↞ Chapter Three ↠

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Season Four, Episode Three

There is a specific feeling associated with asking someone that you love something so important, and usually it is anxiety. I could barely get myself to walk through the front door of my flat the night before the moment I realized that Jameson was actually home.

I had been avoiding a conversation, a good one, but one that I was still worried about. I asked him to move in, the response was or course positive, and it was actually kind of romantic, because I brought home his favorites. Though it turned sour when Kenai stole his Marsala from his plate and spilled sauce everywhere. Then while we were cleaning it up we had a bit to much wine and ended up laying in a pile on the floor for a while.

I asked right as he was falling asleep, and he answered while half asleep.

I made sure he was sure what he said yes too before I left this morning, and then promised to help him move tonight when I got home and however many other nights we needed.

I came into the precinct dazed, half-hungover from the wine and mostly buzzed from the excitement that Jameson would move in with me within the week. "You ready to go partner?" Danny asked, looking across the desk cluster at me.

"Go where?" I muttered as I glared at the computer as he spoke, only just noticing the voice mail transcript sitting on my desk. "They transferred Lopez an hour ago, I've just got a note about it."

Danny stood quickly, the anger and frustration apparent as he paced back and forth. "But he agreed to talk to us." He grabbed at the paper in front of me, crumbling it up in frustration and tossing it in the bin.

"'Parantly the Feds can move him around every day of the week if they want, without any bloody reason." I muttered, easily following along in his annoyance. "And to South Dakota of all places!"

Danny groaned loudly, leaning against his desk in a huff. "How are we going to get this guy then."

I clapped my hands together, shuffling them a bit before leaning back in my chair. "Okay, so I had another idea. You mentioned that Erin can't help because he's got firewalls and perimeters and such that neither of us can touch."

"Yeah, so?" Danny nodded along.

"But at the same time, he's a U.S. citizen currently in our jurisdiction, and " I put emphasis on the word, "we think he has information on a murder case, and it's guaranteed the handler will cross paths with Delgado at some point, so?"

"So we can follow him until he does!" Danny jumps to his feet excitedly, smiling.

"You must be really excited for tomorrow Danny." I teased with a smile, he looked at me with a confused look. "'Cause you get smarter every day."

Danny laughed, shoving my head over before getting up and crossing to his side of the desk. "I'll call and get someone on his tail-"

"And I'll call to make sure we're all set for the warrant." I nod, grabbing my desk phone and dialing the D.A's office. "A.D.A. Reagan please?"

I was told I'd need to be put on hold for a moment, and I didn't mind as I just leaned back in my seat and waited.

Usually I'd make the call on my personal phone and not have to deal with the 'being-put-on-hold' part, but I left my phone at home this morning and hadn't had the chance to ask Jameson if he could bring it by.

"A.D.A. Reagan, who am I speaking too?" 

"Erin, it's Jett." I replied.

"Oh, hey Jett," She paused. "But I'm guessing this isn't a social call."

I nodded even though she couldn't see me before replying. "It isn't, I need a surveillance warrant for someone who has information on where a suspect is."

A clunk sounded on the other end of the line before Erin replied. "You don't need one." She sounded distant, which made me think she set the phone on the table before speaking.

"Oh, really? Brilliant." I smiled, "Thanks Erin."

"No problem Jett." She was the one to hang up.

I set my phone back on the receiver, looking across the desk to Danny who looked a little embarrassed.

"Okay so I know I said I was going to call and get someone on him, but-" He paused, looking across the table at me with a shy smile. "I might have already put a car on him after my conversation with Erin and found where Delgado is."

I snorted, shaking my head and started to stand. "Sneaky bastard, lucky for you we don't need a warrant. Where are we headed, and can I drive?"

Danny grabs the keys from his desk, "Apartment building in Brooklyn, apartment 1F, and no." He laughs, before shaking his head and making his way to the back of the precinct.

I follow him out with Kenai in tow and checking my pockets as I go. I frowned dramatically as I walked towards the passenger side of the car and let Kenai into the back row. I climbed in, waiting for Danny to finish making his call for the team that we needed to make the approach on Delgado.

This was all strangely too easy, not that I was necessarily complaining, it meant going home early.

"How's Linda?" I asked as soon as Danny was off the phone.

He groaned, "Still mad at me."

I snorted, "Did you say what I said?"

Danny paused, an awkwardly long pause, "Not the same thing." He sighed. "I'm got good with words."

"Obviously." I muttered, shaking my head as I glanced to the back to check on Kenai. 

Based off of everything that I knew about Danny I knew that he was a bit of a sweet talker, and based on how Linda told the story of him first wooing her he is very good at it. But based off of everything I see now, and this specific situation I cannot imagine how he ever got Linda.

But they were wonderful together, and I hope Jameson and I are together as long as them or longer.

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