↞ Chapter Eighteen ↠

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Season Six, Episode Twenty

The air was cool when I began my run, the only sounds in the city was the few cars that passed me by. I felt as though everything had decided to hold its breath, as if everything was just a step from falling away and revealing something ominous.

It was accidental that I ran into New Jersey. Danny only lived ten miles from the border, and when I started over the bridge it was Just after seven and I didn't want to stop. The consistency of my feet hitting the ground felt nice, and I felt as though everything would start to make sense the longer I ran.

It didn't.

My breathing fluctuated slightly when I reached the peak of the bridge.

I told myself that the only reason my breathing had changed was because of the slight incline of running up the bridge, I knew that it wasn't true.

"J!" The voice was distant, and startling. I didn't yelp, but I did hesitate in my step, missing the next and hitting the ground nearly face first. A laugh followed my fall. "You good there Jett?"

I groaned in reply, and recognized the voice as Danny's. The constant clicking of someones flashers sounded from beside me, and I was glad for Danny's hands helping me to my feet. Hitting the ground made my forearm ache, and I took a deep breath when I stood straight.

"Pretend you didn't see that?" My voice was teasing, and Danny replied in the same tone. "We have a case or did you just come to fuck with me?"

Danny laughed again, "Case." He turned to the car, and motioned to the back row, "Got a suit back there for you." Despite the teasing tone that he previously used, there was something different in the way that Danny opened the car door and got in.

I pushed the observation away, "I'm still working a desk Danny." I climbed into the car with no issue, and reached around to pull the suit to the front row. "And besides your dad's got me most of today. There's some cops from London coming for a statue dedication and he's asked me to be at the meetings."

Danny nodded, and took a second to form his reply, I pulled the shirt on, buttoning it with ease and looking back at Danny. "He told me, and don't worry you'll be back in time."

"What aren't you telling me?" I asked it as I tucked my shirt into the tops of my pants.

He hesitated again. "It's Wilder." He paused, as if to gauge me reaction to the name.

I frowned. More than anything I felt the want and need to panic, my mind raced against me but I took a deep breath, and then another. I'd been working for months on everything that had happened revolving around the man, and in a way I'd be able to desensitize myself to just the mention of the name.

"Thank you for telling me." It was true, I was thankful that he had. The last time that the man had shown up, the entire family kept it a secret, and despite the smallest part of me that was happy that they had. I needed to be involved in this, I need to help capture Thomas Wilder. I feel as though it might bring me peace if I do.

Danny sighs. "Dad didn't want me to." He glances at me as he makes a left. "But I think you deserve to know. He killed someone across the border, and the FBI is there waiting to speak to us."

"Me." I corrected him, hearing the word in his tone despite the fact that he didn't say it. "They'll want to speak to me, as the only survivor."

Danny didn't reply.

I watched the scenery as we drove. Danny pulled off the road just beside a flashing unmarked van. I set my hand on the handle, a feeling of anxiety passed over me as I opened the door.

I felt a little bit more put together in my usual suit, and as I pulled on the coat and buttoned it in the front I surveyed the area with practiced eyes.

A man started walking towards us, raising his voice and waving his hands, "You aren't allowed here! This is a crime scene-"

"Detective Daniel Reagan, NYPD." Danny interrupted the man, and he relaxed.

The man sighs, "Still, Nassau County, it's not your jurisdiction." He puts his hands in his pockets, and watched the both of us in an expectant way, as if waiting for us to get in the car.

"But it's our case. We've got the best information on the man who committed these crimes, and we have an idea of the victim pool-" I wanted to keep listing off the reason's, but the man cut me off in an exasperated way. 

"Who the hell are you?" The Agent frowned as he spoke, as if I were familiar, but that he didn't know how.

I didn't want to reply. "Detective Inspector Jethro Howards, and you?"

He looked thrown that I had asked him, and that gave away his inexperience, I rolled my eyes, pushing past the man and towards, what I could only assume, was the sight of the bodies.

The Agent attempted to stop me, but Danny held him back. I grabbed the arm of the nearest Agent after looking across the field. "You're in charge." It wasn't a question, based on the way that the man was observing the terrain rather than wandering through gave him away.

"Adam Parker, Behavioral Analyst with the FBI." He gave his name without me needing to ask. "You're the detective with the case in New York. You Reagan or Howards?"

"Howards." I answered, looking at the already dug graves. "How many bodies?"

Parker hesitated, "Nine, so far." He nodded to Danny who came to stand on the man's other side, his shoulders heaving in a way that gave away how pissed off he was feeling. "Five men, four women."

I took a deep breath, ignoring the way that it seemed to catch in my throat.

Danny would insist on working the case alone, or more specifically without any FBI involvement. I could care less whether it was a joint investigation or just us, my only want was that the man that had haunted me for years without my knowledge was caught.

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