Chapter 83: Betrayel

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You all walk down the dark train tunnel, that's only lit up by flashlights.

Jesus: These tunnels were abandoned decades ago. But I've heard you can get's hoping.

You and Clem look at each other and nod. Clem grabs Javier's arm.

Clem whisper: Javi, we need to talk to you.

You all slow down.

Javier whisper: About?

Clem whisper: Look, I appreciate you keeping quiet about me and the New Frontier. Both of us do. But what I told you's not the whole truth. Look, I wasn't their prisoner. I was...

She rolls up her sleeve.

Clem whisper: I was one of them.

She rolls her sleeve back down.

Clem whisper: I should have told you sooner. I...I really should have.

Javier whisper: You were with those monsters?!

You whisper: She didn't have a choice, Javi.

Clem whisper: They're that. I'm not asking you to forgive me... But you have to understand....I had...nobody. I was all alone, and...I thought I didn't need them... But they were very...persuasive.

The rest of the group walks around a corner and opens a door. They all walk in as you, Clem, and Javier walk around the corner and stop walking.

Clem whisper: It was a mistake. And so was not telling you about it.

Javier whisper: Tell me you're not still one of them.

You whisper: She's not, Javi.

Clem whisper: No way. Believe us. We just had to explain, because if they're really in control in Richmond, we can't let them see us. We just...can't.

You whisper: So when we reach the other side of this tunnel, we're leaving.

Conrad: Y'all planning on joining us?

You look to see the rest of the group waiting for you.

Tripp looks at Conrad.

Tripp: Shh!

You, Clem, and Javier catch up with the rest. You make it to a long train tunnel. It's dark. Really dark. You can hear walker moans coming from the left, but they sound kinda far away.

Tripp: You all hear that?

Javier: Coming from over there.

Jesus: Can you see anything?

Javier shines his flashlight to the left, where there's group of walkers hidden in the dark.

Gabe: They're everywhere!

Tripp: Fuck, they are! Keep sharp!

Jesus: Watch out!

Javier turns around to see a walker. He hits it in the head with his flashlight twice.

Gabe: Javi! Help!

You see Gabe aiming his gun at a bunch of walkers, that are cornering him.

Javier tries to run up and help, but he gets grabbed by a walker and starts struggling with it. He stabs the walker from the bottom of its jaw.

Gabe gets pinned to a wall and starts struggling with two walkers. Jesus rips his binds off with an old trick of twisting your hands and pulling them apart.

You and Jesus run up to the walkers. Jesus jumps off off of a wall and kicks one of the walkers in the head. You grab the other walker and you throw it over you and pin its neck with your foot.

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