↞ Chapter Six ↠

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Season Six, Episode Two

"He's on a spree." I muttered the words in a disappointed way. Three bodies in a week counts as a spree, and I had seen it once before.

Pages upon pages covered the desk in front of me, I'd been pouring over them for the past few hours and yet nothing came from it. Danny hadn't been much help in any areas, to much of his attention concentrated on figuring out exactly who the man was, and while I had to commend his attempts I was so sure that the information was within the pages of the file.

"His times between kills are becoming less." It was an easy observation. The oldest body we had was almost eleven years old, but it was much to organized. Something told me that there was older bodies, but I couldn't put my finger on why exactly.

I looked up at Danny the moment one of the phones in the room started ringing. He picked up his, "Reagan."

They brought our desk phones into the room to make it easier when it came to patching through calls. I couldn't hear the reply on the other end of the line.

"Who the hell is this?" Danny's voice was aggressive, and I frowned, not sure who he was talking to. "Okay, so why don't you enlighten me?"

I stood, reaching for my phone and pressing the eighth key and tuning into his call. I frowned as the voice on the other side of the line breathed heavily for a moment. I knocked on the window quickly, mouthing for them to start on a trace on the call and putting the phone back up to my ear the moment the man started to speak again.

"You called me a coward on television, and that's just not true." The voice took a breath, "I'm brave enough to help these men and women release their souls."

And suddenly I couldn't breathe.

The voice was so specifically familiar, and I gasped to breath, the phone falling from my hand as I leaned against the table in front of me. I could feel Danny's eyes on me but all I could hear was the blood rushing past my ears.

Danny wasn't sure what was going on in front of him. His future brother-in-law had grabbed the table in such a way that made the whole thing shake. The sudden change in behavior was not something he had seen before, but he had to concentrate on the serial killer on the other end of the line.

"You should be condemned you sick son of a bitch!" He shouldn't loose his temper, and if Jett was all there he would be telling him how dumb it was.

"So tell me," The man on the other end paused, "what have you found out about the killer so far?"

Danny knew for a fact that he was being bated, but he played along, noticing how Jett had slunk below the edge of the desk, a dull thud telling him that the man was laying on the ground on the other side.

"Why don't you tell me?" Danny redirected the question, motioning out the window of the room to see if they had gotten a trace yet, the shake of a disappointed face told him no. He waited for the man to continue talking.

There was the sound of breathing once again, "He's smart." A pause, "There's someone I'd like you to meet, his name is Asher."

The sound of screaming filled the line, a man begging for his life to be saved, the Killer hung up before Danny could protest. If he had the time, he might try to redial, but his concentration on the Killer disappeared almost immediately. 

"Jett!" He didn't shout his partners name, instead he whisper it aggressively, not wishing to draw attention to the Detective Inspectors current predicament. No sound came from the other side of the table, and when Danny crossed around he found Jett laying flat on the ground, an arm thrown across his eyes and his chest heaving in a violent way.

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