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Because I am having trouble with my line of thought on this fanfiction, I decided to answer these questions as a chapter for this week.

Please comment and let me know what you think?

Who is more likely to hurt the other?

Because of how Jameson was raised (two brothers and a sister) he's pretty much immune to accidental hurting from Jett, and then because of Jett's past situations, he tends to second guess himself a lot. So the real answer is Jett, but it's never because of something that Jameson did, more so Jett second guessing the situation.

Who is emotionally stronger?

They are pretty much neck and neck, and it usually just depends on the situation. Jett tends to be very sensitive, and Jameson can be at times.

Who is physically stronger?

It's a tie! They both have their limits on some things, but they are both pretty strong.

Who is more likely to break a bone?

Jett hands done. He tends to be a bit volatile and can be rather dumb in certain situations. Jameson is always frustrated at how volatile Jett is.

Who is most likely to apologize first after an argument?

It depends on whose fault it is, but they are both quick to apologies. Jett usually shuts down after an argument, but if it's his fault, he is quick to an apology.

Who treats who's wounds more often?

Jett treats Jameson wounds usually. Jameson always tries to be independent when he gets hurt, but Jett likes to babysit him in almost every situation.

Who is in constant need of comfort?

At the moment Jett. He is struggling a lot with his mental state because of everything that happened years ago and the current serial killer out to get him. Jameson likes to just hold Jett when he's not okay.

Who gets more jealous?

Jett usually, but he never thinks that Jameson will step out on him or hurt him or anything like that.

Who's more likely to walk out after an argument?

Jameson, he likes to leave the room if something goes wrong. But with no other intention than getting a new perspective on the argument, and he always returns within two hours of leaving.

Who will propose?

Considering that it has already happened, Jett will propose.

Who has the most difficult parents?

Neither actually. Frank can be protective, and Jett's Aunt can be annoying, but they aren't particularly difficult. Jett's parents died years ago, and they would have definitely loved Jameson.

Who initiates hand-holding when they're out in public?

It's a tie. The both of them can be very affectionate in public, but it depends on the situation. If it's in the precinct, Jett always lets Jameson take the lead to make sure that he is comfortable in the situation. Around the family, it's usually Jett who takes the lead.

Who hogs the blankets?

Jameson, and whenever Jett wakes up cold, he always tries to be angry but it's so hard because Jameson will poke his head out and yawn and smile softly at him.

Who gets more sad?

Depends on the situation!

Who is better at cheering the other up?

It's a tie, but usually it's Jameson.

Who's the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?

Jameson always smacks Jett, but it's always because the joke is dumb and is usually followed with a kiss.

Who is more streetwise?

After almost two years undercover it would definitely have to be Jett, but Jameson is decently good at knowing what to do in certain situations.

Who is more wise?

Neither, they are dumbasses that only offer good advice on the off-chance that they have a coherent thought in the situation.

Who's the shyest?

Jameson when it comes to public affection, but other times not so much.

Who boasts about the other more?

It's a tie definitely, Jameson never shuts up about Jett to other people, and it gets worse after they get married (in a good way). Jett likes to talk about Jameson too, but usually only to the family and people that know him well.

Who sits on who's lap?

Jett likes to hold Jameson on his lap whenever he can, because he's smaller and is always warm. They work well together because of the fact that Jett is always cold, Jameson acts like a human heater.

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