↞ Chapter Fourteen ↠

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Season Five, Episode Sixteen

"I don't think I'll ever get use too wearing this." Jameson mumbled, his hand splayed across my chest and his eyes firmly looking at the ring now decorating his ring finger. It had only been six days since I'd proposed, and it felt almost like a dream. I constantly found him looking at the ring with this faint sort of smile on his face, like he couldn't believe it.

"You'll have to love." I smiled at him, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, my hand unconsciously reached for his hand, and I pressed a kiss to his palm.

The fact that we had revealed it to Jameson's family had been accidental, though I had called my aunt the moment it was morning in Newport to let her know that I had, in fact, proposed. She, of course, squealed in excitement at a pitch that only dogs could hear, before immediately launching into details about the wedding. I had listened, taken in what she wanted me to do, and then made an excuse to hang up.

I hadn't had the chance to tell Danny, as Gormley gave me the first few days of the week off and then Danny had a court appearance to make. Either way, there hadn't been an opportunity, and beside it would be best to tell everyone at the same time, that is, beside Edit Janko. Jameson had gone to work the next day and informed me later on that she couldn't stop talking about how excited she was for us.

"I've got to get up." Jameson mumbled, his hand on my chest got heavier as he slowly pushed himself onto his knees and off of the couch.

I hummed, watching him as he walked out of the room. I threw an arm over my face to block out the strings of light coming from the half-opened window. I needed to get up too, I had left half a dozen files sitting on my desk that I needed to go through, and I might as well take this time to run in.

I pushed myself into a seated position, dragging a lazy left hand through my hair as I finally stood. I swayed on my feet, more tired then I wanted to feel, it was my day off, and I hadn't expected to do anything else other than lounge about and finish up some paperwork.

"What's up babe?" Jameson's voice made me look up, and I smiled.

"I think I'll ride in with you." At his questioning glance, I clarified, "I left some paperwork that I need to go through."

Jameson nodded, lifting his work bag a bit higher on his shoulder as he made his way to the door and opened it. Even though there was a set of stairs and another door blocking us from the outside, I unconsciously shivered, grumbling about the weather as I approached the hooks by the door and pulled a sweatshirt on. I took Jameson's bag from him, watching as he grabbed his car keys and started down the stairs first.

I followed just two steps behind him, closing and locking the door before continuing down the stairs with a shout of 'Goodbye' to Mrs. Jefferson. I could practically hear her grumble about me being 'too damn loud' for so late in the day.

Not that it was particularly late in the afternoon, just before six really, and my neighbor wasn't even home, though they never really are home. I'd maybe seen them once, twice at most in the five years I've lived here.

"You there babe?" Jameson's hand landed on mine, I looked up, waving off his concerned look.

"I'm alright love, just thinking." I smiled, opening my car door and climbing in with Jameson's duffel on my lap.

I watched him walk around to his side of the car, noticing the small smile on his face as he fiddle with the ring on his finger. He climbed in, starting the car with his right hand before reaching for my hand. I gave it to him, smiling as I pressed a kiss to the back of his hand.

"We have to actually plan a wedding now babe." Jameson said it with a almost-snort accompanied by a bright smile. I nodded even though he wasn't looking at me, my smile matched his.

"I know." My hand tightened around his as he pressed the brakes a bit too quickly, he gave me an apologetic smile as he continued to drive. "I honestly don't even know where to start."

He made a noise of agreement as he rounded the next turn, mumbling about us almost being to the 5-4. I didn't want to almost be there, the domestic bliss and simplicity of just being on a car ride with Jameson. The breaks of his car shuddered as he pulled to a stop outside of the precinct, placing the car in park and turning his whole upper body to face me.

"I love you babe." He smiled, leaning towards me, I closed the distance, pressing a firm kiss to his lips and snaking a hand up into his hair to bring him closer.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I mumbled against his lips, before pulling back and smiling. He fiddled with his ring as he watched me climb out of the car, a brighter smile than before on his lips. I closed the door behind me, waving as he drove away.

I'd take the Subway home, and that didn't bother me.

But going home to an empty bed was something that I ever wanted to do, but I'd see him tomorrow for family dinner and making the announcement to the family.

I smiled to myself as I walked inside, my hands tucked deep into my pockets and my shoulders up by my ears to keep the heat in as much as I could. The Officer behind the front desk smiled and waved as I walked in, I started to remove my weapon from my hip, before having an odd realization that I hadn't brought it with me.

I shrugged it off, walking down the hallway of the building and nodding at the few officers and detectives that I passed.

Oh how I wish I wasn't here on my day off.

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