↞ Chapter Ten ↠

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Season Five, Episode Five

I was the first to lift my head, Jameson's was firmly tucked in the crook of my neck and it took little prompting for him to look at me.

He tried to look calm, but his eyes were wide in terror. I helped him lean back against the dumpster, scanning him for any form of injury with one hand, the other reaching for my phone in my pocket. I fumbled with the little black box, muttering under my breath about that being the wrong pocket, as I reached into the other.

Jameson's arm was bright red and charred in some spots, the fabric of his uniform sticking to the burned angry skin. I pressed a hand around his wrist, pulling it close to my eyes as I dialed 9-1-1 in a moment of near irony.

"This is Detective Inspector Howards with the 5-4, I need a bus sent to 43rd and park." The conversation with the operator on the other end was laden with questions about what had happened, and after the promise of a watch commander and a bus I hung up.

"Oh bloody hell Jameson." I muttered, grabbing his flashlight from his utility belt and lighting up the air between our faces. "Stay down alright."

I stood, keeping my foot planted on the concrete next to him I looked around the area. Whoever threw the Molotov cocktail was gone, not that I expected him to stick around. The cruiser that Jameson and I were riding in was basically a black mess of metal and leather, it barely resembled the car that it once was.

I could hear the approaching sirens, and I bent back down in front of Jameson, pressing the heel of my hand to his cheek, making him look me in the eyes.

"Breath for me my love." I muttered, pressing my other hand to his chest and exaggerating my deep breathing to get him to mimic me. I need him to keep a clear head. "Did you see the guy who threw it?"

Jameson took a deep breath, "Taller than you." He chuckled despite the situation, "That's a feat. Dark hair, I don't know what else." He shook his head, lifting his hand to card it threw his hair.

"Okay, it's alright." I smiled, "You're doing great love."

I heard the squeal of breaks, and the walls of the building behind me lit up red white and blue, alerting me to the presence of the bus and squad commander that I had requested. I stood, holding a hand down to Jameson and carefully pulling him to his feet. He winced as he stood, and I did my best to hold him steady.

"Over here!" I shouted, waving my right hand to catch the attention of the EMS workers while keeping my left arm firmly around Jameson's waist.

The two ran over, the woman speaking to me as she took Jameson from my arms. "We got it from here Detective." I nodded, slowly letting go of Jameson but following behind them as the three of them made their way towards the bus.

"Detective Inspector?" I turned, my hand finding its way to my waist as I set my hand on my gun. A lieutenant was the one speaking to me, his name slipped my mind as I looked at him, but he held his hand out to me shaking my hand as he spoke. "Lieutenant Bradley, you called for the bus and watch command?"

I nodded, motioning to the charred remains behind me. "Officer Reagan offered to give me a ride back to the precinct, we started back and happened upon what we believed was a fender bender, flashed the lights, and the two guys took off." I motioned to where the bus is parked, letting the lieutenant know that that was the location of the supposed fender bender. "I called out that it was a set up, and seconds later a man approached the driver side window and threw what I believe was a Molotov cocktail into the car."

The Lieutenant scribbled notes down as I spoke, pausing briefly to radio for forensics before motioning for me to continue.

"I got out of the car, running around to Officer Reagan's side of the car and helped him out. I pulled him behind the dumpster just before the car exploded." I sighed, reaching up to card my hand through my hair, just like Jameson does when he is antsy or nervous. "Then I called it in, and now-" I motioned to him being there, and he nodded.

"You get injured in the explosion."

I shrugged my shoulders, too wired from the adrenaline of it to even notice that my fingers were a little red and the edges of my coat a little melted.

"Ride in with Officer Reagan." Lieutenant Bradley motioned to the bus, "Get yourself checked out, we'll handle the scene."

I nodded, turning to the bus and lifting a hand to catch their attention. I glanced over my shoulder back at the lieutenant. "My partner Detective Reagan and I are handling a case of manslaughter, and the perp has threatened the life of Officer Reagan. I believe the man who did this, is the same."

"I'll give Detective Reagan a call." Bradley reassured me that he could handle the scene, and I just nodded, finally turning and making my way to the bus. The female EMS worker offered her hand to pull me into the cab of the bus, and I took a seat on the bench.

I kept my eyes trained on Jameson, the EMS worker was doing her thing and wrapping the burn in some type of gauze and hooking him up to a couple of machines. She took a seat next to me, and in the haze of the last half hour, I hadn't noticed the throbbing radiating up my arms.

The fabric of my coat had melted just enough to adhere to the skin of my wrists, and I groaned in annoyance more than anything else.

"Not to bad Detective," The woman muttered, before crossing my forearms across each other and pushing them against my chest. She draped some white clothe from my hands, covering the wounds without touching them. "Keep your arms like that, it'll stop contamination."

I just nodded, my eyes still on Jameson.

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