Prologue: In The Beginning

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*No One's P.O.V*

Koda is watching her parent's dogs while they were gone to a gathering with friends. The phone rings and she runs to answer it. The line was full of noise, making her hold the phone away from her ear for a second. She placed it back, and this time was able to hear sirens and the voices of many people.

"Hello?" Koda asks, her mind immediately racing to the worst.

"Is this Koda Winston?" A frantic voice asked from through the line.

"Who is this?" Furrowing her eyes, though the caller could not see them, Koda responds with a confused and stern tone in her voice.

"My name is Samantha Green."

"How did you get my mom's phone?" Koda asked, not taking any jokes.

"Koda, I was the witness of an accident."

The 23-year old's heart dropped. An accident? Her parents...

"Your parents are being taken to the hospital. They were in a wreck along with the people they were following and riding with."

"What happened to them? What caused it?" Koda asked, her heart beating faster.

"A drunk driver tried to cross the lane between them and cut both cars off on Highway 52. They collided with each other in the ditch and all three cars were flipped. The intoxicated driver was thrown from his windshield, but to my knowledge is alive." Samantha reported. "I found your mom's phone and called the number that said daughter."

"I'm glad you did. Thank you, Samantha." Koda said, hanging up. She then dialed the numbers of her friends, whom their parents had been in the wreck as well because they all went out together.

The face-time opened and Sage, Raymerea, Anora and Raine appeared on Koda's screen. Their expressions looked happy, then turned to concerned as Koda showed urgency and fear.

"Koda, is everything okay?" Anora asked.

"Yeah, what's the face for?" Raymerea, who the girls all called Ray, then said.

"Our parents were in a wreck. I need you guys to meet me at mom and dad's as fast as possible." Koda said and Sage immediately hung up, Raine followed.

"What happened?" Anora then asked, fear striking through her.

"I'll tell you when you get here. When you pull in, park in the driveway. I'll be waiting in the ditch. Y'all meet me and get in the truck. I'll explain on the way." Koda said, hanging up the call. She glanced at the dogs, who sat with confused stares, trying to process Koda's sudden panic.

"It'll be okay babies." Koda said, giving them each a hard-packed marrow bone and stuffing two rubber cones full of Milk Bones and bacon treats. "That'll keep you busy until I get back."

The only reason Koda was watching the dogs was because her parents had been gone since about noon and weren't supposed to arrive until about 11 pm. She glanced at the time— 7:26 pm.

'They should be here any minute.' Koda told herself, grabbing her keys from the counter and heading out to her truck that was parked in her parent's ditch.

Koda hadn't been waiting long, maybe 3 minutes, when Ray and Sage showed up. They pulled into the driveway, barely hitting their brakes before turning in. They jumped out and ran to Koda's truck, jumping in the back. Raine then showed up, getting in the front with Koda. Anora came last, but soon after the rest and Koda sped down the neighborhood and onto the main road as soon as Anora closed the door.

"So, what happened? Are they okay?" Raine asked, her fear showing clear in her tone.

"All I know is what happened. A drunk tried to change lanes between them and clipped all three cars off of the road."

"What road were they on?" Ray asked.

"Highway 52." Koda's answer was quick as she changed lanes to get onto the highway. Her parents didn't live far from the on ramp—you just had to drive through town a bit to get there.

"What all happened?" Sage then asked and Koda hesitated to answer, not knowing how to put it without the truth coming out sharply.

"Koda?" Anora remarked.

"They flipped. The drunk was thrown but was alive when they loaded him."


When the girls arrived at the hospital, the nurse allowed them all back to see their parents. They were all in a combined room, except for Koda's dad.

"Mom... where's dad?" Koda asked with a shaky voice.

"He's being watched. He lost so much blood that the doctors say it might be dangerous." Her voice was strained, and she sounded tired. A tear fell from Koda's eye.

Just then, someone came in.

"Mrs. Winston?"

Koda's mom raised her hand but couldn't sit up. "Yes? How is he?"

The doctor shook his head. "I'm afraid it's the worst."

Mrs. Winston sighed and closed her eyes. When she opened them, they were red, and tears threatened to fall.

"That's what I was afraid of." She said.

"Ma'am, what is your relation to Mrs. Winston?" He asked Koda. The black and teal-haired girl responded with a quiet voice.

"I'm her daughter..." She said. Koda's friends were watching the event and banded together at the door as the doctor led her out to her father's room.

"Koda, we're so sorry..." Anora said, placing a hand on her friend's shoulder. Koda smiled weakly before following the doctor from the room.


Mr. Winston lay on the bed, the flatline screeching in a single high-pitched ring. Koda knew he was gone, but part of her wanted to say that it was all just a dream. They'd been so close... how could it end this fast? It was blur and Koda secretly refused to believe that he wasn't coming home, physically. Instead, she lifted her head, as if looking at the ceiling of the hospital.

"You're home now, dad. Say hi to everyone for us." She said, a single tear escaping her eye. The doctor walked over and handed her a black bandana.

"We just had it cleaned from the blood. He told me to give it to you." He said and Koda took it. Tying the bandana around her wrist, she thanked the doctor for trying everything they could. He simply nodded and Koda checked the time.

'8:00.' She told herself. Visiting was over. She gathered her friends, who had all agreed to come back to her house to stay the night after they got their things from their houses, and drove back to her parent's—now mom's—house. When everyone left, Koda raised her back seats against the back wall of the truck cab and laid out a thick blanket along with two pillows. She then went inside, grabbed everything she'd brought and leashed the dogs. She locked the door behind her and led them to the truck. As the dogs jumped in the back, Koda shut the door and drove off to her house, trying to avoid the tears that burned in her eyes...

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