↞ Chapter Sixteen ↠

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Season Five, Episode Sixteen

It took thirty-three minutes to get everything under control at the house.

There had yet to be a shot fired, and I was just praying that it had continued. After relaying all the information I had about the situation to my Commanding Officer, I was put in charge of the scene. ESU had only just arrived, and we already had all of the necessary Officers spread around the precinct with a line of sight to take out Anthony Drake.

And I was trying everything to have that not happen.

I had been given a bullet proof vest to put on, and a holster for Danny's weapon, though the look I got from my Sargent told me I should have had my weapon on hand.

"What have we got Detective Inspector Howards?" An officer walked up to me, her lapels displaying her rank of Lieutenant. I had not spoken to her yet.

I readjusted the vest over the sweatshirt I was wearing, the worrying that I was doing about my partner made it unbearably hot. "The bloke's Anthony Drake. My partner and I met him on a domestic a few weeks ago, nasty divorce." My eyes moved from the woman next to me to the inaudible words of Danny and Drake in the box.

"And he's here today because?" The Lieutenant prompted, and I shrugged my shoulders before clarifying.

"I'm really not sure." I muttered, taking a step closer to the wall in an attempt to read either Drake's or Danny's lips. "I had the weekend off, only stopped by for some files and paperwork that I needed to go through."

The Lieutenant looked me up and down, as if just realizing the fact that I was not dressed in the usual suit and tie look of a Detective. "He emotionally disturbed?" Her tone was blunt, and I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes.

"Drinking problem." I reply, still trying to maneuver to see them speaking. "And before you ask, Detective Reagan didn't give him a toss because he wasn't arresting the guy."

The Lieutenant nodded, and I started to make a plan. Just barely hearing the conversations going on around me, with a snap of my fingers I drew their attention. Turning and asking about the bottle of whiskey that the Sargent kept in his drawer, he looked embarrassed to be called out and asked how I knew, I pushed the question away, asking him to bring it to me.

"I'll be back." I muttered, taking the bottle of whiskey from the man and tucking it in the crook of my arm.

I made my way slowly and surely into the bullpen, I kept my eyes on Danny and Drake as I ducked below the level of the desks in the room. I had an awkward time shuffling across the room, but after a few minutes I was able to tuck myself in Danny's view, but low enough that Drake wouldn't notice me.

I waved my hands, before freezing and holding up the bottle of alcohol in his line of sight.

It took three tries before I finally caught his attention, and when I did, he knew exactly what I meant.

"My nerves are getting the best of me." Danny kept his face turned in my direction, and I was glad for the fact that I could read lips relatively well. I couldn't see the other side of the conversation, but Danny's reply came quickly. "Something stronger?"

A subtle nod of his head let me know that Drake had taken him up on the offer. I crawled back to the back room, accepting the hand offered to me to help me up.

Everyone watching wasn't as confused as before. I watched as Drake (while keeping his gun pointed at Danny) disappeared just behind the wall, and from what I could tell from Danny, he was grabbing the phone to call us. The phone beside me started to ring and I snatched it up before my Commanding Officer could.

"Mr. Drake," I said, unconsciously placing my hand on the weapon on my waist.

"I want the bottle of whiskey in Reagan's drawer." Drake's voice was firm.

"Then I need you to let Detective Reagan go." I kept my voice flat, ignoring the way that the others in the room looked at me, I continued. "I need you to put the gun down and come out with your hands up."

Drake appeared in the window of the box, the gun still pointed at Danny he spoke directly to me. "The only way out of here for me is cuffs or a coffin."

I sighed, "You're right Drake, but you're not going to die today. Not on my watch."

Drake was sweating, that much was obvious from across the bullpen, his hands shaking as he held the phone up to his ear. "Respectively, fuck off."

I was startled by his tone of voice and use of words, but I nodded, accepting his opinion about the situation. "I'm not going to lie, you are looking at some jail time. Sixth months, maybe a year. But trust me Drake," I sighed again, "there is a bit difference between one year and a life sentence."

Drake looked ready to cry. "I already got a life sentence, they're never going to let me see my daughter again."

I used the phone to scratch my forehead, before replying. "Bloody hell, that's what this is about? Drake, holding a Detective hostage will not help your case. I-"

"I want to tell her what's going on!" He shouted over me, I nearly dropped the phone in surprise.

"Alright, alright. I'll work on getting Penelope here." There was no way I was going to bring a kid into a hostile environment such as this, but if saying something like this would get him to at least listen to me I'd do it.

"Bring me the bottle of whiskey." He said it in a no-nonsense tone, and I nodded though he probably couldn't see me.

"You've got to do something for me then." I said, purposefully making my voice break in an attempt to get Drake to listen. "Don't hurt my partner."

"He's fine."

The phone banged loudly as Drake put the phone back on the receiver, and silence fell over the precinct.

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