↞ Chapter Nineteen ↠

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Season Six, Episode Twenty

"I believe that we are working together Detective Reagan." Agent Parker's voice was calm as he spoke, and I just sighed. I was not bothered by the fact that he had not acknowledge my presence, it was just after noon, and I was due to arrive at One PP in the next half hour.

I'd already looked into all of the victims lives so far, at least those that were I.D'd, by the time that Parker had arrived. The moment he had spoken, I knew that Danny was going to put up a fight. I didn't have to wait long.

"I already got a partner." Danny was blunt, as usual, and I spoke up before Parker could reply.

"A partner who is needed at One PP for most of today." I stood, taking my coat from the back of the chair and pulling it on. Danny frowned at me, as if he felt betrayed. "I apologize Danny, but I did promise the Commissioner to be on time for the first time."

He just nodded, and I kneeled down, taking my time to remove my gun from the bottom drawer as well as remove the other suit jacket and tie that I had there. Despite the fact that I was currently wearing a suit, the jacket in the drawer was a bit nicer, and felt correct to wear to this specific event.

"How you getting there? I'll give you a ride." He was very specifically trying to avoid speaking to Parker and I couldn't help but smile at how obvious it was.

"It's all good, the Commissioner is waiting outside for me." Danny nodded, and I stood tall. "I'll see you later Danny, send me updates."

It was a request, I wanted him to update me every step of the way, and he would. I started towards the front door of the precinct, pausing beside Parker, "Walk with me." The Agent did without questioning me, and after a moment I spoke again. "He'll pretend like he doesn't want you here, but you can just ignore that."

"Thank you Detective Inspector." I frowned, and he took a moment to continue. "I want to ask you a question." He hesitated, as if waiting for me to give permission.

I paused by the front door of the precinct. I took a deep breath, assuming what would come next and readying myself. "Go on then."

He nodded, looking down and setting his hands on his hips. "Fourteen years ago you survived an attack from Thomas Wilder, and now this case," He paused, "Are you sure that you are mentally capable of handling this case?"

It was a question that I expected, and one that I had been asking myself since the man had first shown up months ago. 

"If you had asked me three months ago, when Wilder first resurfaced, I would have told you no."

It was the truth, and based on Parker's face, it was what he expected to hear. I continued, "But now, I want more than anything to successfully get this man off the street, and I believe that my past experience can provide insight into the situation, despite the perceived limitations that you may believe are present."

I was being rather harsh in my tone and reply, but I didn't care, and Parker nodded.

"Thank you for your honesty Detective Inspector." Agent Parker held his hand out to me to shake, "I'll make sure that Detective Reagan updates you on the case, and we can work together when you return."

It was comforting to hear, and I shook his hand with a faint smile. "Thank you Agent Parker."

I turned and left, smiling at the Commissioner's van and the officers standing outside it. "D.I. Howards." It was said as a greeting as the Officer opened the back door for me and I climbed in.

"Frank." I smiled at him, and he greeted me in the same way. "Who all is going to be there? And how many actually know I will be?"

My assumption that he had brought me into the picture solely because he wanted to get me involved with something other than the case was correct, and I knew that in the way that he hesitated slightly before speaking.

"A collection of officials in the Police Departments of London, Ireland, and Scotland." He paused before answering the second question, "And only a few know that you will be there."

I nodded, not entirely sure how I felt about the situation. Frank continued to speak about the people that will be at the meeting, but I was only half listening.

A part of me concentrated on the question that Parker had asked. I second guessed myself, something that I tried to do rarely. I felt almost worried at the thought of Parker wondering whether or not I was mentally capable of handling the case, and I only wondered if he was right.

But this was not the time to think about this.

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