↞ Chapter Eight ↠

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Season Five, Episode Five

"Hullo Office Reagan." I smiled up at Jameson as he walked towards my desk in the 5-4, looking rather fantastic in his uniform. I worked the papers that I was working on back into a pile on my desk, starting to stand but he waved me off in a way of telling me to say seated.

"Hey babe." Jameson kissed my cheek as he took a seat in the chair beside my desk. "You said it was urgent?"

"Right, yes." I nod, grabbing the picture of Tina McDermott off of my desk and offering it to Jameson. "This is Tina McDermott, she was assaulted earlier today, and died from her injuries. Your card was found in her wallet, and from what we can tell you were the last person she spoke to before she died."

Jameson looked from me to the picture so quickly that I feared he would get whiplash. "She was so scared her boyfriend was watching her, but she's dead?"

I just nodded as a reply.

"Danny's looking into who the boyfriend is, but for now," I grabbed my notepad from my desk, "I just need you to tell me everything that happened this morning my love?"

Jameson nodded, "Yeah, yeah of course. After I left the apartment this morning, I, uh, I started running around the Flatiron Plaza at about 8:35 a.m.." I nodded along. "I saw Tina sitting on a bench, bruises on her left eye and her right arm, and she was really spooked. Said someone was stalking her, but she took off before I could get the full story."

I nodded, scribbling notes with my left hand as I carded my right through my hair. "But you didn't see anyone else?"

"I mean, there was a dozen or so people at the Plaza, but I don't think the guy was there." Jameson leaned back, looking almost dazed as he spoke, I reached across, setting a hand on Jameson's in a way of comfort.

"He wants your head on a bloody platter for offering to help." I muttered, "He found your card in her wallet, and that's what led him to beating on her. Or at least that's what Tina said."

Jameson stood, his sudden movement nearly startled me, but his words terrified me. "Let him come find me."

I clamored to my feet, ignoring the fact that my notepad fell to the ground as I grabbed his arm as he turned, pulling him back around to face me. "Jameson Matthew Reagan I swear-"

Jameson's face crumpled the second I started to speak, and he put a light hand on my arm. "I'll be alright, I promise." He shrugged, looking confident, but not cocky. "Perps threaten cops all the time, happens to Danny at least once a week."

I didn't want to add the fact that it happens twice as much to me, but the change in my face alerted Jameson to what he believed was concern. He stepped closer to me, ignoring the fact that we were in the squad room, and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

Jameson smiled, "I got this. I'll be alright." Jameson started to turn away but Danny appeared at the perfect time.

"You convince him to play house mouse at the precinct for a few days?" He asked, and at my subtle shake of my head, Danny looked pissed. "Kid, this is serious, we-"

"I got Janko watching my back," He turned to face me,  "And I got the best Detective Inspector in the NYPD working the case."

I shake my head at him, ignoring the fact that he was flirting with me, and press a hand to his hand as he walks away. It takes me to long to look away from his retreating form, and when I finally do, Danny is giving me a knowing look. I just roll my eyes and ask him what he's got.

"Yeah, talked to the roommate." I didn't bother asking how he found out about the roommate so quickly, instead I lean against my desk, nodding along as he spoke. "She didn't know Tina well, moved in a couple months ago. All she knows is that Tina gets in fights with her boyfriend, a guy called Little G."

I hum, acknowledging where this was going as I bent down to reach in my bottom drawer, pulling my gun from its spot and placing it in the holster on my waist.

"Works at a bar downtown." Danny grabs the keys from his desk. "We're going out tonight."

"Brilliant." I smile, "I'll drive."

Danny considers it, before handing the keys over to me. I smile in veiled excitement, though I couldn't think past the fact that Jameson decided to turn down protective duty. If anything happened to him, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

Danny noticed my obvious discomfort as I drove, the way I would tense up and answer with one word responses, I wasn't handling any of this well, but I needed to keep a clear head.

I took a deep breath.

"Pull off here partner." Danny breaks the silence, and I just nod, not realizing how quick the drive was given the fact that it was just after ten at night.

I take a second to climb out of the car, rolling my shoulders in a way of trying to release the tension. There was a flurry of movement at the front of the club door, and Danny rushed forward, trying to react to something without knowing what it was just yet. I continued at a casual rate, mumbling that I wish I had remembered to grab my gloves this morning. Jameson had reminded me too, but I had forgotten just before leaving.

"Let me guess, Little G?" Danny asked, his tone condescending as he pat down the man he had thrown against the wall.

I stood just behind Danny with my hands in my pockets as I spoke. "Where were you the today when Tina McDermott was murdered?" I instantly caught the genuine shock on 'Little G's' face when he heard what I had said.

"What?" He tried to pull away from Danny.

"Come on," Danny sounds exasperated, "Don't act like you don't know what he's talking about. Answer the question."

Little G looks ready to cry, and nowhere near as tough as he did minutes before. "I haven't seen Tina in weeks, is she really dead?"

"Yeah bub." I nod, feeling slight remorse that he had to learn about her death from us in such an unemotional way.

The guy finally succeed in pulling away from Danny, getting pissed as he goes. I step forward, taking that moment to calm him down and take over the questioning. This needed a light touch, and Danny didn't have that touch.

"Why'd you break up with her?" I asked, ignoring his confusion at how I came to that conclusion.

"She uh, she wouldn't let me take care of that son of a bitch." His words were heated, and despite his use of relatively vulgar words, I had a feeling that Little G was being honest. "Look, I know it was him, I know it!"

Little G attempts to shove past me as if he was going to hunt for the guys head on his own, but I grab him by the arm, pulling him around and telling him to relax. "Bloody hell, who are you talking about?"

"Tina had this ex-boyfriend alright? He started stalking her, showing up at every corner, saying that if he can't have her, no one can." G starts to sob, and I feel rather awkward as I pat a hand on his shoulder. "I mean, the psycho even told her that he'd kill him if I didn't let her go."

"So you did." Danny chimes in.

"I wanted to beat his ass, but she wouldn't give me his name."

Danny's phone starts to ring, and he steps away to answer. I further the questions in his absence. "Alright mate, where were you between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m.?"

G shrugs, "Where I always am, a 24-hour place, the gym on 42nd and Newberry." He offered to take Danny and I there, but I just shake my head.

"No, we'll check it out, but you better be ready for questions if we have them."

He promises that he will be, and takes it a step further by offering his phone number which I note down. Little G turns away at my final declaration that I had all that I need, and face Danny.

"Linda?" I asked.

He nods. "Linda."

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