↞ Chapter Seven ↠

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Season Six, Episode Two

"Hullo Baker." I spoke with a forced smile, my voice soft.

Baker looked at me, a bright smile on her face. "Jett, long time no see!" She stood, crossing around the desk and wrapping her arms around me in a hug that I greatly appreciated. She was much more official when it came to Jameson and Danny, "Detective Reagan, Officer Reagan."

"Is he in?" Jameson asked after shaking the Detective's hand.

Baker shook her head, the smile not fading, "When is he not." She stepped back to the other side of the desk, looking at the calendar. "It's Saturday, shouldn't you all be home preparing for the famous Sunday dinner?"

It was said in a joking tone, and Danny replied the same, their words falling on deaf ears as I concentrated on keeping my breath the same.

"You three can go in," She smiles, "It'll be a good break in his day to see all of you."

I forced a smile to my face, if only she knew the reason why we were here. I nod, walking to the door and muttering a 'thank you' to Jameson for holding the door open for me.

"Detective Reagan, Officer Reagan, Detective Inspector Howards." Frank spoke in an official tone, before re-phrasing his words. "Unless today it's my eldest, my youngest, and my future son in law."

It was how he approached every conversation with any of us. Were we here personally, or professionally? Not even I was sure which.

I felt soft and pliable, my head still reeling with the fact that I wasn't sure what any of this meant. "Frank." I spoke his name through the chaos of the three of them speaking. "I need you to tell the story of when we first met."

I couldn't remember all the details, just the scattered facts that Frank had informed me of to some extent. Both him and my doctors had quickly made the decision that everything was not needed to be shared. I had agreed. But that was almost thirteen years ago, and with the effect of the voice on me earlier led to the sure fact that I needed to know the whole truth.

"The entire thing." I spoke surely, though I did not feel as confident as I spoke.

Frank stood, a heavy sigh passing through his lips as he did. "What happened?" He stepped around the desk, motioning to the couches in the room. I sat down heavily, feeling comforted when Jameson took a seat beside me.

"I need all the facts." I said it in a firmer voice, wishing more than anything to command the room. I could feel Jameson's confusion from beside me, and Danny glanced over, the apparent want to ask questions pushed away as Frank cleared his throat.

Frank nodded, leaning forward slightly in his chair. "I was a Detective at the time, four years into  it. Sargent asked me to look in on a case and I did." I'd heard this part before. "I was on my way home and as I crossed the bridge to Staten Island, there was a car pulled off the road."

I could suddenly feel the cold air on my face and I shivered, griping Jameson's hand tighter.

"At first, I didn't think about it, but when I passed the car, I saw a man dragging a smaller man from the van. I pulled over, but was just barely to late." Frank sighed, "I shouted for the man not to, but he had already thrown the body over the side of the bridge. I tried to stop the man, but he was gone by the time I reached the edge of the bridge."

I remember the water, the frigid temperature that shocked my system. I wasn't awake for long.

Jameson leaned closer to me, his head landing on the top of my shoulder, his breath so close to my ear. I tried to concentrate on him, rather than the thoughts swirling in my mind.

"I looked over the edge, and saw this," Frank hesitated, "kid, floating in the top of the water, and ran around to the end of the bridge, calling for backup as I did. A couple friends of mine, you know, James Monroe and his wife and David Rimmet?"

A mumble of confirmation passed over the room, the names were not familiar to me.

Frank nodded before continuing, "They kept a boat docked on that fancy dock right by the bridge, I had a key." He skipped a little bit, "When I reached the kid, I dove in the water and pulled him out. He was so small."

I could remember Frank's hands on me, and how I screamed and panicked, trying to pull free.

My voice was hoarse when I spoke, interrupting Frank. "You told me to stay awake, and that help was coming."

"I did."

It was quite in the room for a moment, as if both Frank and I were trying to see who would speak next. "You were shaking like a leaf, and had blood all over you. You wouldn't let go of my hand when they tried to put you in the ambulance, I rode with you." I could remember that.

"The doctors gave me a run down of everything wrong with you; four broken ribs, dislocated shoulder, fractured skull, stab wounds." Frank hesitated, "A couple injuries that pointed towards sexual assault, the guy slit your throat, and planned on dumping you in the river to let nature was away all evidence of him."

I didn't know about the sexual assault injuries.

I remember my head feeling like it was going to split open for weeks on end, the scars covering my ribs and stomach from the knife. I felt Jameson tense up from beside me, the answer to the question he had tried to ask so many times finally there, he didn't like the response.

The room was silent, the rest of the story that had been a mystery to me felt like the missing puzzle piece to my life. But the knowledge of what went on before that was still much a blank space.

"Did you ever catch the guy who did this?" Danny asked, despite knowing the answer.

Frank shook his head, looking to me. "Did that help any?" His voice was oh so soft, like the whisper of wind through trees, he was being cautious, not to startle me.

I nodded. "We dated." It was said ever so softly, the two words shocked Jameson, I could feel the tension in his hand that wrapped around mine. "I didn't remember that before, but we did. He wasn't much older than me."

Danny leaned forward, waiting for me to continue. I wasn't sure where to go from there.

"There's so many gaps in my memory." I muttered, unconsciously feeling my breath pick up. "I'm-"

I stopped talking, looking to Jameson as I tried to find my words. "You don't have to tell us anymore darling." He spoke softly, pressing a kiss to the side of my head and looking to the rest of the room. "He doesn't have to say anymore today, we'll try tomorrow."

It was late, and my mind was to loud. Despite the fact that both Danny and Frank wanted to protest, they didn't, instead nodding surely and standing up. Jameson pulled me to my feet, holding both of my hands in his.

"I love you." I said it quickly, not sure how he was feeling about the entire situation. He faltered, turning to look at me. I could see both Danny and Frank turn away from the two of us. "I love you." I muttered it again, and for just a moment I was terrified that he didn't feel the same, that learning this changed everything.

Jameson looked up at me, his eyes were misty.

"Never doubt how much I love you."

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