↞ Chapter Five ↠

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Season Four, Episode Three

Family dinner was a somber occasion.

The rest of yesterday was a blur in my mind. A man from the 5-4 collected Kenai's body from the courtroom, leaving her collar and leash with me, and Jameson came and got me, and not much had changed since then.

Danny finished the paperwork in my place, and Jameson drove me to family dinner.

I didn't have an appetite, but I filled my plate anyways, taking slow bites as everyone was silent around me.

I couldn't wrap my head around the idea of Kenai not being here. We had spent the past six years together, I had trained her since she was a puppy, and in one afternoon she was gone.

"Is there a ban on speaking this week?" I joked, though I didn't feel the humor, Jameson's hand didn't leave my thigh, the comforting action welcomed.

"It's been a banner week for the family business." Henry muttered, reaching over to pat my shoulder is a somber way. "Erin's dodging bullets, Jamie's telling his bosses off, and Kenai..." Henry trailed off.

Jameson spoke quickly, attempting to change the subject before it went to sour. "I didn't tell anyone off." He mutters dejectedly.

"Oh and you thought I was the troublemaker Dad?" Danny smiled triumphantly, stabbing his fork in the air at Jameson beside me. "Who'd you tell off?"

"No one," I can see Jameson glance at me out of the corner of my eye, I ignore it, in favor of taking another bite of the potatoes. He shakes his head before speaking again. "God is there no privacy in the family?"

I smiled, feeling the need to weigh, "I don't think you're doing your job properly if you're not getting complaints or being suspended."

Sean raised his hand, and I couldn't help but laugh, pointing at him in a way of giving him permission to ask whatever it was that he needs to ask. "You have to break the rules to be a good cop?"

"Bloody hell no," I shook my head, before muttering an apology to both Henry and Linda for my language. "If you're an active cop, and you're passionate, you're bound to piss someone off."

Frank made a face of agreement, before smiling and nodding at me. "Danny would know that better than anyone." I could tell from his tone of voice that he wasn't entirely sure how to phrase his agreement.

"Well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Danny snapped back, I laughed, leaning towards Jameson to steal a bite of his mash potatoes. The remark was directed towards Frank, though the Commissioner looked guilty as he did.

"Uh, actually..." Frank trails off, looking across the table to Henry at the other end.

It was nearly comical as everyone followed his gaze to Henry. "Two weeks without pay for telling the chief to 'stick it where the sun don't shine'."

The entire table chuckles, though I could tell both Jack and Sean weren't entirely sure what the phrase meant.

Frank raises his hand to catch our attention. "Two days suspension for kicking a rapist in the nuts."

I make a face of appreciation, before Danny speaks.

"Been suspended twenty days for calling out a corrupt judge in open court." Danny says, continuing to eat from his plate. Linda elbows him, and for just a moment I believed it was because she didn't know about that, but he sighs before speaking. "And a dozen other things."

The table all turns on Sean as he starts to ask about being suspended from school, and suddenly I think about Kenai again, a pang of pain going through my heart. Jameson squeezes my hand as if he could tell that I was thinking about it again.

"What did you do Uncle Jett?" Jack asks, looking at me with a knowing smile. I smiled, still loving the fact that the boys called me that.

I snort, shaking my head before speaking. "Nothing of interest."

"Oh hell no- sorry pop-" Danny pauses before readjusting his wording, "Heck no, we all had to say what we did, so what did you do?"

I smile despite myself, "The worst was just before I left to come to New York." Danny motions for me to go on. "A superior of mine made homophobic comments while we were setting up the plastic barriers for the annual London Pride Parade. I told him that maybe he should take a different shift, and he accused me of being a 'fairy.'"

I paused there, and Danny motioned for me to continued.

"I asked him 'Why, you interested?'" Jameson snorts loudly from beside me, a smile flashes across Frank's face, though I could tell he felt heartbroken at the idea of a superior speaking to me in that way. "Month suspension, I handed in my two weeks notice the next day."

Frank sighs in mock disappointment, before the entire table delves into laughter and giggles.

I look to the two boys sitting across the table from me, "Sometimes boys you have to follow your heart even if you do break the rules."

"I agree."



Everyone goes around the table making noises of agreement with me, and I smile lightly.

The conversation changes, and the mood turns to something sadder, as if replicating how I feel.

"I'm sorry about Kenai." Frank says, it was his eighth time apologizing, but I nod and mutter a 'thank you'.

"She was the best." I had to force my self to use the past tense. "I had her since she was a puppy you know?" I looked down at the table, forcing myself to not cry, Jameson's hand tightens around mine.

"Took courses on how to properly train her and got her certified in everything. She really was a brilliant dog, picked up all of the French commands as quick as any." I smile sadly, "She stayed a puppy frame of mind the entire time. I'll miss her."

"We all will." Jameson says, leaning over to press a kiss to my cheek.

I knew they all meant the best, but I didn't want to think about her anymore. I smiled, taking a deep breath, "Boys, you want to help me clear?"

They both jump to their feet, grabbing at their own plates before starting to stack everyone else's plates on top. I followed suit, grabbing Jameson and Henry's before making my way to the kitchen.

The desert was sitting on the counter top, a tiramisu that I had made a few days ago, and I grabbed it and the plates before starting back to the dining room.

It would be a hard road ahead without Kenai, but I knew I'd be able to do it with this family on my team.

"Dessert anyone?"

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