Chapter 15: The Lesson

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It's been maybe 30 minutes since Katjaa killed herself, Lee killed Duck, because Kenny couldn't bring himself to do it. You and Clem are sitting next to each other dangling your feet out the sliding door. You have an angry expression on your face, because Chuck said that Clem was going to get killed like Duck. Clem was leaning her head on your shoulder, but you didn't mind, she needed to be comforted right now.

Lee walks in and Clem immediately takes her head off of your shoulder and scooted away a bit out of embarrassment. You look at her and she's blushing a lot. You try to remember what your dad told you about you and her but it's all just a big blur. Lee walks over and sits in the middle of you both.

Lee: Hey kids.

You/Clem: Hey Lee.

Lee: You wanna talk?

You/Clem: Uh uh/not really.

Lee: You two, uh, understand what happened?

You/Clem: Yes/yeah.

Lee: Okay.

Lee notices that you're more angry than sad.

Lee: What are you thinkin about?

You: What Chuck said.

Lee: What'd Chuck say?

Clem: That what happened to Duck would happen to me.

Lee: The fuck he did?

You and Clem: Swear.

Lee: Sorry. I'm gonna go talk some sense into him.

Clem: Don't be mad.

Lee stands up and walks out.

You: Don't listen to Chuck, he's an old hobo that didn't shower even before all of this. I won't let anything ever hurt you.

Clem smiles at you and you smile back.

Clem: Thanks Y/N.

A few minutes later Lee comes back and sits down where he did last time.

Lee: Hey kids.

Clem: Did you talk to him?

Lee: I did, he had some, uh... he explained himself and made some good points. Look, we're not gonna let anything bad happen to you. But there are some precautions we have to take.

Clem: Okay, yeah, that makes sense.

Lee: Don't worry, sweet heart.

Clem: Okay. What should we do?

Lee: Well, we're going to figure out a plan for when we get to Savannah, teach you how to protect yourself and, uh, tidy you up a little so you can't get grabbed so easily.

Clem: I'd like that.

You: Me too, it's good protection.

Lee: Good.

Lee stands up and walks a few feet away.

Lee: You need to learn how to protect yourself.

You and Clem stand up and look at Lee.

Clem: Like hiding or running away, got it.

Lee pulls out a pistol from his back pocket.

Lee: I mean with one of these. First, don't be afraid of it. It's just a thing. Take it. But know where you finger is all the time. He pulls back the barrel, putting a bullet in the chamber. And don't put it on the trigger unless you want to hurt somebody.

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