↞ Chapter Two ↠

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Season Five, Episode One

The impact of the assailant car to my side of our unmarked cruiser was sudden and loud.

The crushing of metal in my ears, led to a sharp pain blooming from my side. I couldn't hear anything but the screaming of the blood in my ears and a piercing sound of bruised eardrums.

Danny was shouting at me, and I was glad for lip reading.

"Get down!"  The force of his hand on my shoulder and pulling me down made a ripple of pain flash up my side, from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. I bit back a groan, and continued to move.

Danny's door was pinned between the rest of the car and a dumpster, and though the car that slammed into us was in my way, the window was smashed to bits, most of it decorated my hair and skin.

I pulled myself through the demolished window, ignoring the screaming of my side and the glass piercing my hands as I went.

My concentration was on the DEA truck.

It was almost as if the world was moving in slow motion and I was going at a normal pace. It hurt much worse than anything to pull myself the rest of the way out of the car, my hearing had returned, though a high pitched wine still remained.

"Howards be careful!" He was lurching his seat, trying to force his car door open.

I didn't respond as I continued over the hood of the assailant car and onto the black top below. I stumbled when my feet hit the ground, a pain flaring up my side but I pushed it away, forcing myself towards the DEA truck.

I was shouting for them to stop, pulling my gun from my waistband and pointing it at the two men trying to take Martinez out of the truck. I couldn't see their mouths through their masks, and the ringing in my ears was much to loud for me to be able to hear their words. They shoved her into the front seat of the car, the tires squealing as they pulled away.

Despite the protest in my side I sprinted as fast as I could after the truck, shoving my gun into my holster as I ran. I reached for the handle of the truck, the metal brushed my finger tips, I forced myself to run faster.

The grip of the metal in my hand, and the speed of the truck made it feel like my shoulder would be pulled out of place, but I ignore it, pulling myself onto the little ledge and holding on tight to the truck as it lurched and rumbled down the road.

I felt panic in my chest, the car was moving awfully fast, and the idea of getting any amount of road burn terrified me. I'd had it often enough to know the pain. I needed to act fast.

With great difficulty and fear I pulled my phone from my pocket, muttering a prayer as I slowly bent down and shoved the phone just under the rubber liner of the door.

The prayer it seemed, was not enough.

The truck hit a pothole in the road, and in my bent state I lost my grip and balance. I fell, and it felt like a long distance. My back hit the ground hard and the breath was gone from my lungs, the pain in my chest made me fear that I had collapsed a lung just like those years ago when I took a bullet for Frank.

I couldn't seem to concentrate on anything, and I tried to roll over, to move, to do anything, but all I could feel was pain in my chest. I took a breath, a shaky long drawn breath, and the face of Danny appeared just inside my point of view.

He kneeled next to me, shouting into his radio though I couldn't concentrate enough on his words I was glad for the fact that I could hear them in the first place.

"Breathe J, come on, breathe." His hand that was sitting heavily on my shoulder disappeared, and for a moment I worried our assailants were back, but when he reappeared he had a confident smile on his face, though the worry was still in his eyes. He spoke to someone out of my line of sight. "He fell from a moving truck."

"Dan-" I didn't have enough breath to finish his name, but it got his attention. "My- phone."

My breath shuddered out, but it was there in the first place. I was breathing, and there was only the dull pain of the breath being knocked out in the first place being the only pain there now.

Cautious hands picked me up, and Danny grabbed at my pockets, he was looking for my phone, but that wasn't what I meant.

"Jame-Jameson." I shuddered out, another hand appeared over my face, an oxygen mask finding its place over my mouth. Danny looked ready to cry, but I smiled in what I hoped was comforting. "I'm okay." I chuckled, though it hurt to. " 'Tis but a scratch'." I quoted, and he shook his head, a smile on his face.

"You idiot." The open sky was replaced with the inside of an ambulance, and I realized who those cautious hands were. Danny followed me in, his face never leaving my line of sight. I could see a bit of blood dripping down the side of his face, and I hoped I muttered something about getting it checked out, but it was more mumbles than words.

I could feel hands picking at my skin, and a flash of fear passed through me. I tried to pull away, my back arching me off of the cotton of the gurney involuntarily. Danny hands flew over my face, his palms pressing into my shoulders.

I relaxed, realizing that it was help, not harm.

I did not loose consciousness the entire drive to the hospital. The pain in my side dulled as we went, and the fuzziness in my head disappeared.

"I put my phone on the truck." I muttered, grabbing at Danny's arm. "You can track it."

Danny's concern changed into joy. "You brilliant brilliant man!" He shouted, standing as if he was going to walk away, before falling back into his seat as we lurched to a stop at what I assumed was the emergency room doors.

I smiled, still dazed, but not to far gone to make jokes. "I know."

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