Chapter 132: Hunting

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You're walking down a path with Louis and Aasim. You have all your weapons with you, including your bow, so you're prepared to hunt.

Aasim: Hunting grounds are usually clear of walkers. Sometimes they get caught in the snares and shit, though. You see a ribbon on a tree, traps are nearby.

You see a rope attached to a tree that has a ribbon.

Aasim: So watch where you step.

Louis scoffs.

Louis: Please. I think I can handle myself. I'm basically a ninja. Skilled in the craft of martial arts.

You: Ah, I too am trained in martial arts, my fellow ninja.

Aasim: Oh, my god.

You: No, seriously. I know how to fight like a ninja.

Louis: For reals?

You nod.

Louis: You should teach me some stuff.

You: We'll see.

Aasim: We've got work to do. Not all of us have the privilege of being Marlon's lapdog.

Louis: Oh, ouch! Someone's a little jealous... In my defense, I totally get things done. I just prefer to think of survival as more of task. So, you know--don't sweat the technique.

You: No one can afford to be short-sighted. You have to have a backup plan if you want to survive.

Aasim: Damn right. You think you're clever, but you think way too small.

Louis: Hey, look. I don't need approval from anybody. I've kept myself alive this long doin' what I'm doin', so...

Aasim: You act like you're the only one with a strategy. I play the long game.

You hear a walker growling from a distance.

Aasim: You've gotta have plans B, C, and D.

Louis: And what if you don't make it that far?

You whisper: Shh, shut up a second.

You all stop walking. You listen for where the walker's coming from. You see something in the distance. Louis takes out Chairles, and you active your hidden blade.

You all walk over to the thing you saw. You come to realize that it's just a walker upside down, caught in a trap.

Louis: Ha! Hey, check this guy out.

He walks up to the walker.

Louis: He's like a walker piñata!

He taps the walker in the head with Chairles a few times.

Aasim: Cut it down, fix the snare, and let's go. He says, walking a short distance away.

Louis: I will, I will! Eventually.

Aasim stops walking and looks at you.

Aasim: If you want food for the kid and your girlfriend, I could use a hand. Or you can mess around with this idiot and starve.

He looks away and starts walking away.

Aasim: It's up to you.

Louis: "Or you can starve." He says in a mockingly tone.

He turns back to the walker.

Louis: So dramatic. He says in his regular voice.

You don't wanna waste time. You walk over to Aasim. On the way there, you find something on the ground and you pick it up. It's a cat skull.

You: Huh. This is cool. Edgy.

You put it away.

You walk over to Aasim.

Aasim: Come to hunt? I hear something rustling around in here.

You: Yeah, let's do this.

Aasim: Thanks for taking this shit seriously. I'll never understand that idiot.

You and Aasim walk a short distance.

Aasim: You a good shot?

You: Yeah. You say, taking your bow off your back.

You load in two arrows.

Aasim: Good. I'll chase them out of the bush. You shoot.

Aasim walks over to a bush.

Aasim: Last time I was out here it looked like one of the rabbits had some babies. I'm not sure how many are still around, so careful where you shoot. Aim for the parents.

Aasim scares two rabbits out of a bush. You shoot both of them. Aasim walks over to the rabbits.

Aasim: You weren't lying. You're a damn good shot. He says, picking both rabbits up. Gonna need a few more like this if we're hoping to eat, though.

You nod.

Aasim: I saw some others run this way. He says, walking over to another bush.

You load in an arrow.

Aasim scares a rabbit out of the bush and you shoot it.

You and Aasim walk over to the rabbit. Aasim picks it up.

Aasim: You definitely nailed the thing. He says, putting it away.

Louis: Guys, c'mere!

You raise your eyebrow. You put your bow on your back.

You and Aasim walk over to Louis, who's standing in front of a baby rabbit caught in a trap.

You: It's a baby.

Louis: Well, all meat is good meat. He says, putting his hands on his hips.

Aasim: It's not enough. Release it, let it get bigger.

Louis: Man, I'm hungry.

Aasim: So am I, but we'll be even hungrier tomorrow if we don't let him go.

Louis: Tomorrow doesn't exist, dingus. There's just today. And today, I'm hungry. We're hungry.

You walk up to the rabbit.

Louis: Are you gonna do it? I can't watch.

You take its foot out of the trap and you release it. It runs off into the woods.

Louis: Really? What are we supposed to eat tonight, then?

You and Aasim glare at Louis. He sighs.

Louis: I get it. I wouldn't want to kill a baby bunny, either.

Aasim: You'll thank me in a few months.

Louis: If we live that long.

Louis turns around and walks a short distance away.

Louis: Alright, well, the snares have all been reset and are ready to trap things.

Louis turns around.

Louis: We good to go now or what?

Aasim: Thanks to Y/N, we got more than I expected. Not enough for everyone, but enough to smile about.

Aasim walks up to Louis and turns to look at you.

Aasim: I'll take this back. You two should meet up with the girls and AJ, see if they've managed to snag any fish. This isn't gonna be enough for the whole school. See ya.

Aasim walks away.

Louis: Follow me. The girls and the kid are probably near the shack.

You both head towards the shack.

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