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Season Six, Episode Two

Before Jameson, I spent most holidays alone.

London was always grateful of my services on Christmas and New Years and practically every holiday. My birthday was no exception to this small fact. I found the simplicity of going to work much more enjoyable than the complicated events that people made holidays and birthdays out to be.

Jameson changed all of that for me.

It started first with our first Christmas. I'd gotten him a gift, and we had planned on dinner together, and that was that in my book. That is until the entire family had me over, almost like Sunday dinners, and we spent the day in our pajamas and in a mild state of mostly-drunk.

New Years Eve was spent the same way. New Years Day was a rather large party of people I'd never gotten the chance to meet before now.

Easter was a fantastical affair, much along the lines of New Years Day. I didn't protest during the photos, or the egg hunt, and when we got home that night, it was just Jameson and I. The pair of us had a couple glasses of wine, and everything went from there.

Birthday's were a whole other affair in Jameson's book.

I didn't even tell him when my birthday was, this snarky son-of-a requested my file from HR and used that to get the date of my birth. Which meant a small amount of anger directed to me, as he had "missed" my birthday during our first year of dating, and I hadn't let him now about it.

I've never enjoyed birthday's.

The optimist in me tells me that it's a fun day of family and good will. The pessimist in me informs me that it just means another year closer to the end.

My parents had always made a big deal of my birthday, and to do it without them felt strange.

But now Jameson and I were going on five years and seven months, the past six being our time as fiances, rather than just plain old boyfriend and boyfriend.

Jameson almost always started the morning off the same way on my birthday.

First, he'd attempt to get out of bed without waking me, though I did every time, I'm a light sleeper and he isn't exactly delicate when he goes about it. I play the good sport, and roll over to pretend that I am still sleeping.

He'd return about a half hour later with a plate of breakfast for the pair of us, wake me up with a kiss to my forehead, and then we'd sit in bed until I had to go to work.

This morning was just barely different, a few minutes after Jameson left my phone started to ring, and as I turned over to answer it, Jameson beat me to it.

"Hey Danny, what's up?" It was spoken in a whisper, and Jameson left the room quickly with my phone in his hand, still seeming to think that I was asleep despite the interruptions. His voice was hard to hear in the hallway, "He's asleep still."

Whatever the reply was from Danny was beyond him.

"I'll let him know during breakfast, he'll meet you at the precinct."

The realization that I had a case came to me suddenly, and I found myself frowning as I sat up in bed. Every part of me wanted to wait until Jameson came back in, but the case had become a priority over my birthday breakfast.

I was dressed in minutes, pulling my overcoat on and adjusting the collar as I made my way from the room. I would much rather lay in bed for an hour more, spending time with Jameson and his well wishes for my birthday, but I could also recognize the fact that work was rather important.

"Hullo love." I said it with a smile, leaning against the door frame of the kitchen, eyes lingering on Jameson as he dances round the kitchen.

He yelps, dropping the bowl he was working with the few inches from his hands to the counter top and spinning aggressively. "Jett! Babe, what are you-" He pauses, trying to spread his arms out wide enough to block what he was making for the breakfast. "What are you doing up?"

I smiled, stepping into the kitchen and held my hands out to him. "I've got to go in."

"You heard the call?" Jameson's face instantly drops, and I feel a tug on my heart at the sight.

"But," I said it with a smile, pulling him close to me and pressing a kiss to his cheek before continuing to speak.  "Tonight, we can do dinner, to make up for my missed breakfast."

Jameson seemed to consider it for a moment, before nodding and standing on his toes to kiss me. His lips pressed against my for a long moment, his hand leaving my to reach up and pull at the hair at the base of my neck.

"I love you." I muttered it against his lips, before stepping back and letting my hand linger on his. "I'll see you tonight."

Jameson nodded, looking almost-dazed before nodding. "I love you too babe." I turn away, smiling to myself at the use of the nickname, I could never get use to it.

The idea that the man who was so disappointed to not make me breakfast on my birthday would someday soon be my husband is something that I still have to wrap my head around.

He is wonderful, and I am lucky to have him.

The whole family truly, they had so quickly become my family, and the luckiest part was Danny as my partner. He's rather cocky, and arrogant, but given the fact that I am engaged to his brother he is rather brilliant about our partnership in work.

I'd rather be me than anyone else in this lifetime.

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