↞ Chapter Four ↠

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Season Four, Episode Three

I don't know how everything happens how it does, as there is really only one person who knows everything, but not even I could guess what would have happened.

Danny and I arrested Delgado two days ago, and Erin did the interviews and everything yesterday. We learned in an annoying turn of events that it was actually her ex-husband running defense on Delgado, and while I shook the man's hand to say hello, both Danny and I found the entire idea frustrating. Previously, I had only every really interacted with Jack on one occasion before this and to anyone else I would have claimed to not have enough of an opinion of him, I didn't even make an attempt in this situation.

Today, I was called to testify, Danny wasn't.

It was early Friday morning when I got the summons, and Saturday afternoon when the trial actually took place. Danny appeared to find the idea of not being wanted on the stand an insult to his reputation, but the moment he realized that meant he could spend the day with his two boys he gave up the fight.

Erin assured me it was a slam dunk, and I felt confident in her assurance.

"Detective Inspector Howards, didn't you promise Michael Hudson that you would find his fathers killer?" Jack Boyle was trying to be harsh and make me trip up, but I was rather calm and sitting with a straight back in my chair on the stand.

I had been in this position plenty of times before.

"No, I did not. But I did give him my word that I would try my best." I readjusted my shoulders, my left hand resting on Kenai's head and the other just beside the microphone on the stand with me. "And that is why Raul Delgado is sitting right there."

"Objection your honor!" Erin stood as she spoke. "Relevance?"

It wasn't a comment directed to me, but rather to Jack Boyle.

"A 13 year-old is susceptible to suggestion, your Honor." Jack motioned to me as he spoke, "Especially from a Detective Inspector who is making promises he can't keep."

"And as the Detective Inspector informed the defense, he did not promise Michael Hudson." Erin wanted to snap at Jack but refrained, instead directing all that she was saying to the presiding Judge. "Your honor we have proven the non-suggestive nature of the lineup, and age alone cannot predetermine the validity of this identification."

I could see the Judge nod at Erin. "Counselor?" She asked, looking to Jack Boyle.

"No more questions." Jack waves me off of the stand and I get up, Kenai sticks beside me as I go.

I pass through the prosecution and defense table and take a seat on Erin's side. Jack Boyle attempted to debate the age of Michael, but to no avail. It then turned to Erin asking about getting a DNA sample, before finally the Judge decides to end it there and inform Raul Delgado that he will remain in custody without bail until the trial.

Delgado was instantly angry, he stood, shoving his chair backwards against the railing as he started to shout at the Judge, Erin, and even his own defense. I reacted, standing just as quickly and stepped towards him. Subconsciously I reached for my weapon, before cursing myself when I realized I had to check it when I came in.

An officer of the courts started towards Delgado to take him back into the holding cells as Jack  attempted to calm him down, but everything happened so fast.

Delgado shoved the officer into the rail, grabbing his weapon just as I started to run towards him to assist the officer in apprehending the man.

Delgado pointed the weapon at my face, and I froze in my tracks. I have not had a gun pointed at my face in a long time, and the action made me panic, though I internalized it.

"Don't move!" Raul shouted, looking around the room as he yelled again. "Don't nobody move!"

He keeps the gun pointed at me and directs me to come through the barrier. I do so, just as  Kenai starts growling from beside me, doing what she does best as she makes an attempt at  intimidating the man to no avail.

I walk through the gate, keeping my hands up and letting him lead me to line up with the rest of those that were in the court room. I was trying to make a plan, to think through what to do, but I couldn't think through the screaming that came from the typist.

I knew that the man was planning to hold us hostage, and that he would let all of us go at some point for a cost, I just had to make that moment arrive at a faster rate, and get everyone out of here as soon as possible.

Delgado turned away, his concentration on getting the Judge from her stand when I did something that I hoped would work.

I bent down slowly as to not attract attention to myself and undid the leash from Kenai's collar. "Kenai, attaque." I muttered, pointing to Delgado across the room. She acted without further prompting, taking off across the room and jumping onto Delgado's back. I grab at the typists arm and shove her towards the door.

"Go!" I shout, helping the Judge to move to the door. "Jack get them out of here! Go!" I shout again.

I watch them leave, my heart beating heavily in my ears as they go. I was on edge and trying to get everyone out. Jack shoves them all through the door, not caring about being careful or cautious. I can hear the growling and shouts of pain from Delgado, and just as I go to turn a shot from the gun silences the growling and my heart stops.

I spin, watching as Kenai drops to the ground, blood pooling from her stomach.

I shout a guttural shout, sprinting at the man with no care for myself as I tackle him to the ground. The gun hits the ground at the same time and I slam my fist into his face, a crack sounds and I couldn't tell what broke. Delgado stops fighting against me, and I scramble quickly for the weapon, taking it into my hands and pointing it the man.

"Don't you bloody move!" I shouted, walking slowly to Kenai. "Kenai darling." I press a hand to her gunshot wound, feeling like I was about to cry. She whimpers, and I grab her, pulling her towards my chest and hugging her tightly. "You were the best."

And then she goes cold, and I feel my heart break.

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