↞ Chapter Ten ↠

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Season Three, Episode Fifteen

I seem to have a knack for interrupting conversation, walking into the room in the middle of it and watching as everyone clammed up instantly. It was always an awkward situation, and I just so happened to do that to Nicki and Erin when I arrived at the house the next day for family dinner.

The only plus side to come of it was that I got to hear about Ben. Which I was, of course, quick to tease Nicki about while I helped bring all of the food to the kitchen:

"Whose Ben?" I smiled, nudging her as I grabbed plates and silverware. Jameson had already found his way into the living room with the rest of the boys to watch the game.

"Ugh," Nicki groaned, "A boy, that mom found me kissing. She doesn't like it."

I snorted, knowing that she wanted me to be on her side but I couldn't exactly pick a side, I hadn't met Ben, and I wasn't sure if I would at any time.

"What did your mom say when you brought a boy home?" Nicki asked as we started to set the table.

I smiled in a sad way, the plates clunking softly on the table top as I set them down. "My mum wasn't there for it." Nicki's head shot up and she looked ready to apologize, but I waved it off. "My aunt was, and she's was shocked out of her mind."

Erin had joined the conversation, and others had started to move into the dining room as Erin asked a loaded question.

"Did she not support you?" Erin sounded sad as she asked, and I snorted, shaking my head.

"Bloody hell no, it's because the boy I brought home was Scottish and Auntie Jo couldn't understand him at all." I smiled, "Otherwise she couldn't have cared less."

Jameson pulled my chair out for me, and I sat, taking his hand and kissing the back of it in a loving way. Frank prayed over the meal, and we all started to pass.

"So, Seanie, you get to spend an overnight in Philadelphia?" I asked with a smile, watching as the boy lit up with a smile as he started to speak about it.

"Yeah! Jimmy's dad is bringing me, Terrance, and Andrew to see the Knicks play the Sixers." Sean was excited about it, and I was excited for him.

"I hate the damn Sixers." Henry grumbled, I reached over thunking his arm in a way of telling him not to cuss at the moment.

Linda piped up, "Jimmy's dad's company has an apartment down there." Linda smiled, "It was nice of him to invite Sean."

"I never got to do anything like that when I was his age." Jack grumbled, shaking his head as he aggressively forked a bite of food into his mouth.

"Bitter party of one, bitter party of one." Jameson mutters, and I shoot a look at him. He smiles to me in a way of apologizing and I smile, setting his hand on his thigh.

"I've thought about it Sean, and I need to meet his dad before you can go." Danny had thought about it, and most of the thinking was directed at me during the drive from location to location. 

Sean groaned, but thanked his dad about the fact that he was allowed to go. I smiled as I watched the two interact, before leaning over to mutter to Jameson.

"Let's have kids." Jameson tensed up a bit, looking over to me with a small smile.

"That's not how that works." He mutters, before smiling brightly, "I want too."

I turned to face him a bit more, to continue the conversation. "Really?" I smiled as soon as he nodded, "I wasn't sure at first, but I'm sure now." Jameson smiled brightly, leaning towards me to press a kiss to my cheek.

"-control over the way they live their lives?" I tore my eyes off of Jameson, looking at Nicki as she asked.

Jameson had a quick response, "We got a lot of freedom in this country, but there's got to be some rules, laws to protect us." He reached for my hand, pulling it to his lap and holding it tightly. "Sometimes from ourselves."

"Maybe sometimes you should let people take care of themselves." Nicki muttered dejectedly, and I knew it was because of whatever was going on between her, her mum, and the boy Ben.

"Not everyone can Nicki, there's a lot of bad people out there." Danny replied, sounding frustrated.

"I get what Nicki's saying though." Jameson said, holding a hand up to shush Danny when he tried to speak again. "There's a fine line between protecting people and going too far."

I nodded in agreement, loving that I could see the odd lawyer side of Jameson in a situation like this. I smiled, watching the family take what he had in stride. I took a bite of my food, before pointing at Frank with my fork.

"I heard about London. Anything I can do to help?" I offered, and Frank looked up in a confused way.

"How did you hear?" I knew why he was asking, it was mostly under wraps.

"I've got friends on the other side." I smiled, "They may threaten it for now, but I know they won't do it."

I wasn't any more specific than that, but I knew Frank knew what I meant. He nodded and replying with a veiled 'thank you.' This conversation wasn't over, but it was on pause for now.

And the rest of dinner was perfect.

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