Chapter 46: Worst Kind of People

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You and Clem are outside. Sarah's going to the bathroom. You cross your arms while you and Clem look at a camouflaged moth on a tree.

Clem looks at you.

Clem: We, uh...

You look at Clem.

Clem: never got a chance to talk about what happened at the lodge.

You look back at the moth.

You: There's nothing to talk about.

Clem: That's bullshit, and you know it-

You look at Clem.

You: What was I supposed to do? Just let him die?

Clem: He could've KILLED you.

You: Yeah, well he didn't. He killed Walter, he was going to kill Alvin, and I wasn't gonna let him kill anyone else. If I hadn't done what I did, then Alvin would be dead. Then what? Who would be next? If Kenny hadn't given up, then Carver might've killed you too.

You uncross your arms and you turn your whole body to Clementine.

You: I can't live with knowing that I couldn't save you.

Clem: That doesn't mean that I can with live the fact of you in a grave. If you died, I...

She looks at the moth again.

Clem: I wouldn't be able to function the same.

You feel kinda bad. You know what you did was the right thing, but... you hate seeing her sad.

You can tell that she's thinking about you dying. She starts to cry.

You hug Clem. She doesn't respond for a few seconds, but eventually hugs you back tightly. You can feel her tears drip onto your shirt.

Clem: Please don't make me go through that again.

You: Okay.

Clem: Do you promise?

You: I can't.

Clem: Why not?

You: 'Cause I don't wanna lie to you. The only thing that I need to do is to protect you.

Clem: But what about you? If you keep on saving everyone, then who'll save YOU?

You: I-

Troy: You about done over there?

You both stop hugging. Sarah comes out of the woods.

Sarah: Yeah, one second! Thanks for coming with me. It's scary out here. I know they made you... It's still nice that you guys came.

You: You're welcome, now let's go.

You start to walk back to the truck.

Clem's POV
You and Sarah watch Y/N walk away.

Sarah: What's wrong with HIM? Is he mad?

Clem: It's nothing. You don't have to worry about it. Come on.

You both follow behind Y/N.

Your POV
You make it back to the truck to see Carver and Troy. Clem and Sarah walk over to you.

Troy walks over to Clem and Sarah.

Troy: Everything come out alright, girls?

You: Excuse me?

Carver: Troy. Get 'em tied up.

Troy: Will do...

You all walk over to the back of the truck.

Carver talks on his walkie-talkie.

Carver: Well, we're on our way, probably thirty minutes out. Make sure everyone's prepped. Emotions might be running high. Carver out.

Troy grabs Sarah's hand aggressively to tie her up.

You stare at Carver's walkie-talkie.

Carver: If I find out you've been wasting fuel to keep that fuckin' heater going, I'll make you walk back.

Troy: Nope. Froze my ass off...just like you told me to.

Troy ties Clem's hands together.

Carver catches you staring.

Carver: It ain't polite to listen to other folks' conversations. Has anyone ever taught you that? Where's your manners?

You give him the death glare. Carver finds this both amusing, and annoying. He walks up to you and punches you in the cheek, making you fall to the ground.

You: Ugh!

Clem/Sarah: Y/N!/No! Stop!

Clem's about to crouch next to you to make sure you're okay, but Troy makes sure that she doesn't. She feels terrible that she can't do anything to help you. She watches in torture as you hold your cheek.

Sarah: Don't hit our friend!

Carver: You don't want to test me, boy. I'll pass every time.

Sarah: Leave him alone.

Carver begins to walk to the front of the truck.

Carver: Tie him up and throw him in with the rest of 'em.

Bonnie offers you a hand, but you refuse and glare at her. I mean; what do you expect from someone you shot?

You stand up and Troy binds your hands together. Troy climbs onto the back of the truck to open it. He aims his gun at you.

Troy: In.

You, Clem, and Sarah enter the truck, where the rest of the group is. You and Clem sit next to each other, and Sarah sits next to Carlos. Carlos' broken fingers have been put in a splint.

Sarita: Are you guys okay?

Kenny notices the bruise on your face.

Kenny: The hell did he do to you? Hey! Did he hurt you? Hey. Hey!

Troy closes the door.

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