Chapter 107: Catching Up

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You decided to go with C.

You get changed.

Clem looks back at you as you button up the last button. You roll up the sleeves and you put your necklace back on. You put on your glasses.

You turn around and you look at Clem.

You: How do I look?

She smiles.

Clem: Looks good.

She looks at your hat, which is on the bed.

Clem: You forgetting something?

You look at the hat.

You: Oh. Right.

You walk over to the bed and you pick up the hat. You put it on.

Clem smiles.

Clem: There you go.

You smile back.

You: Come on. Let's go to the campfire.

Small timeskip
You walk out of the town hall with Clem. You see the campfire with everyone around it. Clem grabs your hand and you both walk over to it.

Jack looks behind him and spots you. He stands up.

Jack: Hey, everybody!

Everyone looks at Jack.

Jack: This is my brother that I was telling you guys about: Y/N!

Jack places his arm on your shoulder.

You just wave at everyone as they all say different hellos. Such as: Hi, hey there, nice to meet you, so and so.

You: Hi.

Jack: Oh, and that's his girlfriend Clem.

She waves.

Clem: Hey.

Everyone does the same thing with her. Clem sits down next to AJ. Everyone begins to have their own conversations

Jack whisper: wanna catch up?

You nod.

You whisper: Sure.

You get on one knee next to Clem. You tap her on the shoulder and she looks at you.

You: I'm gonna go catch up with my brother.

Clem: Okay.

You kiss her and you stand up. You and Jack walk away. You both sit on the steps of the town hall.

Jack: So how have you been?

You: Okay. It's not really planet to exist, so...

Jack: Yeah, I feel you. I feel you.

He clears his throat.

Jack: When'd you meet Clementine?

You: The very start.

Jack: Were you with mom and dad then?

You shake your head.

You: No. They died the first night.

Jack sighs.

Jack: Jesus... How'd it happen?

You: Well, we first heard about the virus thing the same day. Dad just got done teaching me how to shoot. He gave me his hat, so that I could sleep with it... But I woke up to mom and dad talking in the living room. I went downstairs and I saw them looking out the glass door. They saw a walker outside, but they didn't know that. I tried walking up to them, but mom told me to stay where I was. Dad decided to check it out to see if they needed help. By the time he figured out what it was... Jesus... Mom tried to help dad, but the walker killed her. I grabbed dad's revolver and I ran outside. I killed the walker and I went up to dad... He told me to shoot him... He told me to shoot mom, too...

Jack hugs you and you hug back.

Jack: I'm sorry, man. That wasn't your fault, okay? You got that, brother?

You: ...Yeah.

Jack pulls out of the hug and puts his hand on your shoulder.

Jack: They would've been so proud of the man you've become.

You scoff.

You: No they wouldn't.

Jack: Yeah they would.

You: I've done some screwed up shit, Jack.

Jack: We've all done screwed up shit. Who the fuck hasn't? You are raising a child with your girlfriend. You think mom and dad wouldn't be proud of you?

You shrug.

Jack: Everything we do--we do it to protect the ones we love. I'm sure that everything that you've done has been for the sake of Clementine or AJ. Am I right?

You: ...Yeah. Yeah, you're right.

Jack: That's what I'm saying. Is that how you lost your eye?

You chuckle.

You: I was hoping you wouldn't notice.

Jack: No offense, but those glasses do a shit job of covering it up.

You: Well, it's worked for AJ so far.

Jack: Wait, he doesn't know?

You: Oh, he does. I just don't let him see it. Ever. No matter how much he says he can handle it, I always have to convince him.

Jack: Why don't you show him? Does Clem force you?

You: No, she doesn't force me! She's never liked the fact that I wear these. I wear them because when you look at my face, you see death. You don't see a normal teenager when I take these glasses off.

You sigh.

You: The short story is I saved Clementine, and in return I got a bandit's bullet to the eye.

Jack: Just another thing you did for someone.

You: ...Yeah, I guess.

Jack: No, not "you guess". You did. You saved her life, man.

You stare at your boots.

Jack pats you on the back and stands up.

Jack: Come on.

He walks down the steps.

Jack: Let's get back to the fire.

You stand up and you follow him back over to the fire.

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