↞ Chapter Nine ↠

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Season Four, Episode Fifteen

I was tired the next day and extremely nervous when I got to the precinct. We were nearing the sixty hour mark, and I had only one piece of new information which I wasn't even sure would be useful. 

"Okay, so you know how I took Scott's box home?" I said, opening the box and pulling the picture that I had noticed the similarity in.

"Yeah?" Danny asked, walking around to my side of the desks.

I wave my hand at the picture sitting on his desk and he gets the memo, passing Jenna's school photo over to me. "Ta-da." I mutter, pointing at the flower in Jenna's hair, before pointing at the same flower in Allie's hair.

"It's a flower." Danny sounded unconvinced.

"It's a flower." I put emphasis on the word, "A very specific homemade flower."

He still wasn't catching on. "Your point?"

"I saw the same  flowers on the custodian's cart when we were checking out the school." I shrug, "It's the smallest thing, but it's the best thing we got."

"No no, you're right. There's got to be something there. I-" Danny cut himself off, walking around to his desk and starting to look through the papers drenching his desk. "I've got the address! Her names Mrs. Galecki, and she was the last one to see Allie seven years ago."

"What are the odds," I mutter with an almost smile on my face.

"Grab your coat partner," Danny instructs, before pulling his on.

I do, pulling it onto my shoulders and placing my gun in it's holster before following Danny as he led the way out the back of the precinct. Though I did not have the same moment of forgetfulness that I did before, I still felt strange at not letting Kenai in the back, though Danny quickly distracted me.

"How did you see the connection? I had to have looked at the file a dozen times already."

I blushed despite myself, smiling at the thought of Jameson. "I was looking through the file when I got home." I said it with a shrug, hoping that answer would satisfy him.

"Ahuh." It did not.

"And maybe, just maybe," I paused, "I was snogging your brother."

I snorted as the car got silent, moments later, Danny burst into laughter, honking at a car to get out of our way. For some reason people cannot understand that 'lights and sirens' means 'get out of the way.' The laughter continued in small spurts the entire drive, and when we finally pulled up to the house he smacked my shoulder rather aggressively.

"We need to be serious." He waved a hand over his face, changing the chuckle to a stern and serious frown.

He got out first, and I took a moment to collect myself before following seconds later.

It was a nice neighborhood, and less than a dozen blocks from the school, it was an opportune place, if she did do it. I reached forward, knocking firmly on the door.

It took Mrs. Galeski less than a minute to answer the door, and when she did she stepped outside she closed the door firmly behind her. I frowned, the action was not necessarily suspicious, but when she didn't let her hand off of the knob, I tensed up.

"Is everything all right?" She asked, a smile on her face in a way that looked forced.

"We need to ask you a few questions." Danny replied, his voice emotionless, I spoke quickly after.

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