↞ Chapter Fifteen ↠

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Season Five, Episode Sixteen

"You're so afraid of a pot charge that you pissed your pants?"

I'd recognize that voice anywhere, it was Danny Reagan, and as I turned, I found him leading a high school age boy down the hallway, and as he said, he was covered in piss. I couldn't help but crack a smile, shaking my head as I left my desk to meet him at the entrance of the bullpen.

"You just gonna walk me through here like this?" The boy sounded absolutely panicked, and I snorted, pulling my hand from my sweatshirt pocket to wipe at my nose in a way of covering my laugh.

"Not feeling so tough since you sprung a leak?" I joked, watching as both Danny and the high school kid tensed up, turning and looking up at me with a surprised look.

The kid shook his head, almost trying to pull his hands around to the front of his body as he spoke in a whiny voice. "This is a violation of my civil rights!"

I just shook my head, closing the distance between Danny and I and speaking as if the kid wasn't there. "When's the last time we had an idiot like him in the car?"

Danny blew air out of his mouth in a mock whistle, "Definitely two years, at least." I nodded in agreement, "Why are you hear J, aren't you off today?"

"Damn Reagan, good to see you too." I joked, shrugging my shoulders. "Came in for some paperwork I need to go over before Monday. Jameson's got a night shift, and gave me a ride in." Danny readjusted his grip on the kid, and as he moved his head to nod in understanding, I caught sight of someone walking in behind him.

"You ask Drake in today?" I asked, looking away from the man as he came down the hallway.

Drake was a bloke going through a bad divorce, we'd been brought in multiple times to keep their fighting down, as well as serve him with the restraining order when the Judge came through. There was a kid caught in the middle of it all, and I felt awful for her, but because Drake was supposedly working on himself, Danny had taken a near-liking to him, and wanted to help.

"Damn, I forgot about that." Danny groaned, looking between me in my sweatshirt and the high school kid and his piss. "At least he looks sober."

I bobbed my head from side to side. "Mostly." I motioned towards Drake as he walked towards us, "You take Drake, I'll take piss boy."

"Aw you're the best." Danny said sarcastically, nudging the kid towards me and handing a bag of his stuff to me. "You came dressed to impress." It was said in the same sarcastic tone.

"Oh bugger off." I try to suppress my smile, but it peaked through and I rolled my shoulders a bit, displaying the 'Harvard' logo a bit. "Yeah, well I was prepared to lay on the couch all day," I turned talking over my shoulder as I went, "Not come into work."

I could barely hear Danny mumble about me being a smartass as I led the kid away.

I smiled at Officer Nolan standing behind the desk, passing the bag across. "I've got no idea what's his. The collar belongs to Detective Reagan."

"I gotchu I gotchu." Officer Nolan said it in a singing tone and I laughed, thanking the man as he motioned for me to move along. I firmly ignored the complaints of the kid next to me as I led the way to the holding cell. There was only four others in the cell, and I thanked the Officer as he took over putting the man away.

I walked back to the main part of the bullpen, intent on organizing the last bit of my paperwork on my desk before grabbing what I needed and leaving. But when I reached my desk I noticed the lack of Danny and Drake in the room, without meaning to I started to look around as I shuffled the papers around.

And there he was, in the box, which was rather an odd place to be with someone who wasn't a suspect. I pulled my files to my chest, double checking that I had everything, before starting to make my way towards the box. 

I was nearly there, when Danny made eye contact with me through the window, the look in his eyes told me to not come any closer. His hands were up by his head, like he had a forming headache or something in his eye, his hand so distinctly curved into a sign that I had taught him not so long ago.


Drake had a gun in the box, and my partner was in a compromised position.

I slowly backed away with an ever so subtle nod of my head. I snatched at the arm of the officer nearest to me, pulling her closer and keeping my voice low.

"I need you to get everyone out of here in a calm and orderly fashion." At the look that the Officer gave me, I continued. "There is a man in the box with Detective Reagan and he has a gun pointed at him. I'm going to need you to get everyone out subtly, now go."

The Officer nodded, and the second I let go of her arm she started around the room, speaking a few words to every Officer, Detective, and civilian in the bullpen. I made my way to Danny's desk, bending at the knee, I reached into the bottom drawer of his desk, bristling at the fact that his weapon was in there.

I couldn't tell if my reaction was because of the fact that he had decided to put it there before entering the box, or meager happiness that I now I had a weapon. I stood, adding the gun to the stack of papers, before making my way down the hall.

Nearly everyone was standing in the room, their eyes on me. I passed them all, walking straight up to the new Sargent that had taken over the precinct since Gormley's transfer.

"We've got a situation sir."

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