Chapter 109: Hangover

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You wake up to a blinding light. You cover your eye and so does Clem.

Clem: Oh, god...

???: Jesus Christ. Put your damn clothes on and get outside.

He closes the closet.

Your thoughts: What does he mean put our... Wait.

You and Clem look at each other. You're both shirtless.

You: Did we...?!

Clem: I don't know!

You: Oh, shit... Did I wear a condom?!

Clem: I don't remember anything, Y/N!

You: Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

Clem: Let's just put our clothes on.

You: Yeah...yeah, okay.

You both put your clothes back on. You pick up your glasses and hat and you put them on. You and Clem walk out of the closet to see that it's morning. You groan.

You: I thought we agreed to not get drunk...

Clem: I wasn't planning on it...

You both walk out of the clubhouse to see the blinding sunlight. You tip your hat down, so that your eye's covered.

Clem: Don't ever, ever, ever, ever let me drink again...

You groan.

You: This was your idea...

Clem: Well, I didn't think THIS would happen...

You see people at picnic tables eating breakfast. You see El sitting next to a little girl.

You: I need to go see El.

Clem: Okay. I'm gonna find AJ.

You nod. You both go your separate ways. You walk over to El and the little girl. You sit next to El.

You: El...

El: Jesus, you look like a mess.

You: YOU made me this way...

El: Here, have some water.

He slides you a glass of water. You down it.

You: and Clem...did it last night.

El: Yeah. I know. You asked me for a condom.

You: So I wore a condom?!

El: If you asked for it for no reason, then I'm gonna smack you across the face.

You: Oh, thank god. I must've taken it off when we got done.

El: Yeah, you're good.

You: What the hell happened last night?

El: You had one drink. I pushed you to two. People kept giving you drinks.

You: And Clem?

El: Same story.

You groan.

You: Dude...

You slam your head on the table, causing your hat to fall of.

You: please don't make us drink like that again.

El: Way ahead of ya. Anymore--you might get alcohol poisoning.

You: It feels like a already do.

Little girl: El, I'm finished with breakfast. Can I go play now?

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