You said she's got your back, and I-"

"She did, and I'm just doing one more pass around the neighborhood and then I was gonna head home." Jameson interrupts, putting the car in park and stepping out. He leans against his car door, utility belt clunking as it hits the car door. Jameson reaches for my hands.

I give them to him, not protesting when he uses my hands to pull me closer to him, I step closer shuddering at the warmth radiating from him. Jameson rubs his hands around my fingers and massages at my wrists.

"God you're freezing." Jameson lifts my hands to his lips, blowing warm air into our cupped hands, before speaking again. "Let me give you a ride. We can go home together."

I knew he wasn't going to take no for an answer, and I didn't want to give it any more, the warmth from his hands and coming from the rest of the car felt brilliant, and I was already numb.

"Yeah alright." I nod, stepping forward to press a chastised kiss to his cheek and regretfully pulling my hands from his and walking around to the other side of the car. Jameson smiled over at me, shifting the car into drive before changing into his 'Officer Reagan' persona, rather than my boyfriend. I noticed how he squared the next block, turning towards what I assumed was the direction that the precinct was in.

"I already finished my patrol." Jameson clarified, before sighing and asking, "Have you found anything?"

"Since the three hours since we last talked?" I said it in a joking tone, before immediately taking a breath and speaking a bit more. "We got the ex, but he didn't do it. There was apparently a boyfriend just before-"

I trailed off, noticing two cars blocking the road up ahead, Jameson leaned forward a bit, gripping the wheel differently. His voice was nearly joking, "What is this, a fender bender?"

Jameson beeps his horn twice, before immediately sighing and glancing over at me when the two men arguing took to flipping off the car and shouting for us to go around. I didn't want to tell Jameson what to do, but in the moment I reached over and flipped the lights and sirens button once, just to make the sound and catch the two's attention.

He glanced at me, not looking annoyed or any form of negative emotion, just a glance. I looked back out the front window, squinting as I noticed the two drivers run to get back in their cars.

"Wait wait, Reagan." I set a hand on his arm, the use of his last name a habit, looking around the side windows, "It's a set up!"

I tried to tell him to drive on as I looked through the windows of the car, but my eyes caught sight of someone running straight for the car a bottle in hand. I wanted to say something, to say anything but the bottle hit the car and the drivers side exploded.

"Get out Jameson!" I grabbed my car door, shoving it open and stumbling out. I was a lot warmer then I was before, which I fully accounted to the flaming inferno on my boyfriends side of the car, my blood rushing through my ears as I sprinted around the front of the car.

The entire driver side door was on fire, but my concern was Jameson, I reached for the handle, dozens of cuss words leaving my mouth as the fire licked at my arms despite my veiled attempts to be careful. Jameson was trying to smack the fire off of his arm, but I grabbed him by his hand, yanking him from the car and patting at the fire.

Jameson's face was terrified as he looked up at me, and he shouted in protest as I kicked his feet out from underneath him and made him roll on top of his arm in a successful attempt as smothering the fire out.

A high pitch whistle started to sound, and I realized what was coming. "Get up, get up." I pulled Jameson up from under his armpits, practically dragging him behind the dumpster a couple feet away.

The boom that sounded was deafening, and I yelled in surprise without meaning to. Jameson's arms wrapped around me, and we were a tangle of limbs, both of us trying to protect the other from whatever debris that would fall.

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