↞ Chapter Sixteen ↠

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Season Four, Episode Nineteen

"Yesterday I was in a bad mood and now it's you?" Danny's snarky question only earned a glare from me. It was his third time saying something about my mood today, and the first was just after we had a word with the 'business owner' (at least that's what he called himself) at the coffee shop, the second after we spoke with the ex-boyfriend.

I wasn't really angry, just sad. I couldn't put Jameson out of my head, but in a different way than usual. He felt so awful after what had happened with his partner, and it took at least another hour of the both of us laying in bed for me to fully convince him that I didn't blame him for what had happened.

I had woken up before him this morning, and kissed him awake, he was in a much better mood than last night, and for the first time in a long time we had breakfast together. He seemed to truly grasp the fact that I wasn't mad at him before he kissed me goodbye and I wished him good luck with his tour. The only reason my mood was sour was because I was trying to convince myself not  to do something.

"You've got a visitor." I muttered in reply, pointing his attention to the man slowly approaching Danny and I's desk.

Danny groaned, motioning to the papers spread on my desk in a way of telling me to keep looking. "I'll be back."

I nodded, continuing to look over the papers as he walked away. I scribbled a few notes on my notebook. Though the ex-boyfriend was suspicious, he wasn't really. He was more of a drunk than a killer, and I couldn't see him shooting a man, and there was the small fact that he had an alibi.

"Where are we with the Daniels murder?"

I slowly looked up at the Sargent as he approached, sighing a bit as I stood. I rolled my shoulders, before speaking. "Husband was having an affair so Reagan like's the wife, and I'm starting to lean that way, though we haven't got any proof about it."

I could see Danny approaching our desks looking peeved as he did.

"What do  you got so far?" Gormley asked, putting emphasis on the word. He was checking our progress, making sure that the pair of us were actually doing work.

"Finances tell us that the husband was spending all of their retirement money putting the girl through college." Danny voice was harsh as he spoke, and I looked at him in shock. He'd been in such a happy mood just before he went to talk to whoever it was. "And there's these gooey love poems."

Even the way that Danny passed Gormley a few pieces of paper was aggressive, and I knew that he knew. He knew someone was looking into him, and I nearly groaned in frustration. I knew he would figure out, it's what makes him such a good detective, though I wished the secret would have stayed more a secret for at least more than two days.

"'In the gallery between wakefulness and slumber, hangs a radiant canvas rendered surely by a haloed master'." Gormley was reading the poem in a slow way, and I cracked a smile. "This is your forever face. And I am the sole docent in this epha-m-eph-"

I stepped towards Gormley, glancing at the paper in his hand as Gormley continued to struggle over the word on the page. "Ephemeral." I offered, and he repeated it once before continuing.

"Ephemeral museum."

Danny smiled, though it seemed forced. "Wow, you had me feeling all warm and fuzzy here Sarge." He reaches towards my desk, snatching a few papers off of it. "Lemme see a few of those, all I got is lingerie receipts."

I snort, shaking my head as I take the papers back from Gormley and stack them together on the corner of my desk. Danny starts to read it out loud, and I'm only half paying attention.

He pauses in his reading, "Is this a poem about them taking the N train to Astoria for Greek food?" Danny scoffs, and I shrug my shoulders.

"Wait, read that last bit again." I walk around to Danny, looking at the paper. "The Olympus bit."

He looks at me in a quizzical way before reading the line again. "'A trip to Olympus for the price of a subway token.'"

"Subway token." I mutter,  before looking up at Gormley suddenly. "Bloody hell, the last time I used a Subway token was right before I moved, they've got the cards now." I cringe, "Maggie wasn't even born yet."

It threw me off, the fact that this old and crinkly college professor was dating a young woman, but to each his own apparently. 

"I think this guy was recycling." Danny said. He bent over, pulling his gun from the bottom drawer and placing it in his holster. I followed his actions, taking my own from its spot and putting it in its place on my waist. Danny looks at me, "Imagine you're the wife and you find out he's having an affair with a 20-year-old college girl, that's bad enough, but now pepper in the fact that the poems he wrote for you are now being given to that same girl."

I bob my head side to side, "That'd probably send me over the edge."

"Let's go talk to the wife."

Danny stayed sour the entire drive, not even mentioning the fact that he was being looked into, so I didn't. I felt strange and out of place, but the silence gave me the chance to think, and to make a final decision.

I was picking Jameson up after shift, I was giving him a ride to family dinner and while I was picking him up, I was going to have a word with this Eddie Janko.

A firm  word.

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