↞ Chapter Eighteen ↠

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Season Five, Episode Sixteen

There are certain ways people can act whenever they are either in possession of a secret or telling a lie. For most, it's the same the action or tone of voice, the rare few act entirely different depending on what it is that they are doing.

Jameson, for example, cannot sit still. Whether it is the obvious click of his heel into the ground, or the more subtle twitching fingers by his side, like he is playing a tune on a piano ever so carefully. He hates the fact that I know when he's lying or hiding a secret from me, because I'm apparently rather hard to read.

I was glad for the fact that I knew Jameson's tells and no one else did. It was another one of those little details that made me love him more and more with every day that passed.

Jameson came home after shift at 6 a.m. and he was dead tired. He flopped beside me on the bed (startling me awake in the process) before immediately falling asleep in a restful way.

I was not so lucky.

Not that it was Jameson's fault or anything like that. My attempt at sleep before his arrival had only been vaguely successful, which led to an early morning run and two fresh muffins, one blueberry and one chocolate, the latter to help with Jameson's sweet tooth.

The tapping of his foot started the second we climbed into the car, a side effect of the fact that we were on our way to see the family, and once we got out of the car it turned into his hand in mine squeezing three times every fourth step.

It meant 'I love you.'

"We've got this." I pressed a kiss to his hand, pulling him close to me and wrapping my arm over his shoulder.

"Yeah, no biggie." He muttered, an obviously sarcastic tone to his voice as he leaned into my side. I opened the front door, giving him the chance to walk under my arm and into the house.

"Uncle Jamie! Uncle Jett!" It was a chorus of squeals as both the boys came barreling through the house as soon as the door shut behind us. I grunted dramatically as the younger boy crashed into me as I bent to catch him.

"Hey Seanie." I muttered, extending to my full height and sticking the boy under my arm like a stack of files. He giggled loudly, wiggling as he tried to get free. "I'll let you off, but you've got to go help with dinner."

Sean paused, considering what I had to say and only nodding and promising that he would after I gave him a few more shakes. He scrambled away, shoving his brother as they both ran off. I leaned over to Jameson, smiling brightly as I did.

"I want a kid." I muttered, before pressing a kiss to his cheek and hurrying off towards the kitchen to see where I could be helpful. I could feel his eyes on my back as I left and practically see the opened mouth look of surprise that he was no doubt displaying. "Hullo everyone."

Frank smiled at me, patting my shoulder as he passed by with one of the dishes in hand.

"Go on and sit down," Henry started, waving me off with the spoon he had in hand. "I've got this."

I nodded, "Alright then." I smiled to myself as I walked away, unable to hide how excited I was about telling the family about Jameson and I.

I could tell Jameson felt the same as I walked in, his fingers playing Moonlight Sonata  on the edge of the table. I sat down beside him, setting a heavy hand on his and smiling over. Miming for him to take a deep breath, he did, moving his hands from the table to his lap. His right wrapping firmly around my left.

It took little time for the rest of the family to sit down, and with a loud clearing of his throat at the head of the table, Henry got everyone's attention.

"Now who's turn is it to say grace?"

Erin was the first to reply, as she usually is, "Not me, I said it last week."

I wasn't sure who said it last week, but it sounded believable enough. "I think it's Nicki's turn." I said it with a smile, only really meaning it in a teasing way.

The blame bounced up and down the table before Jameson finally said that he would say it with a heavy dramatic sigh. I nodded, bowing my head and waiting for him to start to speak. My mind wandered as he said the prayer, we hadn't expressly said when we would announce it to the table, and as everyone lifted their heads and started to pass I didn't have to wait long to get my response.

It however did not come in the form of any understandable words, but rather a high-pitched shriek from Nicki as she accepted the potatoes from Jameson.

Silverware clattered, glasses hit the table hard, and the potatoes almost hit the floor (a last minute save from Erin just barely stopped the tragedy).

"What is it? What's happened?" Henry said, standing slightly to see what was going on.

Nicki didn't respond, instead she grabbed at Jameson's hand, who looked at me with distinctly pink cheeks. "Is this what I think it is?"

"What, what is it?" Jack, as the farthest from the events, asked loudly, standing from his chair before his dad could tell him not to and running around the table. "Uncle Jamie are you getting married?" His voice was just as loud as Nicki's, and at that announcement, the table erupted into a mixture of laughter and cheerful surprise.

"I was wonderin' when you were gonna do it kid." Danny said, pointing at me with his fork.

I smiled, looking at Jameson as he lifted his hand for everyone to see. The food was momentarilly forgotten as all conversation turned to the ring, the proposal, and the wedding.

"I think it's time for a code blue." Frank said, nodding his head in a sure way and looking around the table. I leaned over to Jameson only after questioning myself what that meant. He shook his head, and avoided my gaze.

And suddenly everyone was talking over one another, their hands moving dramatically as they started to describe what my wedding would look like.

"Big Venue-" That was from Erin, her hands spread wide as to show the size of the venue.

"Lot's of high profile-" I couldn't be sure which of the kids said that.

"You could wear Dad's tux-" Danny said, no semblance of a joke in his eyes. I felt as though my head was spinning.

Jameson leaned over me, at first I thought was to provide comfort, but his words did the opposite, "It's a little over the top with the epaulets but you could make it work."

Nicki continued with something else, but I suddenly snapped, shouting loud enough to make glass rattle, "Enough!"

I looked around the table, "You know I love you all, but all due respect." I put a hand on Jameson's thigh as I spoke, "I am a gay man with only one living relative, and not a lot of class. The wedding is my wedding- That is," I looked over at Jameson, "our wedding, and we  will be choosing the venue, the suits, the guest list."

I paused briefly, almost wanting to hold my tongue before continuing, "And if you don't like it, I'll send you a bloody photo album."

Silence passed through the dining room, and for a moment I worried I had gone to far in my declaration, when suddenly Frank started to clap, followed quickly by everyone else at the table.

Danny smiled appreciatively, "That was a much better reaction than Jack."

"Oh yeah." I could just barely see Nicki's smile through Jameson.

I just felt betrayed, "That was a bloody joke?"

Frank nodded, "Well yeah, we would have done it to you earlier, but we always wait until the wedding. I didn't think it'd take ya five years to propose!"

Jameson snorted beside me, and I shook my head as I started to laugh. I leaned over to Jameson, "Sorry it took me so long love."

He just smiled and shook his head, "I'd wait forever for you."

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