Chapter 4: The Farm

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You've been in the truck for what feels like ages and you're asleep with your head on Lee's arm snoring. You finally pull up to a farm with a fence, a barn and a white house in the middle of it. Lee shakes you a little to get you to wake up.

Lee: Hey Y/N, we're here.

You wake realizing that you were on his shoulder, you jolt up trying not to make it awkward. You rub the back of your neck in embarrassment and speak.

You: Sorry. I just used to do that in the car with my dad before he... ya know.

Lee: Hey it's alright kid, god knows what you've been through.

You both get out of the car to catch up with everyone.

Clem: Where were you?

Lee: I just had to wake Y/N up.

She looks at you.

Clem: Are you tired?

You: Yeah, I haven't slept in a while.

Shawn: If you want you can go and sleep in that barn, we got a family already sleeping in there.

You look at the barn.

You: Yeah sure. Thanks for the help Shawn.

Shawn: No problem kiddo.

You walk over to the barn and open it. You see 3 sleeping bags on the floor, you lay down on the one to the far right and instantly pass out.

Time skip

You wake up in the barn and feel something wrapped around you. Clementine was hugging you.

Your thoughts: She probably had a bad dream or something.

You take her arms and unwrap yourself trying not to wake her up, which fails but not because of you, but because a man in an orange and white cap with long hair and a mustache woke her and Lee up.

???: Hey, get up.

Lee let's out a slight yawn while getting up, Clem is already standing up itching herself.

Clem: I'm itchy!

???: Well you slept in a barn, little lady. Lucky you don't have spiders in your hair.

This shocks Clementine and she gasps looking up.

???: But I bet your brother and daddy scared em all away, huh?

Lee: We're uhh... not related. Name's lee.

???: I'm Kenny.

All of a sudden a boy pops out and yells at his dad.

Weird kid: Dad we're gonna build a fence, there's a tractor and everything!

Kenny: We better get going, or we won't hear the end of it.

You all begin to walk out, but you forgot to grab something, so you turn around and pick up your hat and put it on your head. You catch up with the rest.

Kenny: That's my boy, Ken Jr, we call'em duck though.

You: Dodging or quacking?

Kenny: Quacking.

Lee: Duck?

Kenny: Yeah, nothin bothers him. Like water off a ducks back, y'know?

Lee: That's a valuable trait lately.

Kenny: No kidding. But frankly, I think it's because he's as dumb as a bag of hammers.


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