↞ Chapter Two ↠

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Season Six, Episode Two

When I arrived at the precinct Danny wasn't near his desk, which meant three other potential places he could be. The first was in Gormley's office, which he wasn't, the second was the bathrooms, which he wasn't, and the last was one of the only places I genuinely did not think he would be.


He was standing in the center of an ops room, the specific room that is only to be used for a few reasons. Joint missions with the FBI, or larger task-force necessary missions.

Danny turned when I entered, a smile on his face but a frown in his eyes. "Sorry to interrupt the morning."

"What have we got?" I ignored his apology, taking instead to fully step into the room and remove my over coat. I draped it over the back of a chair, frowning as I looked up at the images hanging on the white board.

Danny sighs, turning to look at the board with me before speaking, "Seven bodies, four women, three men." I cringe, he continues. "We don't know the exact times yet, but the on-sight ME thinks the most recent one is from eight to fourteen months ago."

I didn't want to know the answer, but I asked the question anyways. "And the oldest?"

"Skeletal remains, she thought at least five years, probably more." Danny sounds a bit breathless as he speaks, and I can understand why.

I'd seen only one serial killer before, my time on the outskirts of London led to the discovery of a man who stole peoples eyes. It was a difficult case to stomach, and we never caught the guy. The killings stopped, and so I, and my partner at the time, made the assumption that whoever it was had been snatched up in an unrelated crime.

There hadn't been a serial killer in New York in almost twenty years, at least, a solo New York serial killer, and based off of Danny's over reaction so far, he hadn't seen anything as gruesome as the bodies in front of us.

"God I cannot believe that." I found myself turning away. "Have we got I.D's yet?"

Danny shook his head, taking a moment to turn away before being vocal. "No, but we've asked for a rush on testing. Should be here later today, maybe tomorrow."

It meant for a long night, internally I was already apologizing to Jameson, externally I was nodding. "I'm going to go through missing persons. Is someone still on sight-"

"Looking for remains?" Danny interrupted, his concentration on his phone as he answered my question. "Yeah, two more bodies. She looks like a week for one, maybe a month. The other, male, is way older. Expedited results already underway."

I nodded, taking a deep breath as I looked back up at the remains.

It's different, seeing someone as a skull and bones rather than the face that use to belong to them. I muttered a prayer to the families, wherever they may be, both Danny and I would try our best to find the killer who did this.

"I might be able to find something on her. Forward her picture to me." I didn't want to spend the greater part of my day comparing the faces of victims to missing persons, but I pushed away my personal wants in favor of doing what I saw as best in this situation.

I moved to leave the room, frowning to myself as I subconsciously reached for Kenai's collar. 

"Hey J?" Danny's voice stopped me, and for just a moment I worried that he had seen my lapse in memory, when I turned it didn't look as such. "Happy birthday."

I smiled. "What a way to spend the day." There was barely any humor in my voice.

"How old are you? Thirty-five?" Danny asked, a dozen micro-emotions flashing across his face as he tried to remember my age.

"Flattering." I motioned to myself dramatically, thinking of how Jameson would react to me in this moment. "All of this is thirty-three."

Danny laughed, a deep chested laugh that I could tell he needed in this moment. I smiled, giving a sighing laugh as a reply, before continuing to turn away and leave.

Something felt off about the air.

The images of the men and women, the victims, seemed to be seared into my eyes, it seemed so particularly familiar. Subconsciously I reached a hand up to my neck, my hand brushing against the scar that had been there for as long as I could remember.

Suddenly the air was freezing, and I paused in step, my mind wandering away from me inches away from the seat at my desk.

"Detective Inspector Howards?" The voice brought me back, and I turned, frowning slightly at the unfamiliar officer standing in front of me. "This was left at the front for you." She held up a plastic bag, and I smiled in thanks, accepting the bag from her and setting it on my desk.

Whatever feeling that was in the air is gone, and as I concentrate on opening the bag my computer takes its time to wake up. Inside the bag is a Tupperware container, and the moment I open it I find myself smiling brightly.

"Thanks love." I mutter it to myself, setting the bag on the ground beside me as I take in the breakfast in the container. Despite our interrupted breakfast this morning, Jameson still went out of his way to drop off a container of French Toast to me at the precinct.

I felt touched at the gift, but couldn't bring myself to eat it just yet, instead, I closed it back up, sticking it into the bag it was brought to me in and tucking the entire bag into the bottom drawer of my desk.

I started typing in the key words on my computer, and the moment I clicked search a disheartening feeling came over me. I knew that the idea of actually finding who the woman was based off of the limited information and no DNA evidence was slim, but the nine hundred and eight women in the database appeared just a bit more overbearing.

I took a deep breath, and begin scrolling.

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